Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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23,619/23,683 open cases are in “mild condition“

silver lining
A lot of new cases, but the number of critical cases has stayed at 64 since last night, most of the new cases seem to be mild
2 things here.

The adding of citrus peels I believe shouldn't be overlooked.

They arent saying it doesn't work. They are saying there is no clinical proof so it would not be recommended. Also given that a sauna will make you sweat and it is a public facility, they are strong advising against it. This guys remedy solves the public facility issue.
keko jones keko jones said he posted it as a joke. Seems to have went over peoples head including my own.
The South Korean model needs to be implemented around the world. The time it took them to test 200k the US barely scratched 1k.

Korea also has one of the highest counts of hospital beds relative to country population. They've been tracking those infected with the virus through an app. I think eventually their numbers will climb again too still. It only took that one woman to start the initial mass spread in Korea. Might be pessimistic but I think we're all just working on slowing things down until an eventual vaccine. Trying to not break society in that time.

Cuomo recently just said that NY is now testing more people per capita than Korea though. So at least NY is starting to take testing seriously now.
Some states are no longer reporting negative test results :smh:
I think CDC was reporting tested numbers before, but I'm not positive.

† CDC is no longer reporting the number of persons under investigation (PUIs) that have been tested, as well as PUIs that have tested negative. Now that states are testing and reporting their own results, CDC’s numbers are not representative of all testing being done nationwide.
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Heavy rumor that Monday Washington state is going to go into “shelter and place”. I’m not sure what we are waiting for, people are not taking this seriously up here at all.
Some states are no longer reporting negative test results :smh:

Wouldn't the negative results get captured if you add them to the total tested. For example, if you test 1K and 750 are negative, wouldn't you report 1K tested with 250 positive therefore 750 negative? I think I'm missing something but not sure what it is :lol:
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