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I've been reading that "re-open order" for almost the entire afternoon since he announced it............it doesn't even look like Texas is actually fully re-opening next week.

Literally one of the orders for "re-opening a non-essential business" is that THEY MUST BE REQUIRED TO DO CURBSIDE/TO-GO PICKUPS if they want to re-open back up, which has already happened in most businesses in the state of Texas already (including that trash heap Gamestop).

That means barbershops and salons are still closed in that regard since there is no actual way possible for them to provide that type of service. ****ing gyms, movie theaters, even churches and other public venues will STILL BE CLOSED outside of the state parks re-opening.........which I see the state parks re-opening being the only problem with this "Re-open Texas Order."

Outside of the possibility of starting up some "elective/routine procedures" again in some hospitals, Texas really won't be re-opening next week as much as people are fearing.

This is not like ****ing Florida that re-opened every god damn thing possible, including public beaches.

Galveston County in Texas is still keeping the public beaches in Galveston Island closed DESPITE this order.

So put the god damn pitchfork down fellas, Texas is still under stay-at-home precautions next week..........we just opening a few stores back-up and letting some folk breath in them parks with possibly 24/7 police surveillance (which is bull, we know them state troopers cant control these dumbasses in the parks)

It's definitely a gradual reopening process. Texas is basically the first state to a certain degree to implement Trumps 3 phase plan.
this sounds good but it's not going to work.

it's not left vs right. it's those who understand the science and those who don't.

we're not asking for unlimited lockdown. we're saying we ****ed up by waiting so long to do anything that now the only option is lockdown. we can responsibly bring some things back but we can't go back to normal for 1-2 years.

anything else is just going to lead us back to lockdown.

we can't do 50-50 either. it's a virus. it spreads. doesn't matter if the people who have it are red or blue. it means the hospitals will be overwhelmed and the virus has new hosts to multiply. it means we go back to lockdown.

I get all that but for some they are ok taking the risk of not making it. I mean if people are going to do things anyway might as well help them make those choices. the government will never offer enough for some to make a living. For others they will be ok taking the chance of doing what they want to do anyway. There is no simple solution going forward.
Do you realize in New York about 5 percent of people are considered essential workers give or take I don’t know the real numbers but I would say 5 percent is a fair estimate may be less though and we’re still receiving two thousand people a day being admitted into a hospital almost a month into the lockdown 10 percent of those people prolly won’t live . If you let people work those numbers are gonna go up .
Like I said for people to stop going crazy let buddy Donald give the people 2k a month and people gonna stay in

maybe nyc needs it’s own plan. It’s the most unique in all of this. The density there is far different than SF and LA.
It's definitely a gradual reopening process. Texas is basically the first state to a certain degree to implement Trumps 3 phase plan.

Indeed, I'm just trying to put in perspective for all the people with the pitchforks raised high in the air thinking Texas is reopening every vacation beach spot like Florida is planning............they're not, Texas looks like they're doing the more practical approach of re-opening their economy instead of going the "Florida-route" of opening all their tourist traps up for more virus spread.

Granted, I believe the decision to re-open Texas' state parks seems something that the crazy Texas Lt. Govt. was thinking about, considering he is "willing to sacrifice every grandma and grandpa to re-open the economy."

they're seeing more victims getting strokes (all ages)

not sure if this was posted.. this virus is something else...
Healthcare worker here,

Im an Occupational Therapist at a skilled nursing unit and the past week has been rough.

About 10 patients in one unit tested positive for covid last Friday and 5 more scattered around the building later this week. My facility doesn’t want to test the workers-mind you our patients have been quarantined for almost a month now and visitors have been banned from the building. Yet, the only way the patients could of caught it was from an employee:smh:.

Due to the positive cases, our caseload has vastly decreased since we’re unable able to treat the residents in the assisted living unit and our outpatient people. Each therapist can only work about 28 hours a week(we’re paid hourly) and to top it off they announced salary deductions by 10% today.

Honestly, I’ve lost all motivation to work at this place :rolleyes
The numbers coming out of New York is insane. 12,000 deaths has to have a major impact on the state going forward.
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