Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Im sacrificing my $400 credit for southwest that expires at the end of Sept. Does not seem safe to fly by then. It could be a lot worse.
I think all the major airlines have extended rewards programs and vouchers.

I was tempted to fly earlier because I heard stories of empty flights, but based on the couple recent reports in this thread about full flights and paranoid passengers, NO THANKS. I would walk 500 miles and I would walk 500 more to avoid flying right now.
I feel that Elon is on the spectrum...along with Gundlach and Zuckerberg

yeah I could have sworn they were confirmed Aspergers spectrum disorder. Maybe I’m getting my rich entrepreneurs mixed up. Elon HAS to be on the spectrum.
Austin update: most people don’t give a ****.

Headed to the east side for some takeaway tacos and frozen sangria. Traffic on 35 and around downtown was straight rush hour status. I’d say 75% maskless as well from the large number of people we saw out and about on the streets.
Time for fear is over. People throwing caution to the wind. Summer here. Sundress season. Dipping dots. Upper respiratory virus. As American as apple pie.
Does 14 days work? That was all of our initial lockdown time.
We really couldn’t shut it all down and restart fresh?
Yall think that child illness is a mutated strain? If that **** comes for young healthy people we done
Does 14 days work? That was all of our initial lockdown time.
We really couldn’t shut it all down and restart fresh?

It does work. We just started too late.

The necessary precautions we would have to have taken in January would be borderline illegal. Would not have worked in this country.

-stop all incoming/outgoing flights to and from Europe and China
-close all non essential businesses
-give out tickets to those that dont follow a strict curfew

so apparently Cuomo didn't officially extend the shutdown so May 15 is still the timeline in NY unless he pushes it back. However, Phase 1 opening only allows for Construction, retail with curbside pickup only, and manufacturing/wholesale supply. So the majority of people will probably still be WFH for a little while after

so apparently Cuomo didn't officially extend the shutdown so May 15 is still the timeline in NY unless he pushes it back. However, Phase 1 opening only allows for Construction, retail with curbside pickup only, and manufacturing/wholesale supply. So the majority of people will probably still be WFH for a little while after

He better extend that ***
It does work. We just started too late.

The necessary precautions we would have to have taken in January would be borderline illegal. Would not have worked in this country.

-stop all incoming/outgoing flights to and from Europe and China
-close all non essential businesses
-give out tickets to those that dont follow a strict curfew

We should’ve made it work as nothing is working now and we are in worse shape than we were in February or March

A lot of people would’ve said it was fake news or hoax but where doing bad as nation in may
Who knows how the rest of the year will end up
Does 14 days work? That was all of our initial lockdown time.
We really couldn’t shut it all down and restart fresh?
If you mean could we just all stay home for 14 days and then go back to normal?

The problem is if you live with people. If someone is positive on day 1 of the lockdown, they may not infect their roommate until day 6. Then may not infect their girlfriend until day 12. Delivery guy comes in and gets infected on day 17. He goes home to his family. And so on.

14 days is a good rule-of-thumb but the more prevalent the virus and the less strict we are at each stop, the longer it lingers, even during a shutdown.
We should’ve made it work as nothing is working now and we are in worse shape than we were in February or March
We did a good job for the first couple weeks (late March) in many cities. Streets were empty and people took it seriously. But now we're going halfway. Even with stay-at-home orders, many cities look like Sweden. So we're not reaping the benefits of stay-at-home.

We could get away with this half-assed behavior if the virus wasn't already so prevalent. Like if we had done this starting in early March. But with how prevalent it is and our behavior keeping R0 around 1.0, we're just going to keep adding 30k case per day indefinitely.

Somebody made a good point last week (maybe Nate Silver?) -- even if we open up, the numbers won't look much different. Why? Because, with stay-at-home, we're still going out and mingling. And, even with stay-at-home lifted, most people will still stay at home anyway. So for better or worse, regardless of what states do (save for a more complete shutdown), we're going to stay at this pace of 30k cases and 2k deaths for a while.
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