Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Korea also has one of the highest counts of hospital beds relative to country population. They've been tracking those infected with the virus through an app. I think eventually their numbers will climb again too still. It only took that one woman to start the initial mass spread in Korea. Might be pessimistic but I think we're all just working on slowing things down until an eventual vaccine. Trying to not break society in that time.

Cuomo recently just said that NY is now testing more people per capita than Korea though. So at least NY is starting to take testing seriously now.
I remember reading about how South Korea was steadily decreasing cases for a while and then one guy who wasn't following social distancing rules caused two large clusters of infections. All it takes is one fool.
Wouldn't the negative results get captured if you add them to the total tested. For example, if you test 1K and 750 are negative, wouldn't you report 1K tested with 250 positive therefore 750 negative? I think I'm missing something but not sure what it is :lol:

maybe they are just reporting positives? only thing that would make sense.
Heavy rumor that Monday Washington state is going to go into “shelter and place”. I’m not sure what we are waiting for, people are not taking this seriously up here at all.

same thing in Idaho, this **** needs to have happened yesterday. People out here are just asking to come down with it :smh:

Need convenient and free testing. 20-somethings aren't gonna bother getting tested if it cost money or if it's a big inconvenience.

Also ideally need to track those who are deemed positive but I doubt that would fly.
Heavy rumor that Monday Washington state is going to go into “shelter and place”. I’m not sure what we are waiting for, people are not taking this seriously up here at all.

Sadly, what they're doing in Alki Beach is "Sheltering in place." You're allowed to go out to exercise, walk the dog, go the the stores for essentials. Most if not all Cities that are Sheltering in Place, looks like that.
Only way to stop people from panicking is to stop time. Good luck with that. But isn’t time man made? Respect the laws of nature and abide. Been told from work to have our disaster relief card out in case. Stay safe out there NT
maybe they are just reporting positives? only thing that would make sense.

That is the only way it would make sense but that's dumb as hell and seems like a smoke screen to obscure the fact that we haven't test that many folks (reporting # of positives rather than # tested and # positives). I hate this administration.
Wouldn't the negative results get captured if you add them to the total tested. For example, if you test 1K and 750 are negative, wouldn't you report 1K tested with 250 positive therefore 750 negative? I think I'm missing something but not sure what it is :lol:
Yeah that would work. Maryland stopped releasing negative and pended cases. And PA is citing some law from 1955 regarding contagious diseases. Dunno the full details.
I’m starting to think humans are the virus and **** like covid19 is the universes antibodies trying to defeat us.


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