Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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I think every business should need to adhere to certain cleanliness rules: mandatory hand sanitizer at each door, Common areas wiped down every 30 minutes or after customer comes, mandatory masks, maintain social distancing, bigger businesses temperature check at the door

I've heard people say they would lowkey prefer a mild case of corona over stressing for months about getting it. This may change that theory.
I think every business should need to adhere to certain cleanliness rules: mandatory hand sanitizer at each door, Common areas wiped down every 30 minutes or after customer comes, mandatory masks, maintain social distancing, bigger businesses temperature check at the door

The problem is...none of this is ever going to happen.

you’re wrong, they’ve been doing every single one of those things he mentioned at my job
I think every business should need to adhere to certain cleanliness rules: mandatory hand sanitizer at each door, Common areas wiped down every 30 minutes or after customer comes, mandatory masks, maintain social distancing, bigger businesses temperature check at the door

That will be the hard part for non-essential businesses that will be "re-opening" in certain states with re-open plans beginning to be implemented..............Hand Sanitizers are hard enough to find at these regular grocery stores/big-box stores as is, it'll be even harder for a small non-essential business getting re-opened to find hand sanitizers to supply not only customers walking in to "pick up" one of their products BUT also for their own employees working in the stores.

Right now, essential businesses (hospitals, big-box grocery stores) are the ones getting TOP PRIORITY in getting resupplied hand sanitizers for their own staff employees............we're just getting what is leftover, which isn't very much at all AND owners of small non-essential businesses that will be "re-opening" in the next weeks or so will be joining the "leftover scraps" that these essential businesses will be leaving behind of hand sanitizers.

God help us on that front
The problem is...none of this is ever going to happen.

agreed man. I always think in my head that these companies will say that they will, But we all know they won't and if they do
they will only keep it up for a week or 2 maybe.

At the end of the day everyone is just out to make as much money as possible. These smaller companies aint trying to spend extra money to make sure its "clean" as much as they should
No kids.

my room is 5x5

but seriously my chair is more than 6feet away.

but the edge of my bed closet to the tv is like 2feet away

my tv is bigger than my room.
Folks bought something that will keep them occupied for at least 10 weeks.
my mom is alone in her big 2 bedroom apartment except for when we visit. she said she would not be able to stay inside without her big tv. she watches everything from korean soap operas, to welsh corgi vids on youtube, to cooking shows.

I've heard people say they would lowkey prefer a mild case of the corona over stressing for months about getting it. This may change that theory.

I feel like at some point in time, everyone will eventually get it and it will be a survival of the fittest from there.
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