Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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hows the daily commute in nyc for you?

Free bus rides 24/7, barely anybody on it, empty trains. Its like a personal chauffer to work. No traffick in the morning or at "rush hour"

Probably the best thing about this pandemic.

That’s not really the way to think sure you might not like people and You wish the worst for them

But with something like this it will affect you also
if they have it
it’s a possibility you have it and that’s why you have to worry about the people around you even the people you don’t like

read this you might feel differently

Nah, I'm not worried in this instance. I haven't seen this neighbor or the family in over 2 months.

Not wishing the worse either. I just wouldn't mind new neighbors.

As for possibly having it, welp! If I got it and dont know, I got it and don't know. Most likely a slew of other ppl I've been in contact with got it. Havent been chilling with old ppl or babies tho. I may be washed but I'm still young and full of vigor so no shook ones over here.
Nah, I'm not worried in this instance. I haven't seen this neighbor or the family in over 2 months.

Not wishing the worse either. I just wouldn't mind new neighbors.

As for possibly having it, welp! If I got it and dont know, I got it and don't know. Most likely a slew of other ppl I've been in contact with got it. Havent been chilling with old ppl or babies tho. I may be washed but I'm still young and full of vigor so no shook ones over here.

it's not just old people and babies its everyone
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Late but i'm dead at 160Jordansdeep lecturing ya'll about watching a Jordan documentary.


hes In too deep

these posts made me laugh i needed that

history finna repeat itself cause people don't learn :smh:

"Within 72 hours of the parade, every bed in Philadelphia’s 31 hospitals was filled. In the week ending October 5, some 2,600 people in Philadelphia had died from the flu or its complications. A week later, that number rose to more than 4,500. With many of the city’s health professionals pressed into military service, Philadelphia was unprepared for this deluge of death."

it's not just old people and babies its everyone
I mentioned babies and old ppl since they're the most at risk. Obviously anybody can get it but not everybody can die from it just off the strength of being infected.

Bunch of ppl in their 20s and 30s got it. If they don't have some prior condition they should be good and able to ride this out until a drug is made to kill this.
I mentioned babies and old ppl since they're the most at risk. Obviously anybody can get it but not everybody can die from it just off the strength of being infected.

Bunch of ppl in their 20s and 30s got it. If they don't have some prior condition they should be good and able to ride this out until a drug is made to kill this.
I think people are vastly underestimating how many are out there with internal underlying conditions. It's not something you would see.
I mentioned babies and old ppl since they're the most at risk. Obviously anybody can get it but not everybody can die from it just off the strength of being infected.

Bunch of ppl in their 20s and 30s got it. If they don't have some prior condition they should be good and able to ride this out until a drug is made to kill this.

people in their 20s with no health problems are going through a live hell with this also
there probably will not be a vaccine for a long time if it all
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I think people are vastly underestimating how many are out there with internal underlying conditions. It's not something you would see.
Oh no doubt. Tons of cancer survivors, weak immune system having, heart condition, blood condition, recovering addict with some failing organ, HIV carriers, etc. ppl out there.

They should be staying home.


There's no cure for corona virus yet but just cuz you got it dont mean you should just lay up in bed and "rest". Treat the normal symptoms like you normally would.

people in their 20s with no health problems are going through a live hell with this also
their probably will not be a vaccine for a long time if it all


we are all screwed

this is about the 26 year old woman with the virus


history finna repeat itself cause people don't learn :smh:

WW 1 was such a grand display of corruption and ********. That's when the Rothschilds first bought up all the newspapers and media outlets to spread propaganda and brainwash people into supporting the US entry into the war.

The financial aspect of the conflict which became known as World War One is too vast to relate here with the respect the subject deserves, but let it suffice to point out that World War One elevated approximately 21,000 US investors into the brackets of millionaires and billionaires. The Rockefellers alone, who displayed great eagerness for the US to enter World War One on the British side, made in excess of $200,000,000 from that conflict, and in just one afternoon during the war, Bernard Baruch, Wilson’s Czar of American Industry and part of the commission that handled all purchasing for the Allies during the war, made a personal profit of $750,000.

Anybody really think nobody is gonna benefit from the war against corona?
Mexican president is gambling with so many peoples lives :sick:
I got a Mexican coworker telling me about this today.

He said no big deal in Mexico. 4 deaths, only 200 ppl infected. Everything is still open. Business as usual.

President is genuinely brushing this off. Not like Trump who we know is scared ****less behind closed doors. Mexican president is like what's the big deal? :lol: Got no money for supplies or tests.
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