Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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I've big a big fan of countries like Taiwan, SK, and New Zealand that have nearly eliminated the virus, but I think the sad reality is that it may be impossible to get rid of it completely. And it makes me wonder why they are going full strength with night clubs.

And as it is now tradition, here we go:

Covid is a pesky bugger.

I think SK had to try with the nightclubs and I think it's impressive how quickly they tracked the source of the outbreak.
Covid is a pesky bugger.

I think SK had to try with the nightclubs and I think it's impressive how quickly they tracked the source of the outbreak.

yes, but are you willing to live with stuff like passive Bluetooth contact tracing as a Permanent Thing?

...because cosmiccoffee9 cosmiccoffee9 sure don´t love it.

imagine a world where your job could, as part of a zero tolerance policy for intoxication at work, determine if you have been near your local liquor store or ¨drug neighborhood¨ within a certain period, and fire you.

same way 9/11 led to getting microwaved and butt-searched in airports, weird **** could come out of COVID-19.
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I've been bashing everyone who weren't taking this **** seriously since Day 1. But those ideas about bluetooth tracing, chips in your body or whatever the **** crosses a line. They don't take those things away. They'll present it like it's temporary and will only last as long as the virus lasts, but that **** once implemented will never be taken.
Think about all the companies (including mine) that are "temporarily reducing salaries". You think they're going to resume your normal salary the day this ends? **** no. Everyone irl has been calling me "pessimistic/skeptical/doomsdayer" since this began, but even I wouldn't cross that line of government surveillance.
yes, but are you willing to live with stuff like passive Bluetooth contact tracing as a Permanent Thing?

...because cosmiccoffee9 cosmiccoffee9 sure don´t love it.

imagine a world where your job could, as part of a zero tolerance policy for intoxication at work, determine if you have been near your local liquor store or ¨drug neighborhood¨ within a certain period, and fire you.

same way 9/11 led to getting microwaved and butt-searched in airports, weird **** could come out of COVID-19.
As a permanent thing? No. As a temporary measure until we get a vaccine or at least until medical professionals better understand what's the best protocol for covid treatment. Yes

I was supposed to go here at the end of July. 😩
As a permanent thing? No. As a temporary measure until we get a vaccine or at least until medical professionals better understand what's the best protocol for covid treatment. Yes

okay I don´t want to seem like one of #thoseguys (or more importantly, derail the thread) but:

how many of the effects of 9/11 on legislation and society were temporary? for that matter, optional?

for the record, I hate to repeatedly use 9/11 as a talking point, but this is a BIG fork in the road.
okay I don´t want to seem like one of #thoseguys (or more importantly, derail the thread) but:

how many of the effects of 9/11 on legislation and society were temporary? for that matter, optional?

for the record, I hate to repeatedly use 9/11 as a talking point, but this is a BIG fork in the road.
Honestly, for me, 9/11 changed two things:

My address (9/11 changed the real estate market) and the fact that we could keep our phones with us at all times (before that, we had to keep our phones in our lockers). If there was a civil liberty taken from me because of 9/11, I wasn't aware of it

interesting how the crowd is mostly white non native HKers /sarcasm

for anyone who hasn’t been to Hong Kong, areas like these are filled with drunk English and Australian expats crowding the street every weekend because they don’t want to pay for drinks at the bars. Of course they’d be acting irresponsibly at the first chance they got
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Doctor here is a perfect example of how we can’t trust doctors.........
I’m no clinician but for the last 5 years I’ve I been in medical sales, training doctors on my products... it’s a shame on me it took me working in this field to realize we give doctors the benefit of the doubt far too much. Far too often they don’t know what the **** they’re doing. Do they make decisions based on evidence and facts? Or are they like this clown... He’s blatantly ignoring the data and spewing nonsense based on his dumb *** political agenda. I’m neither left or right fwiw...

I just went to IG to see the replies to this on this feed. I honestly think I lost about 10% of my brain cells from the 20 seconds I was browsing all the positive comments! It's UNBELIEVABLE!! Every person who posted on his feed, truly believe that the virus is fake, we should have never closed the country and we would have all been fine! SMH!!! 😞😞 Can't fix stupid I guess!!

I just hope that the state medical board sees this and bring him in and strip him of is license ASAP!! He is going to get people killed by not following the proper procedures to stay safe!! I really want him to go work in a C19 ward in NYC and those docs and nurses will put him in his place STAT!!
Honestly, for me, 9/11 changed two things:

My address (9/11 changed the real estate market) and the fact that we could keep our phones with us at all times (before that, we had to keep our phones in our lockers). If there was a civil liberty taken from me because of 9/11, I wasn't aware of it

again, I have to preface my post...the United States, on average, has historically done a decent job running a free-ish society for like 80 percent of its people for a very long time, making it one of the best in world history.

kinda sad, but let´s move on.

I just look out 5 years and can see stuff like:

-the contact tracing programs I mentioned...all the weird, wonderful, and wild possibilities in that family

-needing your temperature checked to get on a bus

-seriously beefed up immigration and movement laws courtesy of the incumbent administration

-¨no shirt, no shoes, no mask, no service¨

-health status used as a factor in housing in the wake of a mass eviction-mass relocation

-¨applicants must provide certification of immunity¨

-lockdowns, now normalized, employed for non-global pandemic reasons

as the people that make up our society, it´s time to start talking about what we want it to look like after this.

...or maybe I should just #passthat.
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I'm getting concerned about the lack of shutdown updates from NYC. We're under a week away from the May 15 shutdown order with no extension. Making me feel that Cuomo quickly shifted his focus to the economy with unemployment so high
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