Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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How are these celebrities getting tested and folks are being turned around in the ER :lol:

Not sure why folks are surprised about the rich and famous getting access to things that regular folks can’t. That’s been the case for centuries, it’s just that now with social media and the 24 hour news cycle, it’s more obvious to the public. And trust me, the rich do NOT care and will fall back on the “I paid for it, though” line of reasoning until they die.
Rikers Island up to 40 cases of cov19.

My job takes rikers patients all the time. Almost every patient is from rikers.

I want to stop all rikers admissions for the time being. Presently, the policy is that every admission has to have been at rikers a minimum of 14 days without symptoms... But what's to stop an admission from coming into contact with cov19 on say, the 11th day?

My job is screwed 🤣
trump is going to lose in nov.....when people review his timeline and his dumb dumb words its going to end him.....

i'm watching kimmel from 3/5/20 he had the nerve to say this was not a big deal and the 3% death rate is over blown....his hunch its much lower than 1%.....he says you can go to work with this virus......same day the guy who should not have been leading this effort VP said if you're sick you should stay home........he was so out of touch and maybe still is
Ppl have short term memory. Trump will easily shift the blame to China, and even some anti-trump supporters will jump in on that rhetoric which will result in softening the blow to Trump's mistakes. We've seen that even in this thread already. On top of that, if history is any indicator, the American ppl do not like to change presidents during a crisis or war regardless of the horrible job they're doing.

Do not sleep on trump. Trump thrives when he's underestimated. The more ppl think he's going to lose, the more ppl won't show up to vote cause of the "why vote if I know he's going to lose?" mentality.
Ok. Since covid 19 is being diagnosed theres not actually a test for it and the tests are for the SARS CoV-2.

You're spinning yourself in circles my dude.

Is it the SARS in the virus name that's throwing you off? Sars cov 2 is genetically related to the virus that caused Sars in early 2000, nothing more.

You can be rest assured that no one is going to miss a diagnosis for cov19 if it tests positive for Sars cov 2. Stop thinking of the two as separate.
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You're spinning yourself in circles my dude.

Is it the SARS in the virus name that's throwing you off? Sars cov 2 is genetically related to the virus that caused Sars in early 2000, nothing more.

You can be rest assured that no one is going to miss a diagnosis for cov19 if it tests positive for Sars cov 2 :lol: Stop thinking of the two as separate.
First you said it was test for Covid-19 then you said it's a diagnosis, which one is it? I'm just trying to figure it out without confusion. Obviously you can't have covid 19 with out having the virus. I see "tests positive for coronavirus" as well as "test positive for convid 19" I'm just trying to figure it out. If you not trying to help and post gifs and talk like I'm irritating you, you can **** and block me.
First you said it was test for Covid-19 then you said it's a diagnosis, which one is it? I'm just trying to figure it out without confusion. Obviously you can't have covid 19 with out having the virus. I see "tests positive for coronavirus" as well as "test positive for convid 19" I'm just trying to figure it out. If you not trying to help and post gifs and talk like I'm irritating you, you can **** and block me.
tests positive for coronavirus = tests positive for cov19. Even though there are other diseases caused by a coronavirus, anytime the media or anyone is talking about coronavirus today they are talking about cov19

Saying that a test is testing for Sars cov 2 to diagnose cov19=test for covid19 and doesn't mean it's not a covid19 test
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tests positive for coronavirus = tests positive for cov19. Even though there are other diseases caused by a coronavirus, anytime the media or anyone is talking about coronavirus today they are talking about cov19
Got it, but like I said earlier you can test negative for covid-19 and still be infected with the virus. From the CDC website:

If you test negative for COVID-19, you probably were not infected at the time your specimen was collected. However, that does not mean you will not get sick. It is possible that you were very early in your infection at the time of your specimen collection and that you could test positive later, or you could be exposed later and then develop.

That's what I get for being lazy :lol: the CDC link posted yesterday actually answers my questions once I start poking around the site.
Got it, but like I said earlier you can test negative for covid-19 and still be infected with the virus. From the CDC website:

If you test negative for COVID-19, you probably were not infected at the time your specimen was collected. However, that does not mean you will not get sick. It is possible that you were very early in your infection at the time of your specimen collection and that you could test positive later, or you could be exposed later and then develop.

That's what I get for being lazy :lol: the CDC link posted yesterday actually answers my questions once I start poking around the site.
Yes you can test negative for cov 19 and still be infected with the virus, but that has nothing to do with being given the wrong test, which it seemed like you were implying. In cases where negative ppl become positive later it just means the test was taken too soon.
Do not sleep on trump. Trump thrives when he's underestimated. The more ppl think he's going to lose, the more ppl won't show up to vote cause of the "why vote if I know he's going to lose?" mentality.

To say he thrives when he's underestimated is off base in this situation for a variety ofreasons. First off, I wouldn't say many were underestimating him as the winner of the 2020 electon prior to this. In fact, many people, even democrats, believed he had a strong chance to win. Second, if anything he would have been underestimated coming into this virus. Now, he's just proven all his doubters to be right in their doubt of his ability to handle a major crisis. Finally, I think people would have been less like to vote PRIOR to the pandemic because they would have thought" why vote if he's going to win anyway?" After seeing his handling of this situation those folks might be thinking "Oh ****, there's a chance we could get Trump out the paint. Let me make sure I got vote this November." Not to mention Bernie supporters who would have stayed at home otherwise might see how the Republican party is acting and decide to do the right thing and vote for the Dems regardless of candidate.

I agree with you about the first part of your post that he does have this "war-time president" narrative that his administration is trying to push going for him. However, outside of that he is looking extremely shaky. I'm not sure of your political leanings, nor does it particularly matter in the context of this conversation, but I've noticed a lot of Trump supporters caping for him and trying to shove blame, find silver linings and/or spin this as positive which is absurd IMO.
Yes you can test negative for cov 19 and still be infected with the virus, but that has nothing to do with being given the wrong test, which it seemed like you were implying. In cases where negative ppl become positive later it just means the test was taken too soon.
That was the actual question, was there a separate test for covid 19 and SARS CoV-2.
Right now it’s gonna depend on what Trump does for poor white people in all this. I hate to say it that way but it’s true. If he gasses up all these Midwest whites about money they’re gonna get to get through this after everyone starts losing jobs and their whole livelihood and then doesn’t come through then he’s finished. That’s how he won in the first place, he promised poor whites endless riches and they bought it hook, line and sinker.
That was the actual question, was there a separate test for covid 19 and SARS CoV-2.
No there's no separate test for both. Cov19 is the disease and Sars cov 2is the virus that causes it. So if you hear someone say he's getting tested for SARS cov 2 that does not mean he's not getting tested for cov19
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