Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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again, I have to preface my post...the United States, on average, has historically done a decent job running a free-ish society for like 80 percent of its people for a very long time, making it one of the best in world history.

kinda sad, but let´s move on.

I just look out 5 years and can see stuff like:

-the contact tracing programs I mentioned...all the weird, wonderful, and wild possibilities in that family

-needing your temperature checked to get on a bus

-seriously beefed up immigration and movement laws courtesy of the incumbent administration

-¨no shirt, no shoes, no mask, no service¨

-health status used as a factor in housing in the wake of a mass eviction-mass relocation

-¨applicants must provide certification of immunity¨

-lockdowns, now normalized, employed for non-global pandemic reasons

as the people that make up our society, it´s time to start talking about what we want it to look like after this.

...or maybe I should just #passthat.

Stuff like getting your temperature taken and having to wear a mask before you enter is already happening at my job. It takes a second to get your temp taken with the contact less thermometer and I want to wear a mask to protect myself anyway.

I'm not sure stuff like having to present a immunity certificate to apply for something like, say a mortgage would come to light.

An immunity certification to apply for a job sounds reasonable. To apply as a nurse I got to demonstrate titers for diseases already.

Having to present immunity cards to enter establishments would've prevented that covid 19 positive person from entering the five clubs he went to in South Korea and they couldve kept the clubs open.

Most of the stuff you are listing aren't as bad as you're making it out to be.

Stuff like getting your temperature taken and having to wear a mask before you enter is already happening at my job. It takes a second to get your temp taken with the contact less thermometer and I want to wear a mask to protect myself anyway.

I'm not sure stuff like having to present a immunity certificate to apply for something like, say a mortgage would come to light.

An immunity certification to apply for a job sounds reasonable. To apply as a nurse I got to demonstrate titers for diseases already.

Having to present immunity cards to enter establishments would've prevented that covid 19 positive person from entering the five clubs he went to in South Korea and they couldve kept the clubs open.

Most of the stuff you are listing aren't as bad as you're making it out to be.

you´re right, none of it is the end of the world. your perspective is perfectly valid.

...but I personally do not like these things, and will vote against them at the ballot and through other forums.

Stuff like getting your temperature taken and having to wear a mask before you enter is already happening at my job. It takes a second to get your temp taken with the contact less thermometer and I want to wear a mask to protect myself anyway.

I'm not sure stuff like having to present a immunity certificate to apply for something like, say a mortgage would come to light.

An immunity certification to apply for a job sounds reasonable. To apply as a nurse I got to demonstrate titers for diseases already.

Having to present immunity cards to enter establishments would've prevented that covid 19 positive person from entering the five clubs he went to in South Korea and they couldve kept the clubs open.

Most of the stuff you are listing aren't as bad as you're making it out to be.

Things I can do because they're just responsible and science based:
- Wearing a mask
- taking my temp
- mandatory vaccination once/if a vaccine is available

Things that are not acceptable:
- Immunity certificate for a job application. So if I never had COVID and not yet immune, my chances of employment are reduced? that creates an incentive for people to go and get sick
- Some forms of contact tracing. There's 0% chance they remove this as soon as covid is contained/accepted as part of life. FB been using our data for years and even though it's been all over the news, have they really done anything about it? There's so many things the contact tracing will be used for not related to COVID, the government will tell you it's beneficial for you..

Again, I've been one of the "doomsdayers" since Day 1. But there's a line that can't be crossed because the people in power think they know what's best for you. This goes beyond just COVID. In the 70s, they were literally dosing people with LSD to experiment with mind control. That's public info.

This comes down to citizens being responsible. If that dude who was COVID positive knew he was positive and still entered the club, that's an irresponsible idiot.
What is really the difference between China having this weird social score because they think they know what's best for their people, and us having to present ******* certificates to prove we're no longer at risk of COVID? Again, think outside of the COVID scenario. This kind of **** extends waaay beyond just this pandemic.

If we become a nation of irresponsible idiots, then that's what we have to deal with and responsible smart people will have to find another place to live. But the answer is not to implement more surveillance controlled by a select group of people not smarter than you and I. We can all see from certain administrations people with that kind of power can be complete ******* morons.
Is there a protocol for traveling to NYC at this time?
Has anyone here flown in?

My friend has been out of state since this started and needs to come back next month.

Whats the situation like on flights and airports?
Again, I've been one of the "doomsdayers" since Day 1. But there's a line that can't be crossed because the people in power think they know what's best for you. This goes beyond just COVID. In the 70s, they were literally dosing people with LSD to experiment with mind control. That's public info.

This comes down to citizens being responsible. If that dude who was COVID positive knew he was positive and still entered the club, that's an irresponsible idiot.
What is really the difference between China having this weird social score because they think they know what's best for their people, and us having to present ****ing certificates to prove we're no longer at risk of COVID? Again, think outside of the COVID scenario. This kind of **** extends waaay beyond just this pandemic.

:rofl: :rofl:

This is what I find the most hilarious - China is stuck on showing the rest of the world how they do things is working for them & that it is the best way to run a country. While other countries condemns China for almost everything they do....but later do something really similar.
I just went to IG to see the replies to this on this feed. I honestly think I lost about 10% of my brain cells from the 20 seconds I was browsing all the positive comments! It's UNBELIEVABLE!! Every person who posted on his feed, truly believe that the virus is fake, we should have never closed the country and we would have all been fine! SMH!!! 😞😞 Can't fix stupid I guess!!

I just hope that the state medical board sees this and bring him in and strip him of is license ASAP!! He is going to get people killed by not following the proper procedures to stay safe!! I really want him to go work in a C19 ward in NYC and those docs and nurses will put him in his place STAT!!

I don’t think that doctor (Barke) actually believes the nonsense he’s spewing. He can’t be that stupid???? But I do think he is absolutely an extreme right wing wacko. I looked him up and see he has his own private practice that he started “to give patients a more one on one experience”. Blah blah marketing bs blah blah.

Which makes me almost certain the reason why he’s getting behind the microphone is because he knows there are MORE than enough fellow right wing wackos who love his message- and his business will explode.

Which is very selfish and disgusting.

I also find it funny that this doctor is so right winged and I’m sure could talk for days about how amazing Trump is from one side of his mouth, and from the other side is crying about the government policies (blaming media). I could only imagine how irate he would be if Obama or a Democrat was in office :lol:
Is there a protocol for traveling to NYC at this time?
Has anyone here flown in?

My friend has been out of state since this started and needs to come back next month.

Whats the situation like on flights and airports?

If he’s a New York resident I don’t think there should be any problem
yes, but are you willing to live with stuff like passive Bluetooth contact tracing as a Permanent Thing?

...because cosmiccoffee9 cosmiccoffee9 sure don´t love it.

imagine a world where your job could, as part of a zero tolerance policy for intoxication at work, determine if you have been near your local liquor store or ¨drug neighborhood¨ within a certain period, and fire you.

same way 9/11 led to getting microwaved and butt-searched in airports, weird **** could come out of COVID-19.

As a permanent thing? No. As a temporary measure until we get a vaccine or at least until medical professionals better understand what's the best protocol for covid treatment. Yes

“Until it’s Safe” is never going to happen. Nothing is “temporary” with Governmental actions. Especially with over reaching politicians that lay down one size fits all, no common sense directives.

We are talking shades of grey, but Law is absolute.
“May not be Right, but it’s the Law”.
And cosmiccoffee9 cosmiccoffee9 example with 9/11, DHS and Patriot Act is perfect example. We had to change and be more aware, but some of the choices we made turned into abuse of power by a bloated entrenched deep state bureaucracy.
And that’s a reasonable assessment. No tinfoil hat.

E everysingletime

See what you’re saying, but vaccine is what 6/12/18/24/? months out. And regarding the “trusting medical professionals” part, we’ve have numerous posts of actual medical professions where people immediately take a shot because the view didn’t fit personal beliefs.
Don’t have a good reasonable answer for you.

Good discussion.
:rofl: :rofl:

This is what I find the most hilarious - China is stuck on showing the rest of the world how they do things is working for them & that it is the best way to run a country. While other countries condemns China for almost everything they do....but later do something really similar.

Curious: do you have any criticisms of how the CCP runs the Mainland?
Really want to know. No hate or whatever.
Serious question.
Things that are not acceptable:
- Immunity certificate for a job application. So if I never had COVID and not yet immune, my chances of employment are reduced? that creates an incentive for people to go and get sick
Well in the case that you've not yet contracted covid I'm sure they can come up with a different certificate for that.

If a vaccine for covid ever comes to light then it's as simple as proving you took the vaccine on your job application. Maybe for you guys it's a culture shock but applying for a job as a nurse I have to have my ppd read, prove I took the mmr and tdap vaccine, show when I last took my flu vaccine, etc. It's no big thing to add the covid vaccine on top of it for me.

The stuff about bluetooth tracing is a valid concern. That stuff would have to be regulated.

I know on some level we are being monitored already. Lol, it's no coincidence that ads I receive seem tailor made for me. Lol

I don't have any reason to hide my location, but in the event you would want to, I'm sure it's as simple as turning your phone off ... that is probably what people will do post covid 19 (if contact tracing sticks around). I'm sure that might be what South Koreans are doing right now? Lol the government are presently having a hard time tracking down 2000 citizens that may have been exposed to that covid 19 positive clubber.
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I'm getting concerned about the lack of shutdown updates from NYC. We're under a week away from the May 15 shutdown order with no extension. Making me feel that Cuomo quickly shifted his focus to the economy with unemployment so high

i hope it extends just for safety concerns but really i getting sick just staying home

the problem is the whole world will change
plus get your temperature checked everywhere you go
you will need to wait online and need an appointment for just about everything in nyc

i dont think its going to go smooth everywhere in the city or the outer boroughs
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See what you’re saying, but vaccine is what 6/12/18/24/? months out. And regarding the “trusting medical professionals” part, we’ve have numerous posts of actual medical professions where people immediately take a shot because the view didn’t fit personal beliefs.
Don’t have a good reasonable answer for you.

Good discussion.
I hear you about the vaccine. I wouldn't want people who are healthy but haven't yet contracted covid to be penalized for not having an immunity card. I would want a different set of protocols for that.

As a rule, I would not trust a medical professional blindly unless they're speaking of their area of expertise. Right now there is no set protocol for best treatment for covid because covid is so new. But once there is, even the stupidest doctor should be able to follow the standard of practice (unless they want to risk malpractice)

Stuff on what to do for covid patients is updating all the time. Fluid volume replacement is standard practice for pneumonia patients, and then they realized that you can't really do that for covid penumonia. Stuff like that will keep getting added to the list until everyone knows what not to do for covid .
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Austin update: most people don’t give a ****.

Headed to the east side for some takeaway tacos and frozen sangria. Traffic on 35 and around downtown was straight rush hour status. I’d say 75% maskless as well from the large number of people we saw out and about on the streets.
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