Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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I got the greenlight to work from home, but now I'm conflicted as my job function really requires me to be there at least at the very start of the day.

But I'm still pissed at the fact that folks i work with weren't taking this seriously so I truly dont know what to do.
the landlords will have a problem trying to kick tenants out. Thats a process and will take time. Not sure how different tenant/landlords contracts are in each state but i know from experience, its takes a couple months to kick a tenant out. Sometimes longer.

Its in their best interest to sort of try and work it out with the tenants in these times, especially if they are not making huge profits per month and need to make their own payment for the building.
We got in a heated conversation and his wife told me go and she would talk to him. So I’m in limbo currently as my job shut down for at least 4 to 6 weeks
Damn sorry to hear man, hope it works out. I'm seeing some car loan payments being delayed for 90 days so hopefully banks do the same for mortgages. He probably does have a hardship delay he can talk to the bank about too.
Feeling much better today, fever has gone away and deep breaths only cause mild discomfort now. Weird inner chest pain radiating to my back is still there but less than yesterday. Overall a significant improvement.

I don't know what caused the fever spike for the past 2 days but either way I feel pretty good now.
glad to hear man ....
the landlords will have a problem trying to kick tenants out. Thats a process and will take time. Not sure how different tenant/landlords contracts are in each state but i know from experience, its takes a couple months to kick a tenant out. Sometimes longer.

Its in their best interest to sort of try and work it out with the tenants in these times, especially if they are not making huge profits per month and need to make their own payment for the building.
Both the cities I work in and live in have put holds on evictions and foreclosures. No tenants or landlords getting evicted for next 3 months.
Told him I’ll do half. If that don’t work try and kick me and my family out. Been here 7 years never been late or short once

Man. This is tough.

Make sure you’re documenting or have proof somehow of all your communication with your landlord.

Because if you don’t and he decides to take you to court eventually (whether evictions are put on hold or not) Judges side with Landlords 98% of the time.

The stalling of evictions is a good temporary fix but it’s going to be a complete mess when this pandemic finally calms down and things go back to normal. Landlords are gonna get their money back with interest.
But isn’t it your job to be there :lol:
The point is more ppl staying at home will make it easier for everyone in Healthcare. You have Healthcare personnel working extra hours, working extra floors, nurses asked to come out of retirement, with personal protective equipment running out because the curve is not flattening. This is because not enough ppl are staying at home.

The point of that post you quoted is help them help you.
Now if the government stepped in and bailed out the landlord instead of Boeing it would be another story.


the landlords will have a problem trying to kick tenants out. Thats a process and will take time. Not sure how different tenant/landlords contracts are in each state but i know from experience, its takes a couple months to kick a tenant out. Sometimes longer.

Its in their best interest to sort of try and work it out with the tenants in these times, especially if they are not making huge profits per month and need to make their own payment for the building.

Fortunately/Unfortunately (depends which party you are :lol: ), this is 100% 📠 . It would be a ***** for a landlord to kick a renter out right now since it's already a lengthy process. However, the issue for the renter is mostly that if you fall behind it's going to be difficult to make it up over time if you don't have confirmation when your revenue stream is going to start flowing again.

My advice: People don't like it when you bring them problems. They like solutions. I'd propose something to him, maybe not even your best offer because he may try to negotiate and you might need those extra funds until your stimulus check comes in. Make sure to not only include what you have now but also propose a pay-back schedule with how you plan to get the cash for said payments. He'll know you're serious and should show leniency and compassion, especially after several years of on-time payments. I've helped folks out (Philly if it matters) with this in the past so PM or tag me if you have any questions.

Man. This is tough.

Make sure you’re documenting or have proof somehow of all your communication with your landlord.

Because if you don’t and he decides to take you to court eventually (whether evictions are put on hold or not) Judges side with Landlords 98% of the time.

The stalling of evictions is a good temporary fix but it’s going to be a complete mess when this pandemic finally calms down and things go back to normal. Landlords are gonna get their money back with interest.

I don't know about the interest part but you have to imagine if the pandemic slows down their will be an influx of these cases into an already lethargic, heavily bureaucratic system so renters will be there longer before eviction. It's in every parties best interest to work something out before getting lawyers and courts involved.
If you got laid off and are into physical work you should look into being a non cdl driver for ups. They have real good bennies and make like 75k a year.

they need a lot of drivers in my neck of the woods, cdl and non cdl. Way better job than amazon.

MF PAY YOUR WHOLE FOODS EMPLOYEES SICK TIME FIRST tired of these billionaires buying undue headlines.

and tbh I can’t blame the land lord because they gotta make that payment. Sorry to say but I’d say the same thing...

Now if the government stepped in and bailed out the landlord instead of Boeing it would be another story.

you can’t make your payment? Cool, because it’s covered. But that will never happen.

f u pay me. Unless you’re a corporation then you’ll get all the handouts you need.

I would love to see who is going to physically carry out these evictions with the cops and all on pause.
MF PAY YOUR WHOLE FOODS EMPLOYEES SICK TIME FIRST tired of these billionaires buying undue headlines.

I would love to see who is going to physically carry out these evictions with the cops and all on pause.

scumb bags, you gotta be a real ******* to evict someone who’s down on their luck.

If they trash your place and disrespect you cool. But if they got laid off or whatever other reason after being a good tenant then you’re wilding. Especially since an eviction will go on their record and they won’t be able to move anywhere else.
i asked this question before and got on answer

can someone explain to me why liquor stores and pot shops where legal are allowed to be open in states with lockdowns
I can somewhat understand the weed stores even though smoking will do more harm than good with this plage
but liquor stores ?

in some states i know liquor stores sell more than liquor
but in nys for example you can only sell liquor and nothing else
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I'm beginning to think this has existed a lot longer than December and a lot of people have it already and the reason they don't want people who don't have symptoms to go to the hospital to be tested, is because they know we'll test positive. They don't want us to use those test that could go for people with symptoms or because it will scare everyone.
i asked this question before and got on answer

can someone explain to me why liquor stores and pot shops where legal are allowed to be open in states with lockdowns
I can somewhat understand the weed stores even though smoking will do more harm than good with this plage
but liquor stores ?

in some states i know liquor stores sell more than liquor
but in nys for example you can only sell liquor and nothing else

Some find comfort in their vices. I think it's smart.

Plus some are addicted. Especially when you're saying it's medical marijuana, it should be like a pharmacy.

If people are going to stay home and drink or smoke, that's good.

I'm not sure why you keep questioning it.
i asked this question before and got on answer

can someone explain to me why liquor stores and pot shops where legal are allowed to be open in states with lockdowns
I can somewhat understand the weed stores even though smoking will do more harm than good with this plage
but liquor stores ?

in some states i know liquor stores sell more than liquor
but in nys for example you can only sell liquor and nothing else

they generate a lot of tax money bruh. That’s why.
i asked this question before and got on answer

can someone explain to me why liquor stores and pot shops where legal are allowed to be open in states with lockdowns
I can somewhat understand the weed stores even though smoking will do more harm than good with this plage
but liquor stores ?

in some states i know liquor stores sell more than liquor
but in nys for example you can only sell liquor and nothing else
Ask one of the dudes quarantined with their girl
storm2006 storm2006 I didn’t mean just bail out all land lords. :lol: I meant everybody get their mortgage/rent suspended, landlords included.

Oh, I know. I was just joking with the meme because of the shots fired at Corporate America. Got into an argument with one of my boys about the bailouts. He was highly critical of stock buybacks. executive compensation and bailouts which are all things that I support despite their unpopularity at the moment. I'm not savage, though and absolutely agree that we need to make sure hardworking Americans get relief as well. I thinka lot of cases they go hand-in-hand and are more intertwined than we realize at first pass. For example - folks are looking at what senators sold during the pandemic to make a profit off the pandemic. However, the 4D more telling move is what they, or those close to them, bought. When the obvious move is to zig, you gotta zag.
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