Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Ppl also don't talk much about the fact that China actually built hospitals in less than 2 weeks FROM THE GROUND UP! All just for the coronavirus. Yea, we're slacking for sure.

China doesn’t have the same regulations we have. We can’t just up and build a whole building in two weeks out here
Ppl also don't talk much about the fact that China actually built hospitals in less than 2 weeks FROM THE GROUND UP! All just for the coronavirus. Yea, we're slacking for sure.


we alll know that great quality of craftsmanship that comes out of China

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Please tell this story :lol:
It’s a long story, man. It’s pretty pathetic though. Long story short, I’m burned 35% of my body so I look crazy already. The cop wanted info from me, and I kept my mouth shut the whole entire time. He warned me that he’d take me to the mad house if I didn’t talk. Never thought I’d get 5150 under my belt. I was the only one sane. It was an experience
we call know that great quality of craftsmanship that comes out of China

Damn, that's messed up. I take back my whole China hospital comment lol. If that hotel was only made in 2013 and collapsed, then I can't even imagine what might happen to a hospital built in 2 weeks.
Oh, I got social anxiety, my dude. Had it for a few years now. I don’t trust anyone. I also just have bad anxiety in general. Anger problems etc. I don’t take pills though; used to smoke weed for years, but been clean for almost a year. Why? Do you have anxiety
yes, I suffer from anxiety and sought help for it.

Most people are amazed I have anxiety. My life is great. House, great kids, phenomenal wife, grew up with no worries in the world, great job. Family has no issues. Never had to go through any serious tragedies. On the outside, i was blessed

But all that **** didnt mean anything. I stressed about everything. Once the kids came, it got worst. Always stressed about losing my job even though I was phenomenal at my job. I always stressed about losing my job because in my line of work, there are not a lot of opportunities to get the same job and make the same type of money.

Missed my youngest sons first couple of years because all i cared about was work and not losing my job. Literally blink and he went from newborn to 2 years old.

After suffering through it for a bad 3 years, i decided to get help. Took me a couple of times going to the doctor before i finally hit rock bottom and said to hell with this life, I'm taking the medication. Couldn't put my sons and wife through this anymore.

Doctor prescribed me a low dosage. First 3-4 weeks, I was hurting. And then suddenly one day, it clicked and everything changed. I've been taking it for a good 4 years now and I feel unstoppable. Only side affects I see is sometimes I'm a little too relaxed in situations where i should be a little stressed. I always lived by the motto "if I'm not stressed, something is wrong and things are collapsing." I thought i needed to be stressed to function. I needed to be anxious.

There's help out there for you. Take it and receive it. You're not weak for getting help for anxiety. Its a real thing.

When this is all over, do yourself a favor and go get checked out. You won't regret it
It’s a long story, man. It’s pretty pathetic though. Long story short, I’m burned 35% of my body so I look crazy already. The cop wanted info from me, and I kept my mouth shut the whole entire time. He warned me that he’d take me to the mad house if I didn’t talk. Never thought I’d get 5150 under my belt. I was the only one sane. It was an experience

Man that is some rough ****. You should be able to fight it, but the state of California is one of the worst when it comes to that. I could never live there myself, but easy to say for someone that hasn't grown up there.
We have as young as 28 and as old as 79 in critical due to Covid in our ICU....yeah it’s more lethal to the elderly, but don’t go running victory laps like this won’t put you out if you young.

28 yo with no other health concerns?
yes, I suffer from anxiety and sought help for it.

Most people are amazed I have anxiety. My life is great. House, great kids, phenomenal wife, grew up with no worries in the world, great job. Family has no issues. Never had to go through any serious tragedies. On the outside, i was blessed

But all that **** didnt mean anything. I stressed about everything. Once the kids came, it got worst. Always stressed about losing my job even though I was phenomenal at my job. I always stressed about losing my job because in my line of work, there are not a lot of opportunities to get the same job and make the same type of money.

Missed my youngest sons first couple of years because all i cared about was work and not losing my job. Literally blink and he went from newborn to 2 years old.

After suffering through it for a bad 3 years, i decided to get help. Took me a couple of times going to the doctor before i finally hit rock bottom and said to hell with this life, I'm taking the medication. Couldn't put my sons and wife through this anymore.

Doctor prescribed me a low dosage. First 3-4 weeks, I was hurting. And then suddenly one day, it clicked and everything changed. I've been taking it for a good 4 years now and I feel unstoppable. Only side affects I see is sometimes I'm a little too relaxed in situations where i should be a little stressed. I always lived by the motto "if I'm not stressed, something is wrong and things are collapsing." I thought i needed to be stressed to function. I needed to be anxious.

There's help out there for you. Take it and receive it. You're not weak for getting help for anxiety. Its a real thing.

When this is all over, do yourself a favor and go get checked out. You won't regret it
Are you a perfectionist? I’m glad you figured it out, man. It’s hard for me to rely on drugs. I’ll try one day
We have as young as 28 and as old as 79 in critical due to Covid in our ICU....yeah it’s more lethal to the elderly, but don’t go running victory laps like this won’t put you out if you young.

An 18 year old just passed in Cali from this smh

Mayor Garcetti announces water and power will be shut off for nonessential L.A. businesses that don’t close

Bro is not playing.
I hope all the governors ignore trump and do what’s best for the people.
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Mayor Garcetti announces water and power will be shut off for nonessential L.A. businesses that don’t close

This is too much. They need to figure out what they're gonna do about evictions before they start ******* with people's livelihood
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