Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Amazed the perpetrators aren’t white trash.

Really all sorts.
Cuts across every segment of society.
You’ll see news articles cite numerous instances.
Never just buy in on what the Media pushes for a story.
There’s messed up people everywhere.

Figuring all Asian supermarkets been doing the mask check and numbers count for some time. Said before, personally would like to see places also do the Temp Check. Noninvasive and takes little time.
Just got out of nearby ups store. Store counter girls have mask, plastic partition and observe distance. But older white couple, middle aged Latino couple (husband had mask, wife didn’t), young black dude and middle aged Asian man with no masks.
What in the Hell, people.
good to see some progress in california.
are stores going to be wiping down books and clothes after customers touching?
would not be surprised if some business remain closed if they feel it is not worth it with the restrictions
Cali is setting up the re-opening plans right now. Stage 2 is this Friday (with modifications, which include keeping employees/customers safe).

Retail stores can open as long as there is curb side pick up

Not included: Offices (can telework), seated dining, shopping malls still cant open

Interesting. Selfishly, I'm happy we are not part of the return to the office.
Carnival Dangles $28-a-Night Fares for Planned Aug. 1 Restart

(Bloomberg) Carnival plans to resume sailing on Aug. 1, becoming the first cruise operator in the Americas to outline a return to operations after coronavirus outbreaks on several ships shuttered the industry.
Nah nah I wouldn't step on a cruise right now if I was paid to do it

Unless we're talking like 50 grand...
Cali is setting up the re-opening plans right now. Stage 2 is this Friday (with modifications, which include keeping employees/customers safe).

Retail stores can open as long as there is curb side pick up

Not included: Offices (can telework), seated dining, shopping malls still cant open

Interesting. Selfishly, I'm happy we are not part of the return to the office.

retail stores as in walking in and shopping? Or just curbside pickup the clothes you buy?
I like this plan Newsom is going with. On the outside, it looks like he's loosening up and allowing things to try and get back to normal, but in reality, its a small deal he's allowing to happen. At the end of the day, curbside pick up only is not that great for those who want things to open up.

Still can't sit in a restaurant or go to a movie.

So for me, this is great.

Trump supporters relieved the shooters weren't white

All jokes aside man people are crazy. Yo
Killed someone for inquiring about a public health policy that’s been going for nearly 2 months. I hate seeing my people in cages but definitely keep people like that away from me and mine.
Newsom is going at a good pace. I hope he doesn't feel pressure to rush re-opening California.
based on what he's doing by this Friday, it doesnt look like he's rushing. Doing curbside saves alot of potential contamination. And said place of business has to prove they put things in place to protect the employees in order to apply to re-open with just curbside.

The MAGA's in Cali probably take this as a slap in the face. Its the bare minimum he could have done.
Gonna be more corporate stores in our cities after this.

With all of the backlash about the mistreatment of small businesses, I could also see corporate businesses creating fake "small businesses". Your favorite bar and restaurant might be gone and after some time another takes that spot but it's really owned by a larger entity.
based on what he's doing by this Friday, it doesnt look like he's rushing. Doing curbside saves alot of potential contamination. And said place of business has to prove they put things in place to protect the employees in order to apply to re-open with just curbside.

The MAGA's in Cali probably take this as a slap in the face. Its the bare minimum he could have done.

expecting plenty more of these MAGA protests.
As a resident of the Bay Area, what Newsom has been doing has been very comforting. Hearing that he would ease up on some restrictions made me a little uncomfortable. Everything that was operating up until last week was already curbside pick up only. All he basically did was open up certain retail stores curbside pick up....which is perfect in my opinion. Sheesh this **** has got my anxiety at an all time high. Haha..
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