Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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do you live anywhere near a beach or have you ever? Beach foot traffic is about 100X more than street foot traffic.

The beach does not need to be open, anywhere. Beach is where everyone wants to be when you live within distance. I live in a beach town and don't even go to it because i take it for granted, but our beaches here are filled with 97% out of town people and 3% local. It would be impossible to keep the beaches (if open) from getting crowded. Huge difference between walking at a beach vs walking down the street. I hope you can see that.

On a good day, I might see 4 people walking on my streets. People like to flock towards the beach to walk because of scenery. My city had to close Ocean Ave, which is the first street that looks directly down at PCh highway and the ocean. Why? Because people would leave where they live to walk there instead.

Understandable. To be fair, my initial post wasn't beach related. It was more so the observation that people freak out when they hear a "beginning to reopen" date not knowing what beginning entails.
It could be Phase 1: Nonessential businesses such as bars, retail stores, etc remain closed but office jobs with under 20 employees can reopen. Or whatever the guidelines are that still promote social distancing.

You def have Better experience than me when it comes to beaches since I don't live Relatively close to a beach so I see why you'd feel beaches should remain closed due to the difficulty that would arise from trying to manage the crowds and I agree with everything you said.
Understandable. To be fair, my initial post wasn't beach related. It was more so the observation that people freak out when they hear a "beginning to reopen" date not knowing what beginning entails.
It could be Phase 1: Nonessential businesses such as bars, retail stores, etc remain closed but office jobs with under 20 employees can reopen. Or whatever the guidelines are that still promote social distancing.

You def have Better experience than me when it comes to beaches since I don't live Relatively close to a beach so I see why you'd feel beaches should remain closed due to the difficulty that would arise from trying to manage the crowds and I agree with everything you said.
yeah, the whole re-opening talk is straight confusing. I feel like its too open for interpretation.

I think for most, when they see re-open talk and its April 17th, its a shock to the systems and quite scary,

So i sort of understand people jumping the gun and looking to criticize when they hear re-open talk. Florida's lackadaisical approach to this who thing doesn't help either.
The problem we are all having with the reopening right now is a lot of it is just outside activities. Barely anything about work. Like those idiots in Michigan. I saw one crusty old lady mad she can’t go get her roots dyed. B***h ain’t nobody looking at ur hair dyed or not. People literally crying about conveniences. The people complaining about loss of work are the ones getting f***ed by Trumps nonsense but they aren’t crying because they can’t swim in the ocean with all their time off.
For the Cali folks, what's your best guesstimate as to when we are re-opening based on what we are seeing and implementing Gov Newsom's "plan"?

Just curious.
that food shortage is about to be real
And sadly only happening in states that refuse to take it seriously. How will Trump supporters spin this when food starts slowing down because all the plants start closing down in middle America where this is all a “hoax”.
For the Cali folks, what's your best guesstimate as to when we are re-opening based on what we are seeing and implementing Gov Newsom's "plan"?

Just curious.
I think if testing can actually be widely available and we seen a slowing or slight decline I can see middle of May to start implementing his slow rollout plan.
I think if testing can actually be widely available and we seen a slowing or slight decline I can see middle of May to start implementing his slow rollout plan.

Testing in any state is not widely available I think Cuomo said max is 60 k a day and New York is leading the tests dunno about Cali but I doubt it’s higher than ny and yes I believe Cali ain’t reach it’s peak unfortunately even thought u had ur highest death toll today . Governor over there is doing a good job Though
Healthcare worker here,

Im an Occupational Therapist at a skilled nursing unit and the past week has been rough.

About 10 patients in one unit tested positive for covid last Friday and 5 more scattered around the building later this week. My facility doesn’t want to test the workers-mind you our patients have been quarantined for almost a month now and visitors have been banned from the building. Yet, the only way the patients could of caught it was from an employee:smh:.

Due to the positive cases, our caseload has vastly decreased since we’re unable able to treat the residents in the assisted living unit and our outpatient people. Each therapist can only work about 28 hours a week(we’re paid hourly) and to top it off they announced salary deductions by 10% today.

Honestly, I’ve lost all motivation to work at this place :rolleyes
Difficult to practice care, if the management doesn't. :smh:
I’m in central Florida and I’m getting scared about what they’re going to do. The unemployment system in Florida is such a mess that people will probably feel obligated to go back to work because it’s taking weeks/over a month now for claims to be processed. The website is a joke and goes down everyday and no one answers the phone or replies to emails so you can’t ask any questions.
I’m from Lake County my pops saying folks are tripping. Things are about to unravel
Just like michigan.

picketing in orlando florida near Amway Arena to open up the state

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I personally know Demings. He is tired of this crap. So ashamed to be from Orlando. Just damn embarrassing. Glad I moved to Atlanta but the governor here is sucks as well
Healthcare worker here,

Im an Occupational Therapist at a skilled nursing unit and the past week has been rough.

About 10 patients in one unit tested positive for covid last Friday and 5 more scattered around the building later this week. My facility doesn’t want to test the workers-mind you our patients have been quarantined for almost a month now and visitors have been banned from the building. Yet, the only way the patients could of caught it was from an employee:smh:.

Due to the positive cases, our caseload has vastly decreased since we’re unable able to treat the residents in the assisted living unit and our outpatient people. Each therapist can only work about 28 hours a week(we’re paid hourly) and to top it off they announced salary deductions by 10% today.

Honestly, I’ve lost all motivation to work at this place :rolleyes
I’m in a similar situation at my facility. I’m an OT as well. I work in Sub acute setting/ ALF/ ILF. We have a big outbreak on our hand. We went two weeks with out getting new admits. We prevented family from coming in but the problem is asymptomatic workers are coming in infecting the residents. We have a big med B case load. We have 9-10 patient with Covid. Now staff are testing positive every other day. I feel so miserable coming into work but I have to support my family. My wife is an RN and she’s hella stressed. We finally did get some PPE this past week. Looks like they will be getting new admits next week. Negative of course. Then after a few weeks we will be getting Covid patients to rehab them.
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