Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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This chick at my office tested positive yesterday :stoneface:

Thankfully I haven’t been there in over a week and I work in a big *** building so it could have been somebody I’ve never even seen. I’ll be working from home for at least the next month and they’re doing a deep cleaning on the whole office now.
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Did you even watch the video and read the article? He was talking about a blow dryer. The article was talking about a blow dryer.

Can you read and watch videos and comprehend information at an adult level?

You took that blow dryer comment verbatim? He was lowkey laughing but he was trying to say heat kills viruses. In regards to the sauna comment, he was referring to all that mist going into your nose LIKE IN A SAUNA. He never said a Sauna will cure you. Mans was simply giving a home remedy treatment (now whether that is effective is obvs not proven) but you never used a home remedy for a cold or sore throat? I don't see how that article correlates to the video.
This chick at my office tested positive yesterday :stoneface:

Thankfully I haven’t been there in over a week and I work in a big *** building so it could have been somebody I’ve never even seen. I’ll be working from home for at least the next month and they’re doing a deep cleaning on the whole office now.

Did you **** yourself when you found out?

If you take this to be representative, then people under 20 are almost completely unaffected. However, not sure how many toddlers/babies are being represented in that group.

20-44, while they have close to 0 case fatality rate, still require hospitalization ~17% of the time and ICU ~3% of the time.

Would like to see smaller age brackets but interesting information. Also highlights the necessity of more hospital beds and how that's been such a large reoccuring issue.

Numbers are probably more reflective of those showing stronger symptoms given how we've been doing testing, but around a quarter of people infected in this study required hospitalization.
I’m starting to think humans are the virus and **** like covid19 is the universes antibodies trying to defeat us.

hey man, look at it this way...there´s no way that a few thousand million apes who just learned to build ****** rockets last week could have any kind of long term tangible effect on a single planet, let alone the Universe.

there´d be no trying about it, life on Earth got wiped out a couple times just by random chance.

flaws and all, I happen to like humans. :smile:
hey man, look at it this way...there´s no way that a few thousand million apes who just learned to build ****ty rockets last week could have any kind of long term tangible effect on a single planet, let alone the Universe.

there´d be no trying about it, life on Earth got wiped out a couple times just by random chance.

flaws and all, I happen to like humans. :smile:
Let’s also not forget that humans created peach cobbler. One of humanity’s greatest gifts
hey man, look at it this way...there´s no way that a few thousand million apes who just learned to build ****ty rockets last week could have any kind of long term tangible effect on a single planet, let alone the Universe.

there´d be no trying about it, life on Earth got wiped out a couple times just by random chance.

flaws and all, I happen to like humans. :smile:

Humans almost got wiped out already a few times prehistorically. If the Earth was the size of our Galaxy, our Solar System would be less than the size of an atom, let alone the universe, which we can barely grasp anyways. Our "impact" on the Universe is like comparing an ant colony's impact on our Milky Way Galaxy. This is just caused by humans being irresponsible, nothing more, nothing less.
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Let’s also not forget that humans created peach cobbler. One of humanity’s greatest gifts

word, the food alone makes this a worthwhile species...even other Earth animals know that.


Humans almost got wiped out already a few time prehistorically. If our Galaxy was the size of the Earth , our Solar System would be less than the size of an atom, let alone the universe, which we can barely grasp anyways. Our "impact" on the Universe is like comparing an ant colony's impact on our Milky Way Galaxy. This is just caused by humans being irresponsible, nothing more, nothing less.

that´s my whole thing...people commonly have no idea how infinitesimally insignificant we are, Big Picture.

all our problems are our own alone...there´s a lot of freedom in that, actually.
This chick at my office tested positive yesterday :stoneface:

Thankfully I haven’t been there in over a week and I work in a big *** building so it could have been somebody I’ve never even seen. I’ll be working from home for at least the next month and they’re doing a deep cleaning on the whole office now.
Weren't you doubting the efficacy of a 2-week quarantine and now you have first hand demonstration of why it's necessary?
that´s my whole thing...people commonly have no idea how infinitesimally insignificant we are, Big Picture.

all our problems are our own alone...there´s a lot of freedom in that, actually.
That's right man, in cosmic terms, we barely just made to space. We(the common person) gotta at least have a good picture of our Solar System(which we still discover planets in) before we even talk about Galactic/Universal concepts.
You took that blow dryer comment verbatim? He was lowkey laughing but he was trying to say heat kills viruses. In regards to the sauna comment, he was referring to all that mist going into your nose LIKE IN A SAUNA. He never said a Sauna will cure you. Mans was simply giving a home remedy treatment (now whether that is effective is obvs not proven) but you never used a home remedy for a cold or sore throat? I don't see how that article correlates to the video.
Can COVID-19 be killed with hot air from a sauna or a hand-held hairdryer?
The same video falsely claims that applying warm air to one’s sinuses will help combat the coronavirus. The narrator asserts that going into a sauna for 20 minutes can kill more than 90% of most upper respiratory viruses.

Armstrong called the advice incorrect and dangerous, as people should be self-isolating and not going into a tight spaces in public areas.

“They have no data to support that," she said about the video’s claims. “We have not done randomized, controlled trials of sauna use, but there’s not a reasonable scientist who would suggest that.”

The doctor added, “If they’re sweating in a sauna, they’re leaving stuff for other people."

When asked whether people should blow warm air from a hand-held hair dryer onto their sinuses to combat the disease, as the video also suggests, Armstrong said, “No.”

“Most of the body is the same temperature, and there’s no evidence to suggest it’s preferentially attacking the sinuses," she said.
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