Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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I'm only guessing and no proof of this.

But I think the low rate of deaths in Japan so far has to do with their diet.

Their seafood diet and low obesity rates could be helping with the inflammatory reactions we see in covid.

The low number of cases has got to be that Japan still isn't testing enough lol
I'm only guessing and no proof of this.

But I think the low rate of deaths in Japan so far has to do with their diet.

Their seafood diet and low obesity rates could be helping with the inflammatory reactions we see in covid.

The low number of cases has got to be that Japan still isn't testing enough lol

mexico is screwed if this is true.
So in adults, we got stroke and cytokine storm as complications of covid

For children, there's this multi inflammatory disease that they don't even have a name for yet
Most people in my city really disobeying county-stay-home order.
Last Friday, my neighbor had block party, complete with outdoor live band.

When I picked up my coffee just to support local business, I was shocked I saw at least 5-6 people sitting on their patio, chatting, no mask, no social distancing.

During my grocery run, I saw this dad wore mask under his mouth, so were his kids, chatting with other patron in close proximity.

One breakfast place decided to disobey the county order and opening their restaurant for dine-in. None of the customers were wearing mask and no social distancing either. What makes worst is one of the city councilman support them. During interview, he wasn't even wearing mask and blaming the county for being un-constituional for closing business. To me, that's full political stunts.

In the mean time, we are still having double digit new cases everyday. Yet these people are still saying that's still out of a million population in the city and still plenty of hospital beds.

The only good news, I think, is that now Trump and Pence have to get tested everyday, meaning their nasal got inserted with that long swab everyday :rofl:

Think about this. For 2 weeks those 75 people have been going around spreading it in the community because they didn't believe in masks and social distancing.

Every protester that defied governors orders should be registered and pee screened and then tested a week or two after the protest, if they test positive after, they should at the very least get a hefty fine....let’s see how confident they are in calling this a hoax
I'm only guessing and no proof of this.

But I think the low rate of deaths in Japan so far has to do with their diet.

Their seafood diet and low obesity rates could be helping with the inflammatory reactions we see in covid.

The low number of cases has got to be that Japan still isn't testing enough lol
I think theres a lot to it. I've been frequent traveling to Japan for work the last 6 years. Their diet plays a huge part im sure, mainly because folks there aren't obese. Also they are, as a country VERY clean. Even before I started traveling there, they already were wearing masks daily for anything. Colds, coughs, allergies, etc. They are just a considerate country. They always had sanitizer every, barely any garbage etc. Their trains are spotless regardless of how busy it is.

What im trying to say is, here in America we're fat, lazy, eat like crap, and dirty as hell. Can't even get dudes to wash their hands after they pee.

After Elon Musk sued local authorities in California and threatened to move Tesla’s HQ to Texas or Nevada over attempts to contain the coronavirus outbreak, one Democratic state politician had a blunt message for the electronic car magnate: “F*ck Elon Musk.”

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but on a more serious note, get ready for a world of zones...can definitely see this idea spreading:


New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says the country will not have open borders with the rest of the world for "a long time to come".

Ms Ardern was speaking after attending part of Australia's cabinet meeting via video link.

The meeting discussed a possible "trans-Tasman bubble", where people could go between Australia and New Zealand freely, and without quarantine.

But she said visitors from further afield were not possible any time soon.

Both Australia and New Zealand have closed their borders to almost all foreigners as part of their Covid-19 response.

What did Jacinda Ardern say?
Ms Ardern said New Zealand and Australia were discussing a "bubble of sorts between us, a safe zone of travel".

She stressed there was "a lot of work to be done before we can progress...but it's obviously been floated because of the benefits it would bring".

But, in response to a question about the country's tourism sector, Ms Ardern said: "We will not have open borders for the rest of the world for a long time to come."

New Zealand says they pretty much beat IT and don´t want folks from infected countries anywhere near them.

of course, that means if you´re an American you probably better grab a Snickers.
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