Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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still think it will be awhile before we start seeing large gatherings (concerts, sporting events, movies, etc)
are they going to start taking temperature at the gate?
Wow. The scrolling length of that one post for mobile. Good info though.

So when do you think they gonna up when we have literally at least 200k confirmed in NYc many people ain’t get tested and are Just isolating at home ? China went into lockdown serious lockdown right away ? Ny took a while and we got hit hard Some states are going to feel the huge death tolls in about two weeks
And New York ain’t even close to opening up when he keep having 800 deaths a day

The thing with the high deaths is the period of time it takes to pass from COVID. If you get it, it takes a few days for it to hit your system. Then once it does, it takes a bit for it to get to a life threatening stage for anyone who has complications from it. They get treated and if they eventually get thrown on a ventilator, they can sit on the machine for 10+ days. The deaths we're seeing Are patients exposed to the virus 2+ weeks ago. So these aren't people who woke up Monday and then died today.

Give it 3-4 weeks. Deaths will drop and Trump will get false confidence and put a plan in place for things to gradually reopen. Look at Cuomo in NY. He's already giving "cautious optimism" which I can see being full blown optimism by early May and by mid to late May he'll have NY businesses open with certain restrictions
Would be interesting to see if you could resume entertainment (concerts, live sports, etc) if everyone in attendance wore a mask.
Concerts and sporting events are done along with movie theaters
If one person coughs inside a packed theater it's a wrap lol
I haven't been to a concert in ages but man can you imagine being on the floor in a concert sweating and being bodied by all those people,sweating and breathing on you with all those droplets being released from everyone singing
The thing with the high deaths is the period of time it takes to pass from COVID. If you get it, it takes a few days for it to hit your system. Then once it does, it takes a bit for it to get to a life threatening stage for anyone who has complications from it. They get treated and if they eventually get thrown on a ventilator, they can sit on the machine for 10+ days. The deaths we're seeing Are patients exposed to the virus 2+ weeks ago. So these aren't people who woke up Monday and then died today.

Give it 3-4 weeks. Deaths will drop and Trump will get false confidence and put a plan in place for things to gradually reopen. Look at Cuomo in NY. He's already giving "cautious optimism" which I can see being full blown optimism by early May and by mid to late May he'll have NY businesses open with certain restrictions

New York will be like the last place to open back up in this country. Maybe they open back up by like November.
Would be interesting to see if you could resume entertainment (concerts, live sports, etc) if everyone in attendance wore a mask.

In South Korea, their K-pop artists still hold live performance broadcasts..............BUT they have no audience members in attendance at all just a few broadcast crew members filming the stuff for live tv.

And South Korea has a heavy face mask culture out there, so judging by that.............yeah, public gathering events are gonna stay cancelled for the rest of the year.

Those Coachella folk need to quit bothering on that October re-scheduled date, take the L and cancel Coachella 2020 altogether right now.
Would be interesting to see if you could resume entertainment (concerts, live sports, etc) if everyone in attendance wore a mask.

That’s nice in theory but good luck having the manpower to enforce it. Plus, I don’t see how a venue would have a concert or sporting event without there being food and drinks.

That right there will make a good number of people not even bother with the mask on after they get inside.
The thing with the high deaths is the period of time it takes to pass from COVID. If you get it, it takes a few days for it to hit your system. Then once it does, it takes a bit for it to get to a life threatening stage for anyone who has complications from it. They get treated and if they eventually get thrown on a ventilator, they can sit on the machine for 10+ days. The deaths we're seeing Are patients exposed to the virus 2+ weeks ago. So these aren't people who woke up Monday and then died today.

Give it 3-4 weeks. Deaths will drop and Trump will get false confidence and put a plan in place for things to gradually reopen. Look at Cuomo in NY. He's already giving "cautious optimism" which I can see being full blown optimism by early May and by mid to late May he'll have NY businesses open with certain restrictions

But there’s literally thousands every day testing positive and some will hit the icus in the next couple of days . Some people will get in critical condition and remain in the hospital for a while . 11k tested positive today and even if we say 5 percent hit the hospital that’s still hundreds of people who Might get put on vents or in the icu . Supposedly 20 percent is the number who go to the hospital and I’m saying let’s go to 5 percent . That’s gonna be hundreds of deaths going into late April Like I said if we keep seeing deaths ain’t nothing getting opened
But there’s literally thousands every day testing positive and some will hit the icus in the next couple of days . Some people will get in critical condition and remain in the hospital for a while . 11k tested positive today and even if we say 5 percent hit the hospital that’s still hundreds of people who Might get put on vents or in the icu . Supposedly 20 percent is the number who go to the hospital and I’m saying let’s go to 5 percent . That’s gonna be hundreds of deaths going into late April Like I said if we keep seeing deaths ain’t nothing getting opened

I'm not disagreeing with you on how major the issue is in places like NY and NJ. Its obviously a huge health crisis And I think the best course of action would be keeping everyone home til there's a vaccine or proven treatment. But me and you don't make the decisions and what I'm saying is the people in charge will have things running before end of summer 2020.

there was an article not too long ago that said the NYS unemployment system could only last 10 weeks with the current demand. That was before this week, or next week, or the week after when unemployment will continue going up. If the government has to choose between digging into their own pockets or people risking their health, we know what the decision will be.
I'm not disagreeing with you on how major the issue is in places like NY and NJ. Its obviously a huge health crisis And I think the best course of action would be keeping everyone home til there's a vaccine or proven treatment. But me and you don't make the decisions and what I'm saying is the people in charge will have things running before end of summer 2020.

there was an article not too long ago that said the NYS unemployment system could only last 10 weeks with the current demand. That was before this week, or next week, or the week after when unemployment will continue going up. If the government has to choose between digging into their own pockets or people risking their health, we know what the decision will be.

Summer 2020 and ur timeline about May are two diff things . I can def see opening up in July August but May nah I don’t see it happening . Most cats are making close to 1k a week staying home on un employment and have no problem staying home and they gonna ride that for 13 weeks

Next week we def gonna see the mayor or Cuomo shut down schools for the rest of the year and that’s gonna be a major turning point about when we opening up again . Students have about 2 months give or take left
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