Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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If anyone wants to get tested for antibodies.....

Would love to do it, but will probably wait until there's more info about whether antibodies provide a level of immunity and accuracy of the tests is improved. Perhaps this test they're using is legit, but they do have a disclaimer about false positives from previous infection from other coronaviruses.
You talking about people waiting on paper checks or direct deposit? Regarding those who think they should be getting direct deposit, if you haven't received direct deposit return for 2018 or 2019, you need to provide your banking info to the IRS. If you haven't filed your 2019 tax return, they look to 2018. If you filed in 2018, but either owed money or have changed banks since then, you need to update that info with the IRS.

Both. I know several people who still are in need of it and yet to receive it. Even after going on the IRS website.
Both. I know several people who still are in need of it and yet to receive it. Even after going on the IRS website.

Wild. Have they tried reaching out to IRS? I'm sure the phone hold times are ridiculous, but I'm afraid that's really the only way to know what's up.
I'm holding off as long as I can.

I know if I shave my head, there's no coming back from that lol. I'm not ready to accept the bald life.

I tried waiting too but it’s months now. Did a zero all around. I hate looking at it. Just have to live in a hat until it’s decent enough. Hoping it’s cut ready by the time the barbershops open up. I mean 4 months without a cut or trim is a long time. I figure I do this now and live with the bad cut that hides behind a hat.
You can do the flame test with your mask. If you can blow out a candle/match/lighter with your mask on, its not a good mask. The flame should stay lit.

Some lower grade masks have cotton in them and can be highly flammable.
So if your face were to catch fire during the blow test - the mask is no good.

see: Results
seeing Pence walk around the Mayo Clinic is infuriating.

Do they not have anyone on the staff who tells them that's a bad look? Someones gotta not be afraid to speak up and say "sir, you need to put a mask on."

Hell, director at the Mayo Clinic has a duty to say you aint coming in here without the mask. What good does it do to have someone tweet out "we told him to wear a mask?"

Shameful but just another day in the Trump administration. Doing the right thing, even small, is impossible.
People just too addicted to hanging out outside. That's all it is. It's my freedom to do what I want and I don't want to be locked in the house anymore and you can't make me. Americans are so damn entitled. S**t is ridiculous. It's not like they're fighting to get back to work. They're fighting for the common worker to get back to work so they can have things to do when they go out.
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