Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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yeah, I’m pretty fed up living in tiger king land. I know there is idiots everywhere but **** we got a lot of them here in the United States.

see, the peculiar issue with the States is you have armed, angry idiots who will literally die in the ******* street ¨like a dog¨ to defend their right to be stupid...I believe that is totally unique anywhere in the world.

they told that crazy lady at McD´s to put on a mask and SHE SHOT 2 EMPLOYEES, SHOT THEM WITH BULLETS

zero regard for outcomes. NONE.

also, imagine catching a slug on the clock at the Golden Arches...like omg throw my whole life away.

bet they clocked the workers out before the ambulance came too, so I wonder who´s paying for all that?

Republicans care about protecting corporations and trying to get as many judges into lifetime appointments before they lose the presidency and the senate

and trump is an idiot that is getting more desperate and irrational by the day

elections are in November and a lot of corrupt and dumb shh will happen before then

dude is literally inciting riots and pushing a partisan pandemic response right this second.

I keep asking myself if this is a man who would walk out of the White House under any circumstances.
see, the peculiar issue with the States is you have armed, angry idiots who will literally die in the ****ing street ¨like a dog¨ to defend their right to be stupid...

I believe that is totally unique anywhere in the world.

That good 'ol Amerikkkan entitlement/privilege is a ************.

People been waiting for the zombie apocalypse.
We got it right here in our backyard. Packs of mindless vermins out'cheah fighting for their right to accelerate the infection rate in the name of freedumb.
yeah, I’m pretty fed up living in tiger king land. I know there is idiots everywhere but **** we got a lot of them here in the United States.

I was on my way to head to Singapore or Hong Kong back in 2016 until my dad came down with lung cancer. He's been stable with medicine for the past 4 years, so now my girlfriend and I are seriously discussing moving away from this @#$@ hole 5th world country once we save up some more. Even excluding the disgustingly corrupt government, there are far too many people in this country who @#$@ everything up for the small amount of people who are civilized human beings.

Right now the only issue is that my girlfriend's job is very region specific, so we can't really find her a similar job outside of a Western country with a big agriculture industry. Also we can't really go back to her home countries since one is worse than here in terms of healthcare and the other is going through an explosion of cases at the moment too. We're aiming to try our best to move to Canada next year as a compromise, and if that doesn't work out, she's willing to pick up a new career so that she can work in Asia.

Honestly I just don't know what other options we have left. Things just seem to get worse and worse every single day, and I do not see any possible future in which I'd raise children here or even retire here.
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NYC really ain’t ****

Imagine if every country did what germany did from the jump
Berlin resident here. When this all kicked off, I wasn't sure how this would go. But boy am I glad to be here. Mid Feb at my work, we were even already quarantining people for 14 days that visited Italy (we have a lot of travel going on). I assume most people aren't aware that Merkel has a PhD in physics, so this contributes to her approach in all this and her trust in science/scientists. Not only that, when masks became mandatory as of May 1st, almost 99% of people you saw in grocery stores and public transport were wearing them (in Berlin at least). No complaining, no outcrys, just let's do this so we can get back to normal here (of course, with the history of Germans, you can see why this could be a gift and a curse in the wrong situation).

There was also an article about how our Finance Chief was criticized for not spending in the past, investment-wise. He said that it's not worth it to go into debt and who knows what we may need cash flow for in the future. That forsite was incredible and has allowed the country to not force everything open.

My stress is almost all coming from how the US is handling this. My thoughts are with you guys and please protect yourselves.
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Daunting. Those jobs ain't coming back anytime quick. No business owner is going to be like "oh now that we can open, let's just go right back to normal and rehire everyone".

Everyone will play it cautiously. Everyone is hoarding money right now. This could've been temporary damage if shutdowns lasted only 1 month and we were able to contain it within this time
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