Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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As a resident of the Bay Area, what Newsom has been doing has been very comforting. Hearing that he would ease up on some restrictions made me a little uncomfortable. Everything that was operating up until last week was already curbside pick up only. All he basically did was open up certain retail stores curbside pick up....which is perfect in my opinion. Sheesh this **** has got my anxiety at an all time high. Haha..

I trust Newsom more than that fat evil ginger in office.

"While a healthy person’s blood-oxygen saturation is at least 95 percent, doctors have reported some coronavirus-stricken patients with levels in the 80s or 70s — with some extreme cases below 50 percent, according to the outlet. "

this is insane an oxygen level at 50%
it's like you're actively dead if that makes any sense
one other thing i would like to add since this post started in january
has anyone notice there are 24k in replies and over a 1 million views in this thread :sick: :emoji_eyes: 👀

someone besides us is lurking

we got threads with over a millions views but alot of these 1 million plus threads started like 8 to 12 years ago
based on what he's doing by this Friday, it doesnt look like he's rushing. Doing curbside saves alot of potential contamination. And said place of business has to prove they put things in place to protect the employees in order to apply to re-open with just curbside.

The MAGA's in Cali probably take this as a slap in the face. Its the bare minimum he could have done.

This is what the Texas Gov. originally started doing for his "re-open Texas" plan.........but then 7 days later, he caved in to his "MAGA-loving Lieutenant Governor" and the rest of those "MAGA-loving Texas Rednecks" and did a half-*** copycat version of Georgia's EXTREME re-opening plan instead.

Good thing you have Newsome running the re-opening plan for California......'cuz if you had a GOP governor in Cali, ************ will have you re-opening actual stores at 25% by next week
one other thing i would like to add since this post started in january
has anyone notice there are 24k in replies and over a 1 million views in this thread :sick: :emoji_eyes: 👀

someone besides us is lurking

we got threads with over a millions views but alot of these 1 threads started like 8 to 12 years ago
Lol I have had one lurker hit me with a pm suggesting lotion when I talked about dry hands from frequent hand washing.

It was good lotion.

Maybe there's tons of lurkers.
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