Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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although i also think it's dumb af that americans are outside, i completely understand it (country norms/tradition/culture or whatever you wanna call it). this ain't a communist country & they shouldn't be "forced" to stay in. our leaders should have better prepared the country so this wouldn't have ever happened, we should have done something similar to south korea from the jump.
although i also think it's dumb af that americans are outside, i completely understand it (country norms/tradition/culture or whatever you wanna call it). this ain't a communist country & they shouldn't be "forced" to stay in. our leaders should have better prepared the country so this wouldn't have ever happened, we should have done something similar to south korea from the jump.

You basically answered your own question. Our leaders are incompetent and the supreme being ignored many warnings and frankly didn't take the virus seriously! One mistake after another. I'm glad that reporter called him out on more deaths than Vietnam. He's the leader and he takes the heat! It's on him!

I get you don't want to be locked inside your home, but it's for the greater good. Just think of how bad it would be if states didn't shut down. The figures would be mind blowingly horrible!! What we did has helped. But it's too soon to reopen. The 2nd wave will be worse than the 1st.
You basically answered your own question. Our leaders are incompetent and the supreme being ignored many warnings and frankly didn't take the virus seriously! One mistake after another. I'm glad that reporter called him out on more deaths than Vietnam. He's the leader and he takes the heat! It's on him!

I get you don't want to be locked inside your home, but it's for the greater good. Just think of how bad it would be if states didn't shut down. The figures would be mind blowingly horrible!! What we did has helped. But it's too soon to reopen. The 2nd wave will be worse than the 1st.

i didn't have a question in my original post & i also agree with everything you said. im just saying should we really be surprised or mad that americans are acting out exactly how it's expected for americans within the country's culture/norm.
People just too addicted to hanging out outside. That's all it is. It's my freedom to do what I want and I don't want to be locked in the house anymore and you can't make me. Americans are so damn entitled. S**t is ridiculous. It's not like they're fighting to get back to work. They're fighting for the common worker to get back to work so they can have things to do when they go out.

Was watching local news here in LA and they interviewed a person (you can guess age/race/gender) who said "my kids need to go to the beach, I need to be outside on hiking trails". No, what you need to do is stay inside and not catch da 'rona.
The cities should let them outside and do whatever the hell they want on the condition that they sign a waiver that if they get sick they won't go to the hospital or get treatment anywhere else. My body, my choice right? Make them wear like a reverse med-alert bracelet :lol:

Make them wear The Scarlet Letter since people love throwback fashion.
It was 72° here today. People were out with their shirts off.

It almost touched 80 out here, I mean I didn't go anywhere but I was definitely in the front yard

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You basically answered your own question. Our leaders are incompetent and the supreme being ignored many warnings and frankly didn't take the virus seriously! One mistake after another. I'm glad that reporter called him out on more deaths than Vietnam. He's the leader and he takes the heat! It's on him!

I get you don't want to be locked inside your home, but it's for the greater good. Just think of how bad it would be if states didn't shut down. The figures would be mind blowingly horrible!! What we did has helped. But it's too soon to reopen. The 2nd wave will be worse than the 1st.
When the number of infected and deaths keep fluctuating up and down a year from now those same dumb people gonna be wondering why. Their stupidity and need to hang out is going to prolong this pandemic longer than it should be.
where u at big dawg
Back in the mitten. Was in Florida, then came back this way for the quarantine since a lot of the fam, mom's is here.

Every state is experiencing and acting differently with the quarantine. All of it is comical.

I'll say Michigan never really stopped with the full quarantine. Businesses closed, except the grocery and target type shops, but people never stayed in the crib. It's been Spring-ish here for a bit. People walk dogs, jog, baby strollers, workout outside.

Especially where my place is here, very social, artsy, outdoor shops and restaurants, parks, and some fairly bougie, snobbish people that miss getting their makeup on fleek and hair did, and shop and brunch and all that ****.
Has there been any data released on the homeless in NYC during the pandemic?
I can’t imagine how the ones who live and sleep on the streets are being affected by this.

When the city opens back up and people begin swarming the subways again to commute to work something will have to be done about the homeless people who live in the subways. Specifically the ones who walk around or Kay in subway cars coughing up all over the place.
Their rates of infection will go up as well as their rate of transmission.
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