Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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No doubt in my mind China should be down after this. Just waiting for the actual proof that China man made this...
I wouldn't rule out it was unintentionally let out from the lab, but if it was intentional then damn... biological warfare
I’m hoping TX isn’t ******, but I won’t be surprised if it is. Living in Austin and seeing the number of people who didn’t care soon enough or never started to care is disappointing.

Hoping mayors in the major cities keep things locked down. In the beginning the argument to not lock down Texas was that the major cities locked themselves down. This worked because the majority of Texas is little podunk towns with little to no exposure or tourism to bring it or spread it.

Either way, I expect Austin to be in trouble for a while.
you forgot April 27 - spike in Covid-19 cases and April 28 - state goes back into lockdown.


*Retail Stores WITH IN-STORE PICKUP, CURBSIDE PICKUP, HOME DELIVERY OPTIONS will be open...............if they don't have that option, they are closed.

I've re-read that executive order so many times, that is literally the point that I need reiterate to be made.

NOT EVERY RETAIL STORE IS RE-OPENING.......they need to have a "pickup option" as a requirement to re-open.
However........Texas is still tripping re-opening the god damn state parks, that is literally where **** is the true breeding ground for virus spread.

Thank god Galveston County put a stop to that **** by ordering Galveston Beaches stay closed.
*Retail Stores WITH IN-STORE PICKUP, CURBSIDE PICKUP, HOME DELIVERY OPTIONS will be open...............if they don't have that option, they are closed.

I've re-read that executive order so many times, that is literally the point that I need reiterate to be made.

NOT EVERY RETAIL STORE IS RE-OPENING.......they need to have a "pickup option" as a requirement to re-open.

people in this thread keep spazzing about things that aren't even happening. States say "reopening process will begin on [_insert date_]" and people are going crazy like YOO IF THEY OPEN THINGS EVERYONE WILL DIE. People read the headlines and first 2-3 sentences of an article and don't go in depth and see Oh ok only certain business with contactless options are open. That's no big deal.
I’m in central Florida and I’m getting scared about what they’re going to do. The unemployment system in Florida is such a mess that people will probably feel obligated to go back to work because it’s taking weeks/over a month now for claims to be processed. The website is a joke and goes down everyday and no one answers the phone or replies to emails so you can’t ask any questions.
people in this thread keep spazzing about things that aren't even happening. States say "reopening process will begin on [_insert date_]" and people are going crazy like YOO IF THEY OPEN THINGS EVERYONE WILL DIE. People read the headlines and first 2-3 sentences of an article and don't go in depth and see Oh ok only certain business with contactless options are open. That's no big deal.

Funny thing is......I look at the Texas Governor's twitter today about the Executive Order, you got ******* Alt. Right Hillbilly Rednecks complaining about in his comment section about "WHY U AINT OPEN NO CHURCHES IN YOUR EXECUTIVE ORDER, JESUS IS ESSENTIAL"

However........Texas is still tripping re-opening the god damn state parks, that is literally where **** is the true breeding ground for virus spread.

Thank god Galveston County put a stop to that **** by ordering Galveston Beaches stay closed.

Bruh, in Austin people stay at the green belts since all this **** started. People are stupid as ****.
people in this thread keep spazzing about things that aren't even happening. States say "reopening process will begin on [_insert date_]" and people are going crazy like YOO IF THEY OPEN THINGS EVERYONE WILL DIE. People read the headlines and first 2-3 sentences of an article and don't go in depth and see Oh ok only certain business with contactless options are open. That's no big deal.
Tell me how open parks are offering curbside anything? Contactless park walking? Beach walking without breathing?
Bruh, in Austin people stay at the green belts since all this **** started. People are stupid as ****.

You have to pray your local county judges and/or city mayors put additional restrictions on top of this ****...........thank god Houston and the greater suburban area actually has leaders willing to do that (although, Houston Mayor Turner is another sus one).

Galveston knows whats up and maintain their beaches stay closed ASAP
Florida alone gonna f**k us back to the stone age with this nonsense. Going to the beach is not going back to work. They literally can't stay put for two weeks before their low attention span has had it. They ain't crying about no unemployment if all they doing is flocking to the beaches. People mad they fun got taken away. Childish.
Michigan not re-opening. Whitmer doesn’t care about taking heat. She will not get pressured.
Late to respond yes and it cost us
But since then she’s done a good job
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