Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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My hospital did a really good job of not being over run by covid. At one point we were up to 17 covid positive patients. Now we're down to 3.

But I think what helps is that our hospital has the luxury of controlling the frequency of, and scheduling our admissions.

We basically just slowed the turnover of our patients and screened the ones that come in on a designated covid unit. Once they pass a two week period with no symptoms and test negative, we put them on a different unit to empty out the covid unit.
That's the same mineral they sell in the Philippines for skin lightening/ liver health maintenance. Of course, the skin lightening is thr seller. I think this is what made Sammy Sosa's complexion lighter as well.
Yall think that child illness is a mutated strain? If that **** comes for young healthy people we done

As the article went to press, the doctors in that same ICU had seen more than 20 children with similar clinical presentations, Dr. Riphagen and associates reported, and the first 10 tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 antibody, including the 8 described above.
"Most of the children appear to have antibodies to the novel coronavirus, even when they do not have virus detectable in their nose," said Audrey John, MD, PhD, chief of the division of pediatric infectious diseases at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, where clinicians have seen several cases similar to those described by NHS England and the New York City health department. "This suggests that these symptoms are 'postinfectious,' likely due to an abnormal immune response that happens after viral infection."

extremely small sample size, but from the few kids they saw half had antibodies to CoViD, so they're thinking that those antibodies are triggering an autoimmune response similar to Kawasaki disease (inflammation of blood vessels)

Trump: “We have to be warriors, We can’t keep our country closed down for years.”

That's the same mineral they sell in the Philippines for skin lightening/ liver health maintenance. Of course, the skin lightening is thr seller. I think this is what made Sammy Sosa's complexion lighter as well.
I mentioned glutathione as a possible solution for the inflammatory reaction we see in covid patients and the first thing my dad said was filipinos use it as skin whiteners lol

extremely small sample size, but from the few kids they saw half had antibodies to CoViD, so they're thinking that those antibodies are triggering an autoimmune response similar to Kawasaki disease (inflammation of blood vessels)

last night before bed my 5 y/o daughter was complaining her stomach was itchy and when she showed me her whole trunk was covered with a red rash I immediately thought of this. I caked her with hydrocortisone cream and gave her a healthy dose of Benadryl before bed. Thankfully she slept well and was all clear when she woke this morning. I was STRESSED something serious, but what a relief!
My hospital did a really good job of not being over run by covid. At one point we were up to 17 covid positive patients. Now we're down to 3.

But I think what helps is that our hospital has the luxury of controlling the frequency of, and scheduling our admissions.

We basically just slowed the turnover of our patients and screened the ones that come in on a designated covid unit. Once they pass a two week period with no symptoms and test negative, we put them on a different unit to empty out the covid unit.

Legit blessed to not have had a high volume of Covid admissions, i Dont think I can even place a count on the number of Covid patients we’ve treated over the past 7 weeks, but I would think it has to be over 1k....but now we are on the other side of the hill, reinforcements arrived, are trained and we are equipped....even if we do get a second wave which I hope we don’t, it won’t be anywhere near the **** show that it was 6-7 weeks ago.
Hmm so according to this article they don't really know , and those who tested positive could have gotten it from polls as well.

I'm really curious to see how Georgia and other states fare after opening/gatherings and if there is a second deadly wave. So far no real data has come out.
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