Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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All of our leaders have failed us. Our whole country is in shambles. Even at our hospital I voiced my opinion adamantly. They waited and waited and have been trying to squeeze every last dollar out of the health care workers.
I told my manager 2 weeks ago we should stop all elective cases. We don’t need people coming in for exams and procedures that aren’t emergent. Instead, they were more worried about the money they will potentially lose than the workers that are busting their asses everyday literally risking their life and the people around them.
I straight up told my boss it’s easy for you to sit in the office isolated while we are out here dealing with these patients face to face. The reason why the hospitals are all short on masks and supplies because the hospitals were still running like normal. Everyone is wasting supplies doing procedures that could easily wait till this is all over.

I am usually a really chill easy going person at work and she saw how pissed I was on Thursday that she gave me the day off Friday.
I’m here getting called in to work in the middle of the night and also working extra hours because we have so many idiots that still decided to travel so now they are all on quarantine. I work for a very prestigious hospital here. although I am happy at my workplace, the way our leaders have handled this situation and put us in jeopardy has forced me to look for a new hospital to work for after we get through this pandemic.
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In all fairness to him, he has been screaming about the impending shortage of masks and respirators for at least a week or two
That's the sad reality these politicians are holding out as long as possible they dont give a ****...
He’s been saying for weeks but the rest of the world has been telling us for months that n95 respirators are a necessity
NYC now the epicenter, fml.
After this is all said and done I’m speeding up my **** of this ****** city plan
i know this probably won’t happen as their are many strains of coronavirus. But the thought crossed my mind of “What if we accidentally cure the common cold?”

This dude about to save humanity.

I want to say this is probably wrong

Can COVID-19 be killed with hot air from a sauna or a hand-held hairdryer?
The same video falsely claims that applying warm air to one’s sinuses will help combat the coronavirus. The narrator asserts that going into a sauna for 20 minutes can kill more than 90% of most upper respiratory viruses.

Armstrong called the advice incorrect and dangerous, as people should be self-isolating and not going into a tight spaces in public areas.

“They have no data to support that," she said about the video’s claims. “We have not done randomized, controlled trials of sauna use, but there’s not a reasonable scientist who would suggest that.”

The doctor added, “If they’re sweating in a sauna, they’re leaving stuff for other people."

When asked whether people should blow warm air from a hand-held hair dryer onto their sinuses to combat the disease, as the video also suggests, Armstrong said, “No.”

“Most of the body is the same temperature, and there’s no evidence to suggest it’s preferentially attacking the sinuses," she said.

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i know this probably won’t happen as their are many strains of coronavirus. But the thought crossed my mind of “What if we accidentally cure the common cold?”
At this point if they come up with a vaccine or a treatment for Corona, then they have had the flu vaccine for decades.

Sometimes money trumps life ..

You make a cocktail that help fight off HIV but not a cure ..... hmmm

Is better to hook them than cure them.
I need some advice, I know ultimately I'm the only one who can decide for myself...

As previously stated, I work for a bank that has many locations in grocery stores, on Tuesday I was told we would be shutting down indefinitely and still being paid, then a day later I was told NVM you have to still go work at the traditional branch. And you will work 3-4 days a week but still be paid for 5.

Then I was told we'd work a week on, and work a week off. Now it's back to 3-4 days and be paid for 5.

I haven't worked since Tuesday, I honestly don't really feel comfortable going back to work at this time. I have like 13 days worth of PTO I believe that I could use a little bit of but honestly feel like I shouldn't have to, especially with all of the back and forth we've gotten.

To make matters worse, one of my colleague's boyfriend just got back from 2 and a half weeks in New Zealand and was coming in through O-Hare, she already said she's waited 2 and a half weeks to see him, so she's not waiting 2 and a half more...SMH.

I'm supposed to go back to work on Monday at the traditional branch but I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet.
Nah you don't need to get fitted every time you use a mask if you have reasonable belief your size hasn't changed since last fitting.
again, I'm just genuinely curious, but the mask out of the box is not fitted for you. So each time you grab a new one, it needs to be fitted correctly, and from the sound of things, someone helps you get fitted.

So just because you were fitted once, when you use a new one, it needs to be fitted. So how are professionals right now wearing correctly fitter masks?

Sorry to keep asking. I have masks and haven't used them but i'm very curious and know some medical professionals who i will be asking if they could help "just in case."
been seeing a lot more people wearing latex gloves but they're touching everything while also touching their personal items, are they going home and sanitizing everything?
feel like they're helping with surface spread in stores and what not also.
In regards to the N95 masks at work (hospital) they gave me a sticky with my size on the back of my badge/ID (I think it's like 1890 or something). They ask my size and I show em' the back. I assume it's something similar at other hospitals
ok, this explains it for me. Thanks for educating me everyone who chimed in.
again, I'm just genuinely curious, but the mask out of the box is not fitted for you. So each time you grab a new one, it needs to be fitted correctly, and from the sound of things, someone helps you get fitted.

So just because you were fitted once, when you use a new one, it needs to be fitted. So how are professionals right now wearing correctly fitter masks?

Sorry to keep asking. I have masks and haven't used them but i'm very curious and know some medical professionals who i will be asking if they could help "just in case."
When you get fitted, you memorize your size, and if something happens, you ask for that size.

You get fitted once a yr and only have to come back sooner if you have reasonable belief that you might be a different size due to dramatic change in weight, etc.
I need some advice, I know ultimately I'm the only one who can decide for myself...

As previously stated, I work for a bank that has many locations in grocery stores, on Tuesday I was told we would be shutting down indefinitely and still being paid, then a day later I was told NVM you have to still go work at the traditional branch. And you will work 3-4 days a week but still be paid for 5.

Then I was told we'd work a week on, and work a week off. Now it's back to 3-4 days and be paid for 5.

I haven't worked since Tuesday, I honestly don't really feel comfortable going back to work at this time. I have like 13 days worth of PTO I believe that I could use a little bit of but honestly feel like I shouldn't have to, especially with all of the back and forth we've gotten.

To make matters worse, one of my colleague's boyfriend just got back from 2 and a half weeks in New Zealand and was coming in through O-Hare, she already said she's waited 2 and a half weeks to see him, so she's not waiting 2 and a half more...SMH.

I'm supposed to go back to work on Monday at the traditional branch but I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet.
Where are you located? Are the numbers bad where you're at?
I need some advice, I know ultimately I'm the only one who can decide for myself...

As previously stated, I work for a bank that has many locations in grocery stores, on Tuesday I was told we would be shutting down indefinitely and still being paid, then a day later I was told NVM you have to still go work at the traditional branch. And you will work 3-4 days a week but still be paid for 5.

Then I was told we'd work a week on, and work a week off. Now it's back to 3-4 days and be paid for 5.

I haven't worked since Tuesday, I honestly don't really feel comfortable going back to work at this time. I have like 13 days worth of PTO I believe that I could use a little bit of but honestly feel like I shouldn't have to, especially with all of the back and forth we've gotten.

To make matters worse, one of my colleague's boyfriend just got back from 2 and a half weeks in New Zealand and was coming in through O-Hare, she already said she's waited 2 and a half weeks to see him, so she's not waiting 2 and a half more...SMH.

I'm supposed to go back to work on Monday at the traditional branch but I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet.

banks are considered essential and some still only deal in cash so I guess you will be making an impact for some. Are you in good health if you were to get sick? Ultimately comes down to what you need more. A job with vacation time for later or your health. At least you have a choice. Many others don’t
Where are you located? Are the numbers bad where you're at?
Im on Michigan, we have like 500 cases and I think less than 50 in my county, I haven’t checked in a few days though. I just figure with spring breakers coming back and with St Patrick’s day last weekend and the amount of people who went to Chicago, it’s bound to jump within a week.
My fellow NYers, how do you all feel about Cuomo? Party aside I think he's doing a great job.

de Blasio tho... what a hack.
People just came out crying
I need some advice, I know ultimately I'm the only one who can decide for myself...

As previously stated, I work for a bank that has many locations in grocery stores, on Tuesday I was told we would be shutting down indefinitely and still being paid, then a day later I was told NVM you have to still go work at the traditional branch. And you will work 3-4 days a week but still be paid for 5.

Then I was told we'd work a week on, and work a week off. Now it's back to 3-4 days and be paid for 5.

I haven't worked since Tuesday, I honestly don't really feel comfortable going back to work at this time. I have like 13 days worth of PTO I believe that I could use a little bit of but honestly feel like I shouldn't have to, especially with all of the back and forth we've gotten.

To make matters worse, one of my colleague's boyfriend just got back from 2 and a half weeks in New Zealand and was coming in through O-Hare, she already said she's waited 2 and a half weeks to see him, so she's not waiting 2 and a half more...SMH.

I'm supposed to go back to work on Monday at the traditional branch but I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet.
if you can afford to financially, I say quit or take the PTO first and let it play out. No company that still asks you to go to work will listen to people’s reasoning and logic right now.

without health nothing matters. If you can’t afford to I’d take the PTO and reassess after
I forgot to mention we are doing drive through only and appointments only for things such as mortgage closings.
But that drive through tube is gonna be full of germs I’m sure.
again, I'm just genuinely curious, but the mask out of the box is not fitted for you. So each time you grab a new one, it needs to be fitted correctly, and from the sound of things, someone helps you get fitted.

So just because you were fitted once, when you use a new one, it needs to be fitted. So how are professionals right now wearing correctly fitter masks?

Sorry to keep asking. I have masks and haven't used them but i'm very curious and know some medical professionals who i will be asking if they could help "just in case."

there are many types of n95 masks.

when you get fitted they try different types of masks.

ultimately they find the best fit for your face.

so if they tell you 1860s is best for you, you only grab 1860s to wear.

think of it like a shirt, they tell you Hanes Small is for you so you grab Hanes Small.
At this point if they come up with a vaccine or a treatment for Corona, then they have had the flu vaccine for decades.

Sometimes money trumps life ..

You make a cocktail that help fight off HIV but not a cure ..... hmmm

Is better to hook them than cure them.
Bill gates has been taunting that a universal vaccine to eradicate influenza is possible and that he’s put millions into it.
I need some advice, I know ultimately I'm the only one who can decide for myself...

As previously stated, I work for a bank that has many locations in grocery stores, on Tuesday I was told we would be shutting down indefinitely and still being paid, then a day later I was told NVM you have to still go work at the traditional branch. And you will work 3-4 days a week but still be paid for 5.

Then I was told we'd work a week on, and work a week off. Now it's back to 3-4 days and be paid for 5.

I haven't worked since Tuesday, I honestly don't really feel comfortable going back to work at this time. I have like 13 days worth of PTO I believe that I could use a little bit of but honestly feel like I shouldn't have to, especially with all of the back and forth we've gotten.

To make matters worse, one of my colleague's boyfriend just got back from 2 and a half weeks in New Zealand and was coming in through O-Hare, she already said she's waited 2 and a half weeks to see him, so she's not waiting 2 and a half more...SMH.

I'm supposed to go back to work on Monday at the traditional branch but I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet.
Banks were considered essential unless something has changed. Grocery stores are essential. I don’t think there’s a way around it. You should press them about providing you with masks if you’re interacting with the public.
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