Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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You notice these fools at the gas station not wearing gloves? I don't trust cash change so I gave dude last dollar in quarters. He didn't flinch then grabbed them out of my hand smh.

Humans almost got wiped out already a few times prehistorically. If the Earth was the size of our Galaxy, our Solar System would be less than the size of an atom, let alone the universe, which we can barely grasp anyways. Our "impact" on the Universe is like comparing an ant colony's impact on our Milky Way Galaxy. This is just caused by humans being irresponsible, nothing more, nothing less.

I took a astronomy class in college, **** blew my mind

bro living in 3020
while I´m here...look at this shthole country.

Salvadoran authorities have yet to detect any cases there, but the impoverished Central American country has closed its borders and is in a state of near lockdown as it attempts to prevent the virus from entering.

Finance Minister Nelson Fuentes told a news conference the measures would only apply to people or businesses affected by the outbreak, which has pummeled financial markets and upended life around the globe.

For a three-month period, affected parties will be exempt from payments for electricity, water, mortgages and personal loans, credit cards, telephones, cable and internet, among other services, Fuentes said.
Over the past 2 weeks I haven't been able to find ground turkey anywhere. Trader Joes, Kroger, Tom Thumb, Target etc.

In fact in most of those places all of the meat shelves were pretty barren. Kind of unsettling, going to go back out tomorrow to look for salmon and I guess any other proteins I can get my hands on
Yo that’s like 5 years worth of TP
What the hell lady
I think Walmart already has a limit on TP
People can’t behave themselves
They got employees guarding it to make sure
Dr. Karine Le Roch -- a professor of cell biology at the University of California, Riverside -- echoed Neuman’s analysis.

“So far there is ABSOLUTELY no evidence that the COVID-19 virus can be treated via heat,” Le Roch told AFP by email.

Yo that’s like 5 years worth of TP
What the hell lady
I think Walmart already has a limit on TP
People can’t behave themselves
They got employees guarding it to make sure
Clearly gonna figure out a way to price gouge people selling it for 3x the price.
Wow.. moms office had 4 people test positive, and she was around them the week previous to this. This past week she worked from home.

I picked up/dropped off some groceries to her this week. Wasn't there real long but still slightly shook.. Mostly for her but also for my son who has asthma.

**** finally creepin closer to home
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