Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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I am a little conflicted on the testing. We should test anyone we can, but what is going to prevent the folks who test negative from catching it later?

It’s hard to answer because it’s still being studied but perhaps some folks will have strong immunity to it. If it was something that everybody was going to catch then it would seem pointless to test
trump is going to lose in nov.....when people review his timeline and his dumb dumb words its going to end him.....

i'm watching kimmel from 3/5/20 he had the nerve to say this was not a big deal and the 3% death rate is over blown....his hunch its much lower than 1%.....he says you can go to work with this virus......same day the guy who should not have been leading this effort VP said if you're sick you should stay home........he was so out of touch and maybe still is

Never doubt the stupidity of the MAGA supporters.

After all they voted for him the first time. His briefings are basically Trump rallies where he says anything he wants making **** up like he read it on Twitter. He's blaming the previous administration and calling it the Chinese virus. Faux News has helped him by downplaying it to his base. It shows, because his approval rating has gone up. It's going to be a plot against him, the liberal media attacking him and being biased.
Never doubt the stupidity of the MAGA supporters.

After all they voted for him the first time. His briefings are basically Trump rallies where he says anything he wants making **** up like he read it on Twitter. He's blaming the previous administration and calling it the Chinese virus. Faux News has helped him by downplaying it to his base. It shows, because his approval rating has gone up. It's going to be a plot against him, the liberal media attacking him and being biased.

Its crazy how much evidence there is that he Fumbled the **** outta this back. I see his supporters rallying more behind the idea that he will be the only guy who can get us outta the recession he helped create.

We really do need this clown outta the drivers seat. Cats didn’t want a politician and now we got “some dude” leading our nation through a pandemic smh.
coronavirus disease

severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2

This is where my confusion comes from :lol: I'm guessing all the tests and results are for Covid-19 but are sometimes referred to as coronavirus tests even though people aren't actually being tested for SARS CoV-2 the virus only being tested for the disease.
Sars-cov-2 is a coronavirus. There are different kinds of coronaviruses.

For anyone currently getting a coronavirus test, it's testing for the disease caused by Sars cov 2 which would be cov19.

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Bro....whoever mentioned Snow Piercer in here yesterday...thank you.

Just watched it.

Furious as we absorbed the messages and paid attention the the metaphors of how some people could have so much and other so little and the ones on top are completely oblivious.

Had a 45 minute philosophical discussion on classes and revolution. And how much easier it would be to revolt than people think.

Then another 1hr discussion about how you can repopulate the earth and a scenario of how the earth was resetting itself and the 2 kids would be like the neanderthal, learning and doing everything for the first time and creating the new world and living off seal meat lol.

Movie was fire.
Watch the theory on YouTube that it’s a sequel to Willy Wonka
Never doubt the stupidity of the MAGA supporters.

After all they voted for him the first time. His briefings are basically Trump rallies where he says anything he wants making **** up like he read it on Twitter. He's blaming the previous administration and calling it the Chinese virus. Faux News has helped him by downplaying it to his base. It shows, because his approval rating has gone up. It's going to be a plot against him, the liberal media attacking him and being biased.
Twitter makes me sad. Already you see a lot of Trump supporters coming to his defense.
Sars-cov-2 is a coronavirus. There are different kinds of coronaviruses.

For anyone currently getting a coronavirus test, it's testing for the disease caused by Sars cov 2 which would be cov19.
And not being tested for SARS CoV-2 which means you dont have the disease covid-19 but it's still possible that you can be infected with virus.
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