Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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I'm gonna have to assume if kids can't eat lunch in the cafeteria that it means they also can't have gym classes anymore. Not many fitness activities that allow social distancing. Unless they're playing basketball with Knicks defensive rules of don't come within 10 feet of a shooter
I think the table has turned.

Initially, early thoughts were that black people couldn't get the virus at all. And white folks wore masks. Then...with reports of our community getting blasted, I think white people now believe only black and brown people can get it and those tops are coming off like Mardi Gras.
Yeah it stands out for sure. When I see the older white folks out grocery shopping without masks I just do a simultaneous 😳 🤔 :smh: into a *Kanye shrug. Their decision they gotta live or die with it
I'm gonna have to assume if kids can't eat lunch in the cafeteria that it means they also can't have gym classes anymore. Not many fitness activities that allow social distancing. Unless they're playing basketball with Knicks defensive rules of don't come within 10 feet of a shooter

Governor Whitmer just shutdown a drive in movie theater today and people are losing their minds. The article on the news site today has been blasted In The comments section. Calling her all types of names. And saying 'the liberals, vulnerable and scared people just need to stay home, I'm ready to get on with my life.'

I'm gonna have to assume if kids can't eat lunch in the cafeteria that it means they also can't have gym classes anymore. Not many fitness activities that allow social distancing. Unless they're playing basketball with Knicks defensive rules of don't come within 10 feet of a shooter

Ain’t gonna work the Middle school where I’m at in Brooklyn the gyms are crazy small . 100 kids in one small gym and kids have about two three feet in between them just in floor spots . Physical education in nyc public schools ain’t gonna work . These kids touch everything before schools shut down one kid in the gym tested positive early March . Some Nyc public schools have 3-4K and many take public transportation
seeing Pence walk around the Mayo Clinic is infuriating.

Do they not have anyone on the staff who tells them that's a bad look? Someones gotta not be afraid to speak up and say "sir, you need to put a mask on."

Hell, director at the Mayo Clinic has a duty to say you aint coming in here without the mask. What good does it do to have someone tweet out "we told him to wear a mask?"

Shameful but just another day in the Trump administration. Doing the right thing, even small, is impossible.
If it was a common person they would be told or they would have to leave.
Why would u want to . Arguing with dumb people the worst u ain’t never winning the argument
So much this. I don't argue with dumb people over anything anymore. Not politics, economics, sports, religion, not this virus. Nothing. We'll converse for a sec, they show me their cards, and I'll fold and find another table expeditiously. I don't mind letting them believe they won the debate and shut me up, I value my mental health and energies.
None of this makes sense. Classrooms are closed with no air circulation. Teachers get sick. Kids get virus. Become carriers. Take home. Infect mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, baby brother or sister, family dog or cat, neighbors, etc.

CDC looks super dumb with this. I would love to see the faces of the idiots that really believe this would keep everyone in a classroom safe as if no one in the class is ever going to move or actually breathe
IF you thought her tweet was bad, you should read the comments. This world is something else man.
A Friend of mine hit me up today. I texted him a few weeks back, but he didn't respond, but I did not even remember that I texted him with everything going on. Dude hit me up today apologizing for not getting back to me, so I'm like it's no biggie, only for him to say he's just been out of it as he lost both his Father and Grandmother. I didn't even know what to say.
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