Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Can someone explain to me how the New York City transit Authority after getting $3.8 billion in March needs more money.
how the hell cant they budget $3.8 billion dollars but asks for more

Can someone explain to me how the New York City transit Authority after getting $3.8 billion in March needs more money.
how the hell cant they budget $3.8 billion dollars but asks for more

I was on my way to head to Singapore or Hong Kong back in 2016 until my dad came down with lung cancer. He's been stable with medicine for the past 4 years, so now my girlfriend and I are seriously discussing moving away from this @#$@ hole 5th world country once we save up some more. Even excluding the disgustingly corrupt government, there are far too many people in this country who @#$@ everything up for the small amount of people who are civilized human beings.

Right now the only issue is that my girlfriend's job is very region specific, so we can't really find her a similar job outside of a Western country with a big agriculture industry. Also we can't really go back to her home countries since one is worse than here in terms of healthcare and the other is going through an explosion of cases at the moment too. We're aiming to try our best to move to Canada next year as a compromise, and if that doesn't work out, she's willing to pick up a new career so that she can work in Asia.

Honestly I just don't know what other options we have left. Things just seem to get worse and worse every single day, and I do not see any possible future in which I'd raise children here or even retire here.

that’s why I don’t leave. My daughter is almost 14 so I'm gonna have to stay put.

other than that there is really nothing holding me and my wife back.

Yeah I feel like this country will never progress, there are just too many idiots trying to stop and it and the government gets more corrupt every day.

BREAKING: the West Wing is connected to .......THE WHITE HOUSE! OMG, so technically everyone in entire building has directly or indirectly been exposed to COVID-19.
BREAKING: the White House is part of ........WASHINGTON DC! OMG, so technically everyone in entire Federal District has directly or indirectly been exposed to COVID-19.
BREAKING: Washington DC is center of.........FEDERAL GOVERNMENT! OMG, that means everyone in USA has directly or indirectly been exposed to COVID-19.

Great reporting, Paula. Keep up great work.

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