Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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The replies to this thread was interesting to read.

I'm seeing posts like 'I have the better deal because I have my freedom'

Americans really don't want to sacrifice some freedom of movement in the short term so we can get the economy back up and running sooner.

South Korea has 4 percent unemployment compared to usa's 15 percent. They also have way less covid deaths. And they were able to avoid stay at home shutdowns but Americans in that thread still don't agree with SK's method of doing things.
This Enhanced ID/Drivers License rollout needs to be postponed. Can’t be having people crowding the DMV trying to get this thing done. At least make the process available online.

The replies to this thread was interesting to read.

I'm seeing posts like 'I have the better deal because I have my freedom'

Americans really don't want to sacrifice some freedom of movement in the short term so we can get the economy back up and running sooner.

South Korea has 4 percent unemployment compared to usa's 15 percent. They also have way less covid deaths. And they were able to avoid stay at home shutdowns but Americans in that thread still don't agree with SK's method of doing things.

Doesn't SK have a different healthcare system than the USA too?
In World War Z , the zombie infection was spread by bite, so Korea pulled the teeth outta all citizens so they cant bite each other :lol:

North Korea

The East vs West mentality when dealing with a pandemic is real. Asian families grow up having to respect authority. There were two choices - do as you're told OR rebel, get hit then do as you're told anyway.

Contrast that to the American mentality of individualism and hyper-freedom. The entitlement to birthright freedom is taught from a young age, especially if you're a white American.

In any normal day in a normal year, it's easy to choose individuality and freedom. So much art and culture comes out of that, but it does become a formula for a disjointed effort against a virus.

There is a balance here that can be adapted, but it's impossible to just switch off a mindset that have been ingrained into people. Not saying any is better than the other - but if we're only looking at a pandemic which requires every single person to abide by certain rules and prioritize community over individuality, it's clear which one is more effective.
Serious question: why do white people feel the need to protest with firearms? I’m legit curious. Like, who are you planning to shoot? How do guns even help your cause? You’re gonna get into a shootout with the police or anti protesters with your kids standing next to you? Or the clowns that brought guns into Subway, you gonna shoot the girl behind the counter if she refuses to serve you? 99% of these people are just cupcakes with gun fetishes pretending to want the smoke. It’s like trying to be an Internet gangster in real life smh.
I consider it white privilege taken to the ultimate extreme, personified white power. Every AR15 brandishing chump is a walking confederate monument, reminding people of their white supremacy with an ever-present threat of violence.
and to just expand a bit on my previous post.... there might be strong racial correlations ... the white folk who think being brave and american = going to bars might just be the same bloodline of previous wild actions. and ideology.

anyways - as the weather turns up in NYC seems like poeople just tired of being indoors. everyone is out. seems like regular days with regular foot traffic plus masks. tough call as to when this thing will let go. even if things open up I doubt an eclectic diverse city like NYC will just jump back to sittin in restaurants. the hipsters most likely. anyone in Brooklyn know on graham ave theres a walk up bar :lol:. and nothing but hipsters lined up. i cant with these people man. regular folk from the boros just chilling
my 2020 is pretty much indoors, I have mentally prepared myself for this. :ohwell:
Same here. No leisure travel until summer 2021, maybe spring if things change radically. I want to make trips to see family but will only do so if I can do it safely. Making more plans than that is just a recipe for disappointment.

I'm also not planning to enter any bars or clubs for a full year. I'll only attend gatherings if it's a handful of people.

This is not because I'm afraid of Covid-19 but mostly because it gives me a good excuse to avoid people. :lol: :frown:
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