Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) completed its review of the Company’s Investigational New Drug (IND) application for its novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19) vaccine candidate (mRNA-1273) allowing it to proceed to Phase 2 study, expected to begin shortly; finalizing protocol for Phase 3 study of mRNA-1273, expected to begin in early summer of 2020
i love social media clapbacks.
Anyone able to recommend a good mask?..Haven’t been able to find one locally.
Anyone able to recommend a good mask?..Haven’t been able to find one locally.

KN95's are all around. You'll pay a premium, but they're easier and cheaper than a N95.

I just use a surgical. They can be found on ebay or amazon.

I have some cloth, but waiting on carbon filters.
Where did you see this?

I've seen people water test and fire test them.

So I wouldn't say most at all.

Hospitals are getting KN95's.

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Of course some are faulty, but saying most and they only block 15% is an entirely different statement.

Mask are being masked produced for the world, and mask were being mostly made in China in the first place. Some of everything is going to be faulty.
good info here to try and help determine if a mask may be counterfeit.

I also heard any masks that's being represented as a N95 masks should be the ones that wrap around your head, not ears. Any mask that wraps around the ears is not N95. I think i saw an expert speak about this on 60 Minutes recently. They were going around and catching counterfeiters and as soon as he saw the ear loops, he said fake. Didnt even need to hold it

....I do think the part that you edited in is worth reading, and I will probably read it here soon......I just thought it was odd that you responded the way you did only minutes after I posted it, when you hadn't even consumed the content.
-My intial reply to your post was only pointing out the oddness of you saying it was "misinformation" when clearly you didn't know it's contents.
Now that you do, I guess it was worth a few more minutes than 5 you claimed were wasted ...........and a proper conversation about it's contents can actually be had.
Hell, the same exact video was posted just a few posts before mine :lol:
Sorry if I came off as hostile against you, and thanks for the reply.

I need to do a better job distinguishing genuine curiosity from purposeful misinformation and need to be a little more patient.
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