Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Eating lunch in the classroom is trash from a kid's perspective. You don't get to choose your classmates. Imagine your boys getting to eat lunch together in a class you weren't put into and now you gotta eat lunch with a bunch of kids you hate in your Biology class.
I wanted to take the kids to the Marina and walk Crissy Field but was advised not to since so many people are out there.

I'm cool.

delores park, marina green, fort mason. polk st, chestnut and union streets, you can just imagine how many idiots will be out there this weekend. And its going to be even nice next weekend. shouldve just waited to ease after memorial day.
One of the many things this pandemic has brought to light is the lack of compassion for the fellow man. I would say "specifically in the US" but I don't have access to media overseas to know if they have a similar mentality.

But in America there's this common theme of "why should WE (young/healthy people) have to suffer at home and kill our economy for them (older people/people with conditions)" Almost as if they feel like if someone dies because they have asthma and got the virus it's all good. You died from COVID but you're 75. No big deal. Maybe you were gonna die soon anyways. Oh he died from the virus but it was complications from diabetes. F--- that *****
Biggest facts.

They'll have to cut big boy checks next time when we have to close again.

They might have to do it soon record high deaths and a reopening in the next coming days for many states a few big outbreaks and it’s back to part one . New York numbers dropped a lot but New Jersey jumped up a lot . A lot of the smaller states had big numbers today to . Nyc has a huge transportation problem with the homeless which they have to figure out
They might have to do it soon record high deaths and a reopening in the next coming days for many states a few big outbreaks and it’s back to part one . New York numbers dropped a lot but New Jersey jumped up a lot . A lot of the smaller states had big numbers today to . Nyc has a huge transportation problem with the homeless which they have to figure out

I mean, it´s been just over 2wk since those Easter celebrations, but yesterday´s spike is probably a coincidence.

And we've ALL heard someone cough and sneeze on a plane... especially heard the people with the chronic cough and sneeze knowing they're sick af. And we've had that thought of just holding our breath for a sec til the germs pass. Knowing if they boarded as sick as they sound, they definitely aren't responsible enough in covering their noses and mouths the way they should be.

If the germs spreading like this...that's an atom bomb. You hear a sneeze, say your goodbyes.

Bruh how are you so reckless you make the mayor leave his crib just to tell you to get your *** home
They're gonna be big mad of his word choices though. Saying specifically the Jewish community, they gonna call him anti-Semitic and a war on Jews and he'll be Italian Hitler before the week is over.
I'm surprised you were surprised to see white people without mask on because they've been protesting against wearing mask and staying at home for the past two weeks.

Did you think it was only the few white people that were on your TV that felt that way?

to be honest, I don’t know. I went out today and saw a decent amount of people without masks and a good chunk of them were white. Not sure if they’re the “reopen the economy” whites though.
My initial reaction was that this man was doing God's work, but upon further inspection...
Hol'up, why McPence take off his mask and shield when he got close to the old man tho?!

Because there’s a bunch of fake social distancers out here. Hell, my apartment complex is on IG all day posting stuff about stay home and make sure you social distance and then posted a video on their IG story with at least 3 employees in the office right next to each other with no mask or anything. I see videos of chicks taking their kids to the grocery store with no gloves or mask. I’ve seen people posting pics going to hang out with groups of 6-7 of their friends. Some of my friends are even the ones doing this stuff. People don’t think it’s a big deal or they can’t be bothered to inconvenience themselves.
Last night, I was reading the tweets under #donotopencalifornia and my goodness some of these people and their reasons to open CA. I have to laugh just to lighten up my mood.

Tons of stable geniuses there are in this world.
Screen shot some stuff bro

None of this makes sense. Classrooms are closed with no air circulation. Teachers get sick. Kids get virus. Become carriers. Take home. Infect mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, baby brother or sister, family dog or cat, neighbors, etc.
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I think the table has turned.

Initially, early thoughts were that black people couldn't get the virus at all. And white folks wore masks. Then...with reports of our community getting blasted, I think white people now believe only black and brown people can get it and those tops are coming off like Mardi Gras.
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