Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Screen Shot 2020-03-21 at 2.42.58 PM.png
you're right my bad. Didn't realize I didn't type the .4% bc I was watching something while I typed that. But yeah feel like people keep getting caught up on this idea the government is covering up data. I'm sure the data isn't accurate by any means but not like anyone in the US or abroad is seeing the current stats thinking "oh things are under control in America"

No worries, I’m always typing on mobile, fairly quickly, while multitasking meaning I make tons of errors on here so I get it. You’re absolutely, right though. the moral of the story should be that yeah, the numbers are are incomplete but this disease should not be slept on.

My parents are in their 60s and it truly boils my ******* blood that these younger folks are acting like **** is sweet and like they don’t have parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc. Sure “it’s only oldGM people dying” buts someone loved one you POS. Moments like this make me lose faith in humanity :smh: |l
No worries, I’m always typing on mobile, fairly quickly, while multitasking meaning I make tons of errors on here so I get it. You’re absolutely, right though. the moral of the story should be that yeah, the numbers are are incomplete but this disease should not be slept on.

My parents are in their 60s and it truly boils my ****ing blood that these younger folks are acting like **** is sweet and like they don’t have parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc. Sure “it’s only oldGM people dying” buts someone loved one you POS. Moments like this make me lose faith in humanity :smh: |l

Yeah my dad turns 69 this year so I'm def shook and he has high blood pressure so I've been telling him to fall back and stay home as long as possible. I have 2 brothers who live at home so I told my pops to ask them to buy anything he needs and if for whatever reason they can't get it to let me know and I will. Not gonna risk him catching this at Costco behind some moron buying a 6 month supply of fruity pebbles
hadn't been out since tues and went to the corner grocery store tonight and everything was pretty much gone. good to see them do their part in "social distancing" as they had markers outside and only allowed a certain number of patrons. was required to purell prior to going in

did not see much folks in the neighborhood on the street

Skagit County investigating 'cluster' of coronavirus cases linked to a meeting
The cases were traced to a group meeting of approximately 60 people in early March, health officials said Saturday.
Yeah my dad turns 69 this year so I'm def shook and he has high blood pressure so I've been telling him to fall back and stay home as long as possible. I have 2 brothers who live at home so I told my pops to ask them to buy anything he needs and if for whatever reason they can't get it to let me know and I will. Not gonna risk him catching this at Costco behind some moron buying a 6 month supply of fruity pebbles
I’m screaming at “some moron buying a 6 month supply of fruity pebbles.” :rofl: :smh: There are some real idiots out here. I feel the exact same way, super worried about my parents and grandmother.
Barbershops still open out here

The black market for haircuts in the hood is gonna be BOOMING. Barbers probably got the news and were like

Knowing damn well as long as cars are allowed on the road that they’ll be making house calls and TAXING folks. Barbers won’t be giving discounts either because they know that Trump check will have cleared. They bout to come up.
I should of gotten a haircut
Now all the shops are closed...
I don't trust myself to do it
I'll end up in the ER with half my ear cut off :lol:

About a week or so ago, before **** really popped off out here (in terms of peoples response and attitude) I woke up and had a multi-hour conversation with myself doing risk assessment and pros and cons before I pulled the trigger and got a cut. The whole walk there I was questioning everything :lol:
Went to the dog park area to drive by (it overlooks the pacific ocean) and the place was more packed than i’ve ever seen it. people parking on side of roads. With normal stuff shut down all the parks and outdoor places are jammed pack full of people out here in bay area

same in portland. the nice days probably ain't helping keep people indoors either. i can understand people wanting to be outside, but this ain't no time to be testing out one's limits by joining everyone else at the park. this **** is airborne for a while
i been telling myself for years i gotta learn how to cut my own hair. after having kids i ain't got time to be waitin at the barber and going every other week. now that we on lockdown...guess i finally gotta figure it out myself. not looking forward to this....
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