Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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wait lemme understand this correctly, got the fam vaccinated which in turn was useless because you all got it anyway and you’re still advocating for vaccines?
Flu vaccines aren't one size fits all. There are different strains of the flu but that doesn't mean the vaccine isn't working to fight the other strains it's meant to. Just because a vaccine doesn't work in some cases doesn't mean it's a bad idea altogether. That's like saying since chemotherapy doesn't work for some cancer patients, we should get rid of it. I know chemotherapy doesn't work for all cancer patients, but God forbid if I have cancer, I'm going to do what I can to help kill the disease and go through it.

Even if the percentage of effectiveness for a covid-19 vaccine is under 30%, I'm still taking it. Better than nothing imo. This is just my opinion.
I've had no issues

Russian Roulette.

I've gotten take out once since this whole thing started. Emptied the contents of the containers into my own dish and then reheated the sh*t out of it in a 400 degree oven and discarded the containers.

I'm done with take out now though. Not risking it. Nope.

My pops used to be in the restaurant dsitribution biz so I've seen all the kitchens of the "nice" restaurants and how they get down and it's pretty gross so I rarely eat out anyways. If I do it's at an extremely familiar spot.

TBH I'd feel safer eating at McD's than these mom and pop spots based on cleanliness.
Russian Roulette.

I've gotten take out once since this whole thing started. Emptied the contents of the containers into my own dish and then reheated the sh*t out of it in a 400 degree oven and discarded the containers.

I'm done with take out now though. Not risking it. Nope.

My pops used to be in the restaurant dsitribution biz so I've seen all the kitchens of the "nice" restaurants and how they get down and it's pretty gross.

TBH I'd feel safer eating at McD's than these mom and pop spots based on cleanliness.
its an incredible risk. And right now, everyone is trying to minimize the risks. Nothing more, nothing less. Eating food prepared by someone you don't know is risky. Is it really that difficult to understand and needs to be argued?

I've seen articles stating eating out won't get your sick. But i still don't understand that. So if someone with covid coughs in your burger, you're ok? Its like when people said a masks won't help you back in January. Now it does. I'm using logic here when deciding what is safe and what isn't. Nothing to do with being on my high horse.
wait lemme understand this correctly, got the fam vaccinated which in turn was useless because you all got it anyway and you’re still advocating for vaccines?

Yup, last year it was useless. We all got flu B strain, which was severe af this past year. The flu vaccine isnt 100% effective, unfortunately. It is what it is.

I have kids. Giving them an extra % of protection makes sense to me, given the alternative.

Do you have kids? Do you get them vaccinated?
Yup, last year it was useless. We all got flu B strain, which was severe af this past year. The flu vaccine isnt 100% effective, unfortunately. It is what it is.

I have kids. Giving them an extra % of protection makes sense to me, given the alternative.

Do you have kids? Do they get them vaccinated?

I don’t have kids.
its an incredible risk. And right now, everyone is trying to minimize the risks. Nothing more, nothing less. Eating food prepared by someone you don't know is risky. Is it really that difficult to understand and needs to be argued?

I've seen articles stating eating out won't get your sick. But i still don't understand that. So if someone with covid coughs in your burger, you're ok? Its like when people said a masks won't help you back in January. Now it does. I'm using logic here when deciding what is safe and what isn't. Nothing to do with being on my high horse.
I’m not eating out. It’s important to cook diverse things though because you can easily get tired of eating the same food.
Russian Roulette.

I've gotten take out once since this whole thing started. Emptied the contents of the containers into my own dish and then reheated the sh*t out of it in a 400 degree oven and discarded the containers.

I'm done with take out now though. Not risking it. Nope.

My pops used to be in the restaurant dsitribution biz so I've seen all the kitchens of the "nice" restaurants and how they get down and it's pretty gross so I rarely eat out anyways. If I do it's at an extremely familiar spot.

TBH I'd feel safer eating at McD's than these mom and pop spots based on cleanliness.
Ok. I'm fine, thanks tho.
pulled up a simple stat via google to just show how ridiculously ignorant comparing covid deaths to deaths from driving was:

More than 38,000 people die every year in crashes on U.S. roadways. The U.S. trafficfatality rate is 12.4 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants.

So the fatality rate is about .0000124? I think you're smart enough to know that's better than the average deaths from covid, right?

I'll take a .0000124% chance of death vs 3.5% chance of death every day of the week. Granted, we're unsure who has it since the documented cases are just that, documented.
I know. You said that in your last post.

I was just sharing my perspective. I'm personally not chancing it, but I know folks are eating our regularly and if they can do so unscathed, god speed.
absolutely. Good luck to everyone who can eat out.

I absolutely want to know for a fact, you can't catch any type of flu from eating out. Every year, around flu season, I try to cut eating out as much as possible because I don't want to get the flu. It would be a huge relief if its confirmed flu cant be transmitted through sick people handling said food. But then again, i probably would be stubborn and still not eat out because logically, it doesn't seem right.
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