Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Our ICU has been full from other things. Don’t even have a single cov19 patient in it. Gonna be a good time when it really gets out of control here.

We have 10 intubated, one actually being one of our own staff....**** is wild...and now we are told we have to reuse the same N95 all shift....luckily I snatched some goggles a couple of days ago when the RNs were still being generous with us..
Just been going with the 1.5 buzz all around from my own clip. It sucks not having my taper and fade but looks like barbershops got the axe. I feel gutted for my barber and I hope he is able to survive. But either way he's going to be at risk for getting infected so it's just ****** all around

He's one of the few folks I actually consider giving some sort of donation to. He's a really good person
I’m confused, who are you insinuating is lying?
That's more a reference to the whispers some have spread online that not everyone is actually getting it and people are lying for attention. You say you have it as a celeb and people check on you for at least 2 weeks...less if you have no symptoms lol.

I think it's funny..but also...not to far fetched for some.

There is a wide range of potential effects. From asymptomatic to pneumonia and death. If someone were to fabricate, they could theoretically slide right in.

Not my thoughts, personally, but when you read certain things..does make the mind wander a bit, if you feel like being conspiratorial.
QU!K QU!K man that dude I posted might not have been far off .. lol

That's more a reference to the whispers some have spread online that not everyone is actually getting it and people are lying for attention. You say you have it as a celeb and people check on you for at least 2 weeks...less if you have no symptoms lol.

I think it's funny..but also...not to far fetched for some.

There is a wide range of potential effects. From asymptomatic to pneumonia and death. If someone were to fabricate, they could theoretically slide right in.

Not my thoughts, personally, but when you read certain things..does make the mind wander a bit, if you feel like being conspiratorial.

Ahhh okay, I hadn’t heard those reports but that makes sense. IMHO- I would think this would really only help fringe celebs/athletes or those who fell off. Idris, Hanks, Donovan Mitchell, Sean Payton, etc don’t need that extra shine. Very interesting idea and I unfortunately have to agree it’s very plausible in this clout chasing society we’ve evolved into in 2020. Thanks for sharing!

I know BIG LEEMELONE BIG LEEMELONE feels some sort of way about this
I used to cut my own hair back in the day for years. Also used to give fades to my friends. Been growing out my hair & beard for the last 6 months tho.

If anyone needs some tips or pointer let me know. I might be able to help.
Also PPE shortage causing rifts between departments, our department covers the entire hospital, so we don’t get our own stock of PPEs, instead we grab our PPEs from each unit we frequent, however RNs of each unit are now keeping their stockpile behind a lock door only to be used by their own unit which kind of leaves Respiratory almost begging for protective gear, since we are not technically nursing...made a post on IG and it got some traction and even got a few inquiries from journalist from a couple of networks for interviews, but I declined, so since then I made another post seeing if I can reach someone with the resources to donate one PPEs

Kind of crazy that I even have to go this route when I work for one of the largest hospitals in the country...

Good call of declining the interviews. Never tell anyone outside the family what you’re thinking.
Went to supermarket yesterday and all the chicken was sold out. Tried to get some waffles but the only eggos they had were the cinnamon toast minis :smh:

Whoever posted that thing about eating Oreos without disinfecting the packing made me paranoid. I just wiped down all the groceries i got yesterday with disinfectant wipes.
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