Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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You do realize most of the main items like disinfectant wipes, and n95 masks are sold out, i can't even buy it if i could, cause it's all gone. and i don't know when they will restock it. So yeah i'm gonna take those free disinfectant wipes and masks from the person i know and do my due diligence to protect myself and others.

I said gloves.

Gloves are available on Amazon RIGHT NOW.
I just got in the car for the first time in 3-4 days, dropping off masks for my mother, and its like nothing happened. Everyone out and about living their life. Santa Monica aint taking this serious at all.
I just got in the car for the first time in 3-4 days, dropping off masks for my mother, and its like nothing happened. Everyone out and about living their life. Santa Monica aint taking this serious at all.

Craving some Bay Cities Godmother right now:pimp:
It's technically a market, so it's prolly open
I just got in the car for the first time in 3-4 days, dropping off masks for my mother, and its like nothing happened. Everyone out and about living their life. Santa Monica aint taking this serious at all.
I feel your pain man ...

I be expecting to go out and find the streets deserted, but I be dissapointed.

People say summertime comes and it be over... but seeing how these hot places are reporting numbers, I highly doubt it.
if this goes on too long people are just gonna disregard it. America isn’t built for quarantine life.

not to mention we don’t have the social programs for it. The banks don’t care if you got laid off. F you pay me. Neither do the landlords because they have to answer to the banks and if nobody is working the government can’t steal our paychecks to bail out corporations.

I’ll believe they suspend mortgages and student loans and all that when I see it. This is America, they will bail out a bank, Boeing and American Airlines and tell the peasants to get ******.
I feel your pain man ...

I be expecting to go out and find the streets deserted, but I be dissapointed.

People say summertime comes and it be over... but seeing how these hot places are reporting numbers, I highly doubt it.
yeah, you'll be pissed. I was contributing to it but i felt it was needed.
if this goes on too long people are just gonna disregard it. America isn’t built for quarantine life.

not to mention we don’t have the social programs for it. The banks don’t care if you got laid off. F you pay me. Neither do the landlords because they have to answer to the banks and if nobody is working the government can’t steal our paychecks to bail out corporations.

I’ll believe they suspend mortgages and student loans and I’ll that when I see it. This is America, they will bail out a bank, Boeing and American Airlines and tell the peasants to get ****ed.
Facts. Landlord just today told me rent due by the 5th. A lot of ppl are gonna fall on their faces over this and not recover. America is dead
Idris Elba on IG live chatting it up with random people. Him and his wife (?) both on, guess dude is ok. Maybe him and his girl both got it and are asymptomatic.
Facts. Landlord just today told me rent due by the 5th. A lot of ppl are gonna fall on their faces over this and not recover. America is dead

and tbh I can’t blame the land lord because they gotta make that payment. Sorry to say but I’d say the same thing...

Now if the government stepped in and bailed out the landlord instead of Boeing it would be another story.

you can’t make your payment? Cool, because it’s covered. But that will never happen.

f u pay me. Unless you’re a corporation then you’ll get all the handouts you need.
Crazy how difficult it is to find any at home gym equipment now that all gyms are shut down. I was ready to drop more than I ever would on home gym stuff since I workout at a public gym and I was shocked it was all gone. Even the $500 adjustable dumbbells that are always available online are back ordered for weeks
what if you own a house you’re making payments on with the rental of it and your tenant tells you to eat a ****?

not every landlord is some rich person. Plenty of people on nt rent out houses. They aren’t rich.
Before asking for payment, I'd ask about their situation. This is not the time to put added stress on people, especially those that have been paying my mortgage.

Instead I would reach out to the bank and handle it with them.

But I get you ... I dont know the landlords situation .....
Yeah, I’m not saying either is right or wrong. It’s just a foul situation all around.

you got broke land lords, you got tenants who can’t afford rent then everybody is screwed because the bank owns the house and the tenants gotta leave and the landlord got foreclosed on.
anyone else having a difficult time focusing in the online classes cause you know deep down the state you live in may top most people infected? :smh:
Feeling much better today, fever has gone away and deep breaths only cause mild discomfort now. Weird inner chest pain radiating to my back is still there but less than yesterday. Overall a significant improvement.

I don't know what caused the fever spike for the past 2 days but either way I feel pretty good now.
Sad thing is there’s never gonna be enough proof for the masses to believe it and we don’t have the manpower to martial law the whole country. This is gonna get ugly in a way people aren’t ready for and those same people that won’t sit home and try and help this will be the same ones complaining when they haven’t had work or money in months and will want everyone to now help them out. Trust me this government we have ain’t trying to help the common man.
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