Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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this is dumb as hell and I kinda hate it but dammit I did laugh a little.

...a common description of the award-inventing Channel 9 CCNN Semi-Regular Report, for which I turn (in)to our Mexican crisis correspondent cosmiccoffee9 cosmiccoffee9 for the latest views from the Pacific Coast!

Good morning lady and gentlemen of NikeTalk, cosmiccoffee9 cosmiccoffee9 here with the latest from the COVID-19 crisis as it continues to strengthen its taxing hold on this sunny city by the sea.

With the existing shelter-in-place order enforced by both city and military police through at least May 15 (with a provisional 2-week extension that could restrict movement for the entire month), measures to slow the spread of the deadly pandemic have become quite stringent in this typically free-flowing town.

Masks are now required for entry into virtually all large public venues such as supermarkets, hardware stores, and even public transportation. In addition, the temperature of each patron is checked before entry.

(h/t Reddit for accurate B-Roll)

Discussions abound in Puerto Vallarta´s municipal chambers about temporarily grounding all outbound flights from the city´s international airport in a measure to combat the spread, while inbound flights will still be allowed into PVR...drawing the extraordinarily low local infection and fatality figures into question.

As of 29 April 2020, the city claims just 48 cases of COVID-19 infection and 5 deaths from the virus...for further perspective on this development, we turn to our celebrity guest Eddie Murphy for comment, Eddie?

Excited Eddie Murphy GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Thanks, Eddie.

[turns to camera 3]

Regardless of the figures surrounding the crisis itself, the impact it has had on the local economy is clear even to the most casual observer. Businesses starved of cashflow have already begun to close their doors for the last time, and it is estimated that up to 50 percent of them will not make a return at any point.

This leaves unprecedented shortfalls in the local economy, and the citizens of Puerto Vallarta have already begun to feel the pinch. Food banks have opened up around the city, sponsored chiefly by donations from wealthy retirees and--[looks around]--private business interests, reflecting a trend across the nation.

Indeed, with a meager social safety net in place to protect its´ most vulnerable citizens, and a stated economic focus on austerity in national government at this time, alternative sources of public assistance have recently become more prominent in civic life than ever before...for better or worse.

Is Calling COVID-19 The Chinese Virus Racist? - Page 3 - Off-Topic ...

(*reenactment*, h/t WB Pictures)

The cartel has not been shy about announcing its arrival in the state and its plans to control the drug trafficking plaza. Ten days ago it hung vinyl banners threatening criminals, promising citizens safety and warning police not to collaborate with extortionists and kidnappers or risk joining the ranks of the cartel’s enemies.

The CJNG has employed similar tactics in other states as they expand their reach throughout Mexico. And their presence is not necessarily a bad thing, some residents say.

A priest in Apatzingán, Michoacán, told ABC News last month that “it seems like they allow people to work, and they don’t prey on civilians, they don’t kidnap, they don’t steal vehicles, they just go about their drug business.”

A restaurant owner in Guanajuato concurred. “Things are quieter when Jalisco is around,” he told the news agency.

Strange times indeed.

In our viewer submission segment, we have this contribution from NT image-curation AI had pants had pants .

A fascinating phenomenon which this reporter can certainly attest to here on the ground.

In a related personal interest story, local lifestyle scout AJ of welovepv.com has moved his promotional work entirely online...and somehow managed to earn the enduring enmity of a local art gallery owner in so doing.

Accompanied by the visual aid below is a sample of her dangerous rhetoric, which sparked a 200-comment, 3-day, 5-alarm debate on [checks notes] whether it was a good idea for restaurant staff to wear masks:


Did his father have any other medical issues, how do you know what he died from, because WHO and CDC made it mandatory that ALL deaths be classified COVID19 which by the way is short for Certification Of Vaccination ID. All deaths including car crashs must be listed by law as COVID 19

She went on to expose her incredibly warped perspective to the entire town, tying Hitler, the Democratic Party, the Vatican, and Bill Gates into a massive global military exercise to instill fear in the global populace.

The gallery owner also directly implied that certain people should be glad ¨600,000 white people died for your rights in the Civil War to make America the first country to ban slavery,¨ not a word of which is correct.

Her ownership of a public facing business makes her a prime candidate to facilitate an outbreak cluster upon the city´s planned reopening June 1, extending the crisis through hurricane season and putting the next fall international visiting season--and the informal local economy it supports--at great risk.

After eventually being blocked from her social media, here is AJ collecting his Quarantine Badge for successfully shaming this corrosive COVID conspiracy chatter back into the sewers of Weirdo YouTube.

Pokemon gifs image by GarRen | Pokemon, Pokemon badges, Pokemon go

(h/t Nintendo or whatever)

Great work, kid.

That´s about all for this edition of the Semi-Regular Report...from the quarantine scenes of Puerto Vallarta, this has been cosmiccoffee9 cosmiccoffee9 reporting for Channel 9 CCNN...stay safe, mask up and wash your hands.
April 27-29 - 1 million cases
April 26-28- 50k deaths

we're adding >30k cases and >2k deaths per day. roughly following Italy's trend, we should see those numbers trend down towards 15k-20k cases and ~1k deaths per day by early May. that's assuming we maintain stay-at-home orders.
Pretty accurate
srs question, have any of you flown recently? Like in the past month. Wondering how the experience from the airport to the actual flight is these days

I'm going to be moving and I am flying (3 hour flight). Yeah, I don't feel great about it for a myriad of reasons but I'm not going to be able to make that drive
No way would I get on a plane right now. You can drive anywhere without traffic at the moment and gas cheap as hell everywhere.
No way would I get on a plane right now. You can drive anywhere without traffic at the moment and gas cheap as hell everywhere.
Yeah that makes sense. It's a 1500 mile drive that would be solo, I've done the drive once with another person

I've been reading several articles saying planes are empty with a only a few passengers. Going to suit up the best I can and hope for the best. The flight was $24
Whenever Cuomo starts his daily talk on updates, does anyone sort of feel like they are listening to a sermon? :lol: I feel sleepy.
DAMN! $24. From where to where if I may ask?
DFW to Los Angeles. Usually range between $100-$150 one way depending on when you book

I'm really hoping that low fare is a sign that the flight will be empty. Obviously airlines are doing their PR rounds and sending messages about how clean their aircrafts are and all the extra measures they're taking. But yeah still concerning. My main hope is that there's no bodies on board except the crew
Jewish ppl are really acting like De Blasio is Hitler and him telling them to stay home is like the Holocaust.

If you don't believe me, go to his Twitter.

Entitled pricks...how can you prepare genocide to a stay at home order.

Seen this **** on the news yesterday
Mayor said enough warnings they should make arrests

Reporter 2 seconds later
0 arrests were made

DFW to Los Angeles. Usually range between $100-$150 one way depending on when you book

I'm really hoping that low fare is a sign that the flight will be empty. Obviously airlines are doing their PR rounds and sending messages about how clean their aircrafts are and all the extra measures they're taking. But yeah still concerning. My main hope is that there's no bodies on board except the crew

Crew would be the highest risk IMHO. A lot of these airlines aren’t protecting their crew, making it easy for them to spread the virus.

If it were me and I absolutely HAD to fly, I would pack multiple masks, and sets of gloves. Get to the airport, get through security, remove gloves and wash your hands, put on a new set, do the same when you get off, and then again after you get off your method of transportation. I’d also swap masks after the flight. Friend of mine is a health physicist for the state and he said the “art of double gloving” is super important right now when you’re out going to multiple destinations.

Where in LA, if I may ask? If you have any questions about how the situation is here, I’d be happy to answer them.
Crew would be the highest risk IMHO. A lot of these airlines aren’t protecting their crew, making it easy for them to spread the virus.

If it were me and I absolutely HAD to fly, I would pack multiple masks, and sets of gloves. Get to the airport, get through security, remove gloves and wash your hands, put on a new set, do the same when you get off, and then again after you get off your method of transportation. I’d also swap masks after the flight. Friend of mine is a health physicist for the state and he said the “art of double gloving” is super important right now when you’re out going to multiple destinations.

Where in LA, if I may ask? If you have any questions about how the situation is here, I’d be happy to answer them.
Yeah those are great suggestions. You can never be too careful in this situation. I plan on taking extra extra extra precautions. Including your suggestions. Definitely washing my hands after security, changing gloves and not touching anything

I definitely will have multiple gloves and masks and dispose of them and replace multiple times. So you're saying put two sets of gloves on? I planned on having two procedure masks + a fabric mask at all times and replace masks and gloves when I land as well as change my entire outfit and put in separate closed off bag

Appreciate the offer for updates. I'm from CA so my friends and fam are keeping me updated on stuff but I'll be staying in the Irvine area with family until I can get the logistics down of moving to my own place
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