Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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how long does the anti-body stay in your body? if i remember, you were sick about 4-6 weeks ago?

Would it show up if you think you had it in Jan?

Antibody count would be at the highest couple of weeks after clearing infection, but you should still have protection from produced memory cells.

If you were positive let's say in December. It should show up. These memory cells last years.
Experiencing Covid fatigue..anyone else...?

What I mean..is...yeah this virus is real, it's pretty easy to stay inside(and I'm grateful for that) shoutout to all the essential workers you deserve some damn raises from this dumb govt, but it's exhausting to read one article that says "well the virus is not as bad as we think", "the next article is we do not know enough to know how bad it is", "this virus is going to kill millions", the next, "it may kill thousands", the next, "it only kills ___", the next, "we will be good by september", the next "we won't be good til 2021", the next "we won't be good til 2024", the next " we are good now"...

what's real...what's not.. truly just exhausting in all ways. Need to log off for a few days, two family members dead in last three weeks from it in California. Going to tahoe to isolate for the next 10 days. Peace out

I agree with you. I was the same way, till I finally jus “let it go” and everything became better. A break is definitely nice.
Antibody count would be at the highest couple of weeks after clearing infection, but you should still have protection from produced memory cells.

If you were positive let's say in December. It should show up. These memory cells last years.
I forget -- were/are you symptomatic?

And yes, to reiterate what you said for the prior question, the antibodies should stick around for a while and are more indicative of a previous exposure rather than an active infection. How long these antibodies will last and what level you would need to reach immunity for coronavirus in particular is still an open question afaik.
Experiencing Covid fatigue..anyone else...?

What I mean..is...yeah this virus is real, it's pretty easy to stay inside(and I'm grateful for that) shoutout to all the essential workers you deserve some damn raises from this dumb govt, but it's exhausting to read one article that says "well the virus is not as bad as we think", "the next article is we do not know enough to know how bad it is", "this virus is going to kill millions", the next, "it may kill thousands", the next, "it only kills ___", the next, "we will be good by september", the next "we won't be good til 2021", the next "we won't be good til 2024", the next " we are good now"...

what's real...what's not.. truly just exhausting in all ways. Need to log off for a few days, two family members dead in last three weeks from it in California. Going to tahoe to isolate for the next 10 days. Peace out
Sorry to hear. Take care of yourself.

Unlike the 'early' days (mid-March), things aren't changing anymore on a day-by-day basis. I check in with this thread but otherwise I'm trying to avoid checking trackers and the news every day like I used to. For better or worse, things in 2 weeks will look much like they look today.
Damn this is kinda harsh bro lol
i was only referring to the article. So from the perspective of the bride. It said a woman was supposed to get married on fb live, but couldnt because the best man passed. Was saying, at least it wasnt the groom.

Death sucks either way...but sucks less..from her perspective.
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Depending how long this lasts, beginning of 2021 may not look too bright either.
It could go into 2021 or 2022 from what I've been reading.

If we don't find a vaccine this will probably be with us for the rest of our lives.
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Now this is scary people getting sick at home who don't leave the house and aren't working at the moment as the coronavirus seeds into homes and apartments in New Yorrk.

The majority of the newer cases are from people that are not going outside

I find this very scary and troubling

Now this is scary people getting sick at home who don't leave the house and aren't working at the moment as the coronavirus seeds into homes and apartments in New Yorrk.

The majority of the newer cases are from people that are not going outside

I find this very scary and troubling

That is still a very fine line of vague, since it is basically saying "non-essential workers that do not regularly go outside" BUT they still need to get groceries and stuff outside of their homes.

And it just like what Cuomo said in this article, "are these stay-at-home individuals REALLY TAKING CARE OF THEMSELVES PROPERLY?" Are these folks masking up when they go to the grocery stores, are they cleaning their hands with either sanitizer and/or soap after they come home even for a "brief moment?" Are they washing their hands after they handle a package that they received from outside of their home? ETC.

But other than that, I agree with you 160jordansdeep 160jordansdeep .............it is very scary out there in NY. It just shows how many more "asymptomatic folk" are still out there that are spreading this virus out in grocery stores AND/OR essential workplaces without even being properly tested.
Hoping Llamas Will Become Coronavirus Heroes
Antibodies from Winter, a 4-year-old llama with great eyelashes, have neutralized coronavirus and other infections in lab experiments.

Winter is a 4-year-old chocolate-colored llama with spindly legs, ever-so-slightly askew ears and envy-inducing eyelashes. Some scientists hope she might be an important figure in the fight against the novel coronavirus.
She is not a superpowered camelid. Winter was simply the lucky llama chosen by researchers in Belgium, where she lives, to participate in a series of virus studies involving both SARS and MERS. Finding that her antibodies staved off those infections, the scientists posited that those same antibodies could also neutralize the new virus that causes Covid-19. They were right, and published their results Tuesday in the journal Cell.
Scientists have long turned to llamas for antibody research. In the last decade, for example, scientists have used llamas’ antibodies in H.I.V. and influenza research, finding promising therapies for both viruses.
Humans produce only one kind of antibody, made of two types of protein chains — heavy and light — that together form a Y shape. Heavy-chain proteins span the entire Y, while light-chain proteins touch only the Y’s arms. Llamas, on the other hand, produce two types of antibodies. One of those antibodies is similar in size and constitution to human antibodies. But the other is much smaller; it’s only about 25 percent the size of human antibodies. The llama’s antibody still forms a Y, but its arms are much shorter because it doesn’t have any light-chain proteins.

This more diminutive antibody can access tinier pockets and crevices on spike proteins — the proteins that allow viruses like the novel coronavirus to break into host cells and infect us — that human antibodies cannot. That can make it more effective in neutralizing viruses.
wait..i'm lost....trump dont like fox and friends??? i thought they were the super team to his ron burgundy? i'm lost. cnn goes at his neck, fox hates everybody.
If you read up on the network they’re putting money behind to be Trump Network News they give Trump the long passionate sucky sucky. They love him long time and you know he needs the long strokes the most.
This explains a lot.
Definitely won’t see this kind of knowledge on your nightly News. I’m sure they’ll tell you about a restock on Masks at the Local Grocery, though :lol:
oh MY BAD. she's already been jailed :rofl:

Judy Anne Mikovits is an American anti-vaccination activist and former medical researcher. She has made discredited claims about vaccines, coronavirus, and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).[2][3][4]

As research director of a CFS research organization Whittemore Peterson Institute (WPI) from 2006-2011, Mikovits led a research effort that reported in 2009 that a retrovirus known as xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV) was associated with CFS and may have had a causal role. However, the research came under fire, leading to an eventual retraction on December 22, 2011, by the journal Science.[5]

In October 2011, Mikovits was terminated by the WPI for refusing to turn over a cell line that was delivered to her laboratory by mistake, and subsequently came under investigation for alleged manipulation of data in her publications related to XMRV.[6] On November 18, 2011, she was arrested in her Ventura County, California, home and jailed for 5 days.[7] Her lawyer said she was arrested on charges of theft brought by the WPI, but that the charges had no merit.[8] By November 28, after negotiations with the WPI, some lab notes were returned.[9] Later, the criminal charges against her were dismissed by the Reno, Nevada, District Attorney's office.
(Maybe you’ve seen it already,)
It’s a 24minute video.
You haven’t even had time to watch it if you had it at x2 speeds :lol:
It’s quite possible you agree(or disagree)with everything in the video.
Watching is not a requirement, but knowing the content might be a good place to start before you make a post suggesting “misinformation”

Your GOOGLE of her only proves you can GOOGLE, not that she deserves Ed to be jailed. I didn’t even read your post from GOOGLE but she definitely speaks on being “ blacklisted”
That’s sad bro, and there are so many folks just like you.
I definitely don’t want to beat you up or make you look bad, but every once in a while chill for a second, and do the work yourself.
And she very much supports VACCINES.
Just because your GOOGLE states she doesn’t, man......talk about misinformation.......

Let me stop. Arguing with you and the like was not the intent of the VIDEO, it can do that work.
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