Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Astrotech developing screening instrument for COVID-19

The company revealed its BreathTest-1000 is under development to screen for volatile organic compound metabolites found in a person's breath.

Those could indicate they may have an infection, including coronavirus or the resulting disease, pneumonia.
So for the payments they use your 2018 income (from your 2019 taxes)? Do I have that right?
Stimulus package is better than nothing. My question is whether they went with the proposal to suspend consumer debt until pandemic is over. If people still have mortgages and other loans/bills then $1200/head, or $3k for family of 4, is just delaying the inevitable. My family would rather have 3-6 months of our mortgage suspended over $3k, but something is better than nothing.
what it does is encourage business to keep employees for up to 8 weeks (?) and give them incentives for doing do, and that's more important than the $1200 check.

Really gotta imagine mortgages/rent/bills are suspended for a period of time. But is that necessary if businesses are given funds to meet payroll and keep employees?
Not asking you for the answer cause it's way too early, but wonder how they're distributing this? The same way we get our tax refunds? Swear if I gotta pay another fee to one of these tax companies to get my check...
yeah, it shouldn't be difficult since they have your tax refund info. But what if you don't have that checking account anymore?
you gotta find the interview on CNN with Jerry Falwell Jr, President of Liberty University, who's opening campus up.

What a disaster that guy is. Felt like a SNL skit
Question I may already know that answer but if you’re currently on SDI and the job has “closed”
for the time being or laid you off u can’t file for unemployment right?
furloughed employees will have their medical covered by employers and their paychecks covered for up to 4 years
I'm scared. Dont know what to do.

I tried to go get tested but they told me I have to contact my PCP whichbis closed.

Then I'm thinking if I'm just anxious and this will pass, I'm potentially going to an ER to get exposed.

Man ...

Even if you get tested, it’ll be days before you get your results. That won’t do anything for you right now. If you have a medical emergency go to the ED. If you’re positive and you have a cough, and some other mild symptoms, there’s not much they’ll do for you. If you start having trouble breathing more frequently, I would go.
Question on this stimulus. I was a 1099 employee all of 2018 and half of 2019. Will 1099 employees get a check? Even though I owed taxes? Also I’m on a payment plan with the IRS due to my 1099. Do those payments get suspended temporarily? I’m so lost on this. Call the IRS to get answers but was on hold for 2 hours!!!! And then the phone just disconnected!!
Sucks that employees at grocery stores don’t have masks and gloves
Especially the cashiers
These companies should be doing all they can to provide them with it
Why doesn't Microsoft get to work on producing some equipment? Bill gates has been so concerned about pandemics for over 5 years but now he's nowhere to be found. The richest man in the entire world for as long as I can remember and all he does is make 2 movies and a simulation about the disaster while providing no real assistance. That's like a man with a mop standing next to a puddle of water and just watching people slip and fall all day. All the work he's put in talking about how unprepared we are for years and now the entire globe is still completely unprepared for this. That's funny to me

"In terms of testing, we're still not creating that capacity and applying it to people in need," Gates said. "The testing thing has got to be organized, has got to be prioritized. That is super, super urgent."

Gates has long focused on the health field within his work at the nonprofit Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Last week, Gates hosted an Ask Me Anything session on the discussion forum Reddit to talk about the COVID-19 pandemic with users.

Additionally, Gates warned in his 2015 TED Talk that the world needs to prepare more for a pandemic.

"We've actually invested very little in a system to stop an epidemic. We're not ready for the next epidemic," Gates said at the time. When referencing his TED Talk on Tuesday, Gates said that "sadly very little was done," but he remains optimistic.

'I've actually invested very little in a system to stop an epidemic'. Yea thanks Bill. Have an AMA on reddit instead.
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Question on this stimulus. I was a 1099 employee all of 2018 and half of 2019. Will 1099 employees get a check? Even though I owed taxes? Also I’m on a payment plan with the IRS due to my 1099. Do those payments get suspended temporarily? I’m so lost on this. Call the IRS to get answers but was on hold for 2 hours!!!! And then the phone just disconnected!!
IRS won’t have any answers for you
100% an issue.

I picked up some shifts at Rite Aid and in 2 days I’ve had MD’s write over 20 scripts on the combo for their hospital floors, families, and themselves.

Glad the state now passed a law that pharmacists cant verify and dispense scripts for hydroxychloroquine + azithromycin without the prescription specifically stating that patient has tested positive for COVID19.

We went from having 3 bottles of a 100ct to maybe 1 bottle left and the both drugs are on backorder now.
Either it's because the exceptions stand out more or the data supports it, but there is a growing amount of reports I'm seeing about young people falling seriously ill or dying with no underlying health conditions. Either the virus is mutating or they're just very rare exceptions
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