Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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How many of you in here know someone personally who's gotten corona or tested positive and has had severe symptoms? or even someone you know who knows someone?
also anyone in here work in a hospital in NY or a hospital in general and can attest first hand that hospitals are packed?

My sister is a nurse in downtown Brooklyn...it is packed....but according to her, shes seen mostly people in their 60s and up with preexisting conditions such as HIV, diabetes, etc...
Yea, I should've had the foresight to get a haircut a week ago. Maybe I'll have to learn how to give myself haircuts.
Problem with NYC is mass transit. That should have been locked down for essential personnel a long time ago. De Blasio also took his time closing down schools. But mass transit will continue to be the problem because as long as anybody can get on a train or bus, they will. You also have a lot of people who traveled abroad and came back with the virus before the govt started taking it seriously.

Haircut/shoes are some of the last things to worry about.
I 100% believe there's no way to contain this in the US no more unless we stay in this mode for 18 months. By then the economy would've bottom'd out and economic strain would be more harmful for us than anything else.

States like NY and Cali basically ordered shut downs but that **** in Florida leads me to believe there is no hope. People are too dumb.
Went to the dog park area to drive by (it overlooks the pacific ocean) and the place was more packed than i’ve ever seen it. people parking on side of roads. With normal stuff shut down all the parks and outdoor places are jammed pack full of people out here in bay area
I've lost wait since I started quarantining last Friday. 2 pounds. Just not in the mood to eat junk outside of meals I guess.

I was working out heaving taking boxing classes 4 times a week for about a month coming into the Covid-19 era. Hard working on the cardio at home.
It bugs me when people on twitter say dumb **** like "the hospital wouldn't test me bc I had mild symptoms after my roommate tested positive. The government wants to keep numbers low!!"

Yeah it keeps infected numbers low but it makes the death rate higher. If you test 1000 people and 4 die, that's 4% rate as opposed to them testing 4000 with most having mild, low risk symptoms and now the death rate is only 1%

Not to be that guy, another time, but I think you meant 0.4% if 100 people died and 0.1%. I get it, though that's a 75% decrease if they quadruple the number of folks tested and the amount of deaths remains the same. The data around this is highly sensitive so I'm always cautious whenever I read these reports and it truly irks me that I can't ask the author probing questions about the data source and sample size :lol:
I 100% believe there's no way to contain this in the US no more unless we stay in this mode for 18 months. By then the economy would've bottom'd out and economic strain would be more harmful for us than anything else.

States like NY and Cali basically ordered shut downs but that **** in Florida leads me to believe there is no hope. People are too dumb.
Sadly, I'm beginning to think that it's not about preventing the spread but just slowing it down to the point where hospitals aren't taxed. If we can't prevent people from getting cov19, then at least hopefully they can prevent everyone from getting it at once.
Sadly, I'm beginning to think that it's not about preventing the spread but just slowing it down to the point where hospitals aren't taxed. If we can't prevent people from getting cov19, then at least hopefully they can prevent everyone from getting it at once.
Yep. Was on Wapo earlier and saw some headline about how they're only going to test health workers and medical staff now, and just try to do their best with treatment. Won't even bother to test
Not to be that guy, another time, but I think you meant 0.4% if 100 people died and 0.1%. I get it, though that's a 75% decrease if they quadruple the number of folks tested and the amount of deaths remains the same. The data around this is highly sensitive so I'm always cautious whenever I read these reports and it truly irks me that I can't ask the author probing questions about the data source and sample size :lol:

you're right my bad. Didn't realize I didn't type the .4% bc I was watching something while I typed that. But yeah feel like people keep getting caught up on this idea the government is covering up data. I'm sure the data isn't accurate by any means but not like anyone in the US or abroad is seeing the current stats thinking "oh things are under control in America"
Y’all about to be woofing it.
Haircut/shoes are some of the last things to worry about.

I’m saying bro! :lol: We have a highly curious, incurable virus floating around the globe that is taking the lives of thousands and has the entire world in a frenzy and folks are worried about haircuts?!?! I get wanting to look good but ****s not gonna matter when you’re locked up in the crib with either yourself or girl/family. Worry about your safety ya’ll.
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Sadly, I'm beginning to think that it's not about preventing the spread but just slowing it down to the point where hospitals aren't taxed. If we can't prevent people from getting cov19, then at least hopefully they can prevent everyone from getting it at once.
Yeah, they’re just buying time so that hospitals don’t get overrun and hopefully someone develops a decent treatment. A vaccine is too far away.
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