Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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the sad thing here is that for an older woman getting infected means getting whisked off to a hospital with no visitors and laid face down on a ventilator, maybe dying...this really the last Mother´s Day you want?

one of my ¨favorite¨ details about the English ¨language¨ is the ¨effect¨ of adding ¨random¨ ¨quotation marks.¨

...and man, if I had confidence that the United States government would only use those tools during the pandemic, I´d do damn near anything they wanted--wear an ankle bracelet, enter my location every 3 hours, wear a QR code armband to travel, turn my head and cough--but they won´t and we all know it...so **** that.

Must read - the social and psychologically end of COVID is definitely going to be here before a medical end. At this point I'm only hoping the virus mutates quickly enough into a weakened version. I have zero trust in human beings abiding by the rules so that's the most likely scneario
Do they think that normal people are gonna beg them to stop? I'm actively rooting for these inbreeds to die off from their own effort. Have fun gasping for breath while I comfortably ride this out :D

If it was that simple bro, but these same idiots will catch this **** go critical and run to demand for us to help them heal....furthermore putting stress on the healthcare system, i really do believe there should be a system in place, cool ya wanna be out and about? Your business wants to reopen like nothings happening, sign here....people attending these businesses render rights to all Covid related healthcare and that of their immediate families....as for the businesses? You have that MUCH confidence? Cool....if an outbreak is linked to your business, you are SHUTDOWN, lose your business AND the state can sue you for everything you have.
If it was that simple bro, but these same idiots will catch this **** go critical and run to demand for us to help them heal....furthermore putting stress on the healthcare system, i really do believe there should be a system in place, cool ya wanna be out and about? Your business wants to reopen like nothings happening, sign here....people attending these businesses render rights to all Covid related healthcare and that of their immediate families....as for the businesses? You have that MUCH confidence? Cool....if an outbreak is linked to your business, you are SHUTDOWN, lose your business AND the state can sue you for everything you have.

Unfortunately it’s going to be the exact opposite of this. These idiots will end up getting quality care despite calling this **** a hoax and in turn the increased hospitalizations will increase everyone’s insurance premiums next year so all the responsible people pay more for the sins of the *******s.

Then in about two weeks turtle McConnell is going to get some bill passed absolving all businesses of any liability related to Covid deaths and sicknesses giving businesses even less incentive to create safe environments.

This in a nutshell is late stage capitalism
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Unfortunately it’s going to be the exact opposite of this. These idiots will end up getting quality care despite calling this **** a hoax and in turn the increased hospitalizations will increase everyone’s insurance premiums next year so all the responsible people pay more for the sins of the *******s.

Then in about two weeks turtle McConnell is going to get some bill passed absolving all businesses of any liability related to Covid deaths and sicknesses giving businesses even less incentive to create safe environments.

This is a nutshell is late stage capitalism

if there´s some kind of massive corporate indemnity legislation passed, America is well and truly ******.

I´m one of the most optimistic mfs you´ll meet, but that right there is a tipping point in the balance of power.

that is THEE LINE.

if a company like Carnival is allowed to operate with impunity in 2020 after directly and consciously contributing to the spread of a pandemic around the world while charging for the privilege...if these people don´t end up PERMANENTLY removed from the general public and fined everything, the experiment is over.

just like that.

I doubt the Republicans will allow this to happen

I forget who told me this on here, if you recognize your idea, shout yourself out...but the red team hijacking the UBI issue would SO WORK. golly gee, here comes Dr. President in his magic money copter to pass out stacks of cold hard cash to the people and save the world, oh what a brilliant fearless tremendous beautiful.

...and since their base has always been the lowkey welfare demo, a economy-nuking crisis makes perfect cover.

they could legit be relevant for the next CENTURY with that move.
They won't give out $2000 a month because the wealthy people in the United States think that middle or lower class people are all lazy and would just kick their feet up and enjoy being home everyday for $2000. They'd rather risk those classes of people being at risk of illness or death over the idea of giving them "free money" to stay safe.
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