Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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bruh. There. Is. No. Escape.
Trying to get a glass of water like

Daily life.

'where are we going babe?'

'what are you getting us babe?'

'the kitchen again?'

'the same stuff is in the fridge as last time silly billy'

'No I'm good, still full from earlier, thank you '

'no I'm sure. I don't have a taste for anything.'

'lolllll, I know I normally get hungry, no really, don't make me a plate'

'truely, I'm full'

'enjoy your meal babe'


'Mmmm that smells good'


'CaN i HaV SoMe???'
So they have people arrested, forced into close quarters, and sent to jail for an afternoon in another highly contagious facility? Makes perfect sense. The punishment doesn’t fit the crime.
It’s not even about the virus anymore. It’s about control. Be careful out there.
Aren’t they also letting inmates out? The police seem like the ones creating the havoc, creating the virus spread with their anti social distancing arrest process. It just doesn’t make sense.
They are literally hands off for every crime except social distancing.
What part of Mexico bro?


Daily life.

'where are we going babe?'

'what are you getting us babe?'

'the kitchen again?'

'the same stuff is in the fridge as last time silly billy'

'No I'm good, still full from earlier, thank you '

'no I'm sure. I don't have a taste for anything.'

'lolllll, I know I normally get hungry, no really, don't make me a plate'

'truely, I'm full'

'enjoy your meal babe'


'Mmmm that smells good'


'CaN i HaV SoMe???'


why oh why are they so pressed about these stupid sports leagues?

yes, I like jerseys too, but there is an active pandemic on this planet..I swear these greedy mfs would have kept the games going during the Second World War, just Premier League games in bombed out Euro stadiums.

President SIlver is losing some of that credibility I just gave him yesterday.

For example, landlords in New York can’t file eviction orders against tenants right now – but they can come June 20. “The moment these moratoriums are lifted, we’ll see massive evictions,” said Emily A. Benfer, a professor at Columbia Law School who has been following and documenting the policies by location. And the state hasn’t announced any grace period for tenants to pay off their rental debt, and their nonpayment can still be reported to the credit scoring companies.
you dont hear about these superspreaders here in the states anymore
only in europe and asia

besides one of the first cases in ny the lawyer from westchester

Our contact tracing is almost nonexistent compared to SKorea.
SKorea's daily infected #s were in the single digits so it's easier to spot super-spreaders.
Could you imagine 1 or a few asymptomatic people at Disneyland?

why oh why are they so pressed about these stupid sports leagues?

yes, I like jerseys too, but there is an active pandemic on this planet..I swear these greedy mfs would have kept the games going during the Second World War, just Premier League games in bombed out Euro stadiums.

President SIlver is losing some of that credibility I just gave him yesterday.

Dope man, I've been there.

And huge facts. NBA looking thirsty af right now.

still voting for him over trump.

****, I'd vote a cashew into office before I scribble in a vote for trumpette
Channel 9 CCNN Breaking News:

Our affiliates in the Klantee suburb of San Diego have been able to obtain this exclusive footage of some guy and his wife protesting for their rights as a merican...by wearing homemade Nazi flags to the supermarket?

According to LinkedIn, Dustin Hart works as a Test Operator at Qualcomm--his little gf probably sucks his ****, making her just as bad a person--and it sure would be a shame if this followed them around forever and ever.

Stay tuned to Channel 9 for updates as they come to the newsroom...stay safe, mask up, and wash your hands.
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