Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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And she very much supports VACCINES.
Just because your GOOGLE states she doesn’t, man......talk about misinformation.......

Let me stop. Arguing with you and the like was not the intent of the VIDEO, it can do that work.
I've seen many frauds in my life and spent time researching and trying to take their points seriously only to find I wasted hours of my life.

It's pretty easy to spot a fraud from a mile away now. So the 5 minutes I spent watching parts of those videos and looking up this person is already 5 minutes too much.

If someone wants to read the full story: https://respectfulinsolence.com/2020/05/06/judy-mikovits-pandemic/

The conclusion to that article is apt for our spirited discussion here:

When, late in the video, Mikovits asks why we’re closing beaches because there are “healing microbes in the sand,” I had to stop. There’s just so much idiocy I can tolerate.

Sadly, as Judy Mikovits demonstrates, the COVID-19 pandemic is drawing cranks and conspiracy theorists like it moths to a light. Chief among them are antivax grifters like Judy Mikovits. She’s so wrong she’s not even wrong, and she’s gone full conspiracy theorist, taking advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic to be reborn as a COVID-19 crank, grifting with her book and a “doctor education” company. Sadly, she’s not alone.
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I watched the vid. at this point. im open to any info about this virus. she said that wearing masks and lockdowns dont help, we'll in places like vietnam, hong kong, new zealand, it did. also doctors in asia have all said how wearing masks help in stopping the infections. on her claims about fauci etc, i dont really know how to feel about that. one thing is for sure, there are people out there that are trying to or going to take advantage of this situation to gain something either financially or maybe power etc.

last couple of weeks, i was convinced china's negligence made this mess that we are all in now. i dont think it was intentional, but they dropped the ball in containing the virus by not acting quickly at the early stages. as for the origins of this virus, whether this was man made then released by accident, or something that came from nature, if they find out the truth or not, i just hope the experts use it to get us out of this situation.
I've seen many frauds in my life and spent time researching and trying to take their points seriously only to find I wasted hours of my life.

It's pretty easy to spot a fraud from a mile away now. So the 5 minutes I spent watching parts of those videos and looking up this person is already 5 minutes too much.
....I do think the part that you edited in is worth reading, and I will probably read it here soon......I just thought it was odd that you responded the way you did only minutes after I posted it, when you hadn't even consumed the content.
-My intial reply to your post was only pointing out the oddness of you saying it was "misinformation" when clearly you didn't know it's contents.
Now that you do, I guess it was worth a few more minutes than 5 you claimed were wasted ...........and a proper conversation about it's contents can actually be had.
Hell, the same exact video was posted just a few posts before mine :lol:
THe whole point of the Video was to share the information, it is up to you what to do with it, but you had an opinion and I couldn't understand why.
a-friend a-friend

Read this link about response to Plandemic:

I tried to embed the post but it looks like crap lol

Welp still looks like crap lol

Lol, no worries....I went on FB and read it. I like how she broke down all the parts of the videos in pics like that where it was real easy to just click to follow. I had several questions, mainly about the Masks being bad and the money being paid out at 13/39k levels etc. She touched on most of the things I questioned or was curious to delve further into. It’s always good to see both sides of any claim. You always know with videos like that getting that kind of attention with that many views, there will most certainly be another opinion about the claims, so thanks for your post.
I watched the vid. at this point. im open to any info about this virus. she said that wearing masks and lockdowns dont help, we'll in places like vietnam, hong kong, new zealand, it did. also doctors in asia have all said how wearing masks help in stopping the infections. on her claims about fauci etc, i dont really know how to feel about that. one thing is for sure, there are people out there that are trying to or going to take advantage of this situation to gain something either financially or maybe power etc.

last couple of weeks, i was convinced china's negligence made this mess that we are all in now. i dont think it was intentional, but they dropped the ball in containing the virus by not acting quickly at the early stages. as for the origins of this virus, whether this was man made then released by accident, or something that came from nature, if they find out the truth or not, i just hope the experts use it to get us out of this situation.
THe whole point of the Video was to share the information, it is up to you what to do with it, but you had an opinion and I couldn't understand why.

Just watched the entire video and also read the entire above rebuttal post. Can appreciate the given information. Definitely opens up more questions for those interested in further research. Can’t say I am expert knowledgable of all the medicine, the science and the players involved.

But I am most definitely positive that public & private Research is a Business. Everyone involved all have an Agenda when Big Money is involved. And no one involved has all the answers or is totally innocent. Not Human Nature.

Interesting topic post for sure.

No lie both my parents (in their 60's) were in the hospital during that time. My mom spent almost a week for what the doctors told her was pneumonia. Took her about a month before she was ok again. She was in Florida at the time and still is.

My dad was told he had some kind of lung infection. It was bad enough that he took a flight to Cuba for treatment. He was there for 2 weeks and the doctors weren't sure what he had. Took him about a little over a month to feel better as well.

Both my parents have recovered since and I'm not saying they had the virus but it seems odd since they've never been really ill before this happened.

Japanese group engineers artificial antibodies
A Japanese research group says it has succeeded in artificially engineering an antibody that is capable of preventing the body from getting infected with the new coronavirus. The group says it may pave the way for developing a new drug for the virus.

The group is made up of Professor Katayama Kazuhiko and other researchers of Kitasato University, Epsilon Molecular Engineering and a research institute of Kao Corporation.

In a media release on Thursday, the group says the antibody, called neutralizing antibody, is one of several types that the body produces when certain substances such as viruses enter the body.

This antibody denies viruses entry into human cells by blocking them from latching onto proteins called receptors on the surface of human cells.

The group says it has artificially engineered this antibody against the coronavirus through a genetic analysis of the proteins on the surface of the virus.

The group says laboratory tests have confirmed that the artificially created antibody prevented the coronavirus from infecting most of the cells in test samples.

Professor Katayama says producing a drug from an antibody is a new approach and if it is put into practice, it will provide more options for treatment of the disease.

He says the group will work with pharmaceutical companies in conducting research and development including animal testing to put this into practical use.

Molecular Partners advances COVID-19 candidates
Molecular Partners announces encouraging results from in vitro potency assessments of its DARPin candidates for the potential treatment of COVID-19. It says they showed "extremely robust" antiviral activity with several candidates demonstrating completer viral neutralization with low picomolar potency.
It expects to select a clinical candidate in the coming weeks. Clinical trials will launch in H2.
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