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Tell me how open parks are offering curbside anything? Contactless park walking? Beach walking without breathing?

What's the diff between someone walking in a park/beach or someone walking down a street? If anything, you have a better chance keeping your distance from someone on a beach that's miles long when you're walking/jogging as opposed to walking down a 3 foot wide sidewalk where you gotta walk into a street to avoid someone. If they opened a beach for people to chill in groups then I'd be against it but to lose your **** over the idea of people walking outdoors is overreacting
Alchemist iq current location: Houston,Texas
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What's the diff between someone walking in a park/beach or someone walking down a street? If anything, you have a better chance keeping your distance from someone on a beach that's miles long when you're walking/jogging as opposed to walking down a 3 foot wide sidewalk where you gotta walk into a street to avoid someone. If they opened a beach for people to chill in groups then I'd be against it but to lose your **** over the idea of people walking outdoors is overreacting
The difference is people don't all drive to your damn street to hang out. It's just who lives in your neighborhood. And your street isn't a hang out spot anyway. The beach is. Thousands of people go to the same destination (the beach in this instance) is the same as walking on your street where you live? Just stop and think about that.
The difference is people don't all drive to your damn street to hang out. It's just who lives in your neighborhood. And your street isn't a hang out spot anyway. The beach is. Thousands of people go to the same destination (the beach in this instance) is the same as walking on your street where you live? Just stop and think about that.

I'm not disagreeing with you about them not allowing groups. I just want to know the details before jumping the gun and assuming they're just being reckless, even tho Florida is normally dumb AF.

If it's gonna be a free for all then I'm against them opening the beaches, but if they open the beaches and restrict the number of people, require a mask, etc then I'll be cool with it.

The odds that'll be the case are slim but my original argument wasnt about beaches being open. my post was directed to people hearing "Reopen phases to begin May 15 in some states" and going crazy not knowing what the details are. There's some office type jobs that can easily reopen with limitations like no physical contact, stagger employees like half the staff 4 days in a row then half the staff another 4 in a row, etc. Let the details come out before jumping to conclusions

Shake Shack Gets $10M Federal Loan For Small Businesses Affected by COVID-19
While a few big chains have reported getting federal loans for small businesses, some small restaurants in NYC are still waiting on their funds
Sheesh... "small" business? These companies ate up all the money.

Still haven't get my measly stack that I was supposed to get
I applied directly on small business association website day ONE. Haven't heard a peep still, been nearly 3 weeks
Sheesh... "small" business? These companies ate up all the money.

Still haven't get my measly stack that I was supposed to get
Ruth Chris Steakhouse got $20 Million


edit: oops, ruths chris did get 20 mill, the other 10 mill was for potbellys.
What's the diff between someone walking in a park/beach or someone walking down a street? If anything, you have a better chance keeping your distance from someone on a beach that's miles long when you're walking/jogging as opposed to walking down a 3 foot wide sidewalk where you gotta walk into a street to avoid someone. If they opened a beach for people to chill in groups then I'd be against it but to lose your **** over the idea of people walking outdoors is overreacting
do you live anywhere near a beach or have you ever? Beach foot traffic is about 100X more than street foot traffic.

The beach does not need to be open, anywhere. Beach is where everyone wants to be when you live within distance. I live in a beach town and don't even go to it because i take it for granted, but our beaches here are filled with 97% out of town people and 3% local. It would be impossible to keep the beaches (if open) from getting crowded. Huge difference between walking at a beach vs walking down the street. I hope you can see that.

On a good day, I might see 4 people walking on my streets. People like to flock towards the beach to walk because of scenery. My city had to close Ocean Ave, which is the first street that looks directly down at PCh highway and the ocean. Why? Because people would leave where they live to walk there instead.
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