Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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I live in Dallas. But still relatively new to Texas. Moved here last year. But in Dallas county the masks are required. Went to Costco and everyone was complying. Went to Kroger and it was a **** show. What surprised me though was that it’s usually been whites I’ve seen with that dismissive attitude toward the masks. It was mostly latinos with a few whites sprinkled in. Blew my mind seeing some lady with 3 kids in Kroger with no mask on, but the employees should be on their ***.

on a side note. Houston is dope af. Stopped there back in December on my way to New Orleans. Spent a day out there, but was digging the vibe out there.
I'm surprised you were surprised to see white people without mask on because they've been protesting against wearing mask and staying at home for the past two weeks.

Did you think it was only the few white people that were on your TV that felt that way?
Last night, I was reading the tweets under #donotopencalifornia and my goodness some of these people and their reasons to open CA. I have to laugh just to lighten up my mood.

Tons of stable geniuses there are in this world.
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