Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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50 employees at the JBS meatpacking plant in Greeley, Colorado have tested positive for coronavirus and are hospitalized, and two employees have died

190 coronavirus cases are now tied to the Smithfield pork processing plant in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Most of the 190 cases are employees of Smithfield foods. The Smithfield meatpacking plant is now the 4th largest hotspot in the United States.

Other states about to get hard in the next couple of weeks they got to lock **** down especially if they don’t got enough healthcare workers in the state

Won’t be surprised if we see a 5k deaths in a day
This is the right attitude to have but just so you know you can quit your job and get max unemployment plus 600 a week. So many ppl around me are being forced into pay cuts and different roles with more responsibility at their jobs but somehow my whole fam is winning. PA healthcare workers that make under 200 grand are all getting a 25k a year bonus. My wife, mom n sister are all in healthcare. Right now they're runnin under census at their hospitals too jus waiting for the corona explosion. So we been chillin, eating good, stacking blessings. Gunna buy some land in bum **** when this is over
I doubt that would work in TX. If they find out I was given the opportunity for guaranteed work, they would deny me with the quickness.
ya'll still think you can't get it from a sick person handling your food for take out?

as a lifelong fat kid I have put some thought into this, and my guess is it probably depends.

best bet is probably to cook at home as often as possible, but no doubt that does get old.

something like a burger might not be the best idea because of the high-contact prep sequence.

whereas something like a pizza gets thrown into an actual fire to cook then slid directly into a box.

at least, that´s my theory.

This is ****ing scary af.

imma start double wipe down on all the stuff ive purchased.
“I barely had any contact,” she said. “I didn’t even touch her.”

She talked to this lady, who knows how close they were.

Lesson is don't talk to strangers, don't make small talk, keep a 10' radius at all times and get even further when you can.
as a lifelong fat kid I have put some thought into this, and my guess is it probably depends.

best bet is probably to cook at home as often as possible, but no doubt that does get old.

something like a burger might not be the best idea because of the high-contact prep sequence.

whereas something like a pizza gets thrown into an actual fire to cook then slid directly into a box.

at least, that´s my theory.
It's so easy to make your own burger and make it way better than anything you'd get at most restaurants.

Throw on some bacon, avocado, egg, fancy cheese, etc. and you can make it a gourmet burger. Tip: buffalo burgers are great if you can get some ground bison. Also, the bun is key.

Pizza is fairly easy too if you can get your hands on pizza dough or flour+yeast.

I want to support restaurants but I also want to minimize the spread of coronavirus. Since most of us now have extra time at home, it's worth taking a few minutes to prep these things yourself.
ya'll still think you can't get it from a sick person handling your food for take out?

You think you can't get it from the mail? taking a jog around your neighborhood? staying in your house? Living!

Come on b.

There's a chance of you dying every single day from doing numerous things. Did you worry about that before Covid? Do you not drive because there's a chance you could get in an accident?
I know best guess estimates are 12-18 months for a viable vaccine available at scale. Which is still prob best case scenario.

Let's hope we don't see a worse case scenario of it taking longer than 2 years, or a vaccine that isnt thoroughly robust.

We all know the flu vaccine, while worth getting, often times doesn't prevent the flu. This past December my family got a different strain of flu than the vaccine was designed to protect altogether. Worst flu we've EVER had. Guessing it's the flu that a lot of yall got too, that yall were talking about a few pages back (when you were wondering if it was covid19 instead). That thang was nasty
You think you can't get it from the mail? taking a jog around your neighborhood? staying in your house? Living!

Come on b.

There's a chance of you dying every single day from doing numerous things. Did you worry about that before Covid? Do you not drive because there's a chance you could get in an accident?
of course. I take a risk assessment of everything i do right now. Eating out is high up on the risk ladder for me.
My mail gets taken out with gloves and put in the garage for days before i even open it up. I don't jog around my neighborhood. Haven't even taken a walk in over 2 weeks. The only time I go out is to get groceries, and i wear a mask and gloves. Thats a risk I'm willing to take.

Eating out? Completely unnecessary for me. Thats a risk I don't need and an easy one to pass on. I just don't understand how you can't get sick from eating take out. Huge difference between mail. We don't put mail in out mouth. We may use out hands but immediately wash them afterwards. Food? There's no getting around it. That goes in your mouth. There's no way around it.

The whole do you drive a car knowing the risks is an absolutely terrible comparison. I know the risks of driving. But need to drive in order to function and get around for work or family.

Eating out is not a risk I need to take. So its a terrible comparison. I can actually control that environment. So if i can control a situation based on a risk assessment I make, then its in my hands.
It's so easy to make your own burger and make it way better than anything you'd get at most restaurants.

Throw on some bacon, avocado, egg, fancy cheese, etc. and you can make it a gourmet burger. Tip: buffalo burgers are great if you can get some ground bison. Also, the bun is key.

Pizza is fairly easy too if you can get your hands on pizza dough or flour+yeast.

I want to support restaurants but I also want to minimize the spread of coronavirus. Since most of us now have extra time at home, it's worth taking a few minutes to prep these things yourself.
I know best guess estimates are 12-18 months for a viable vaccine available at scale. Which is still prob best case scenario.

Let's hope we don't see a worse case scenario of it taking longer than 2 years, or a vaccine that isnt thoroughly robust.

We all know the flu vaccine, while worth getting, often times doesn't prevent the flu. This past December my family got a different strain of flu than the vaccine was designed to protect altogether. Worst flu we've EVER had. Guessing it's the flu that a lot of yall got too, that yall were talking about a few pages back (when you were wondering if it was covid19 instead). That thang was nasty

wait lemme understand this correctly, got the fam vaccinated which in turn was useless because you all got it anyway and you’re still advocating for vaccines?
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