Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Not sure what's going to change but ...

Also, what's going on with PPE supplies? I would think all hands on deck working overtime to pump all this out to the world. Crazy ...

Two new virus cases, one more in Fairbanks, Alaska; schools closed until May 1; bans on crowd size
This is the **** that gets to me ... you see what's going on......

Shut the MF down and that it.
i dont want this to be a condemnation on the younger people but literally their lives have been a breeze. gotta forgive them for being unable to grasp the devastating complexity of the situation. until someone of the kardashians or insert famous rapper get hooked to a respirator, its memes on top of memes because thats the natural response to anything. something happens , post about it and wait for reactions.

so good news im hearing is that a cocktail of medication is working to subside the heavy symptoms?

like i said before, i think we are about 1 or 2 weeks away from really breaking thru and hurting the curve. i am hoping that the production warehouses are able to rally up and supply the medical field with proper PPE. I also heard of 3-d prunting being used to create some supplies.

this current lockdown is all about not overtaxing the healthcare system. something people just do not under stand . it saddens and angers me to see people taking it so lightly, while people on the frontlines in hopsitals and healthcare are under enormous amounts of stress dealing with unprecedented circumstances.

i really dont know how to feel about all these people "working from home" are out with their kids strolling through local parks sipping coffee cups laughing and what not. treating this like a 3 month vacation getting paid while medical workers are risking their lives .

the economy needs to be amended. proper pay needs to happen.

Honestly I think it's gotten serious to the point that I'm ready for the jokes and stuff to stop. This is possibly the worst thing we'll see in our lifetime, claiming people by the minute. Not really a laughing matter. Like someone said earlier, it's going to take a celeb to pass for people to take it serious. Either that or someone's close relative.

All the people losing their jobs is insane too. I'm working from home but I wonder if my complex will make accommodations for anyone whose job is affected.
I feel these points of view about people not taking the shelter in place seriously or even caring about social distancing. Unfortunately sometimes we can become apathetic towards death, especially if it's a world away and to individuals who were already compromised. Not saying it's right but sometimes it can happen

What hit home for me was seeing Americans lose their jobs overnight and the hospitals getting overran. That was my turning point

Until society starts seeing previously healthy 18-40 year olds dying at a high rate unfortunately I don't think much is going to change

We're hardwired to be close to others and feel a sense of connectivity. When you throw in that work is no longer mandatory you give everyone that free will of choice. More likely than not people are not going to make the right decisions
Some of us about to eat, without having a choice in the matter. I'm trying to figure out ways to stay outdoors as to protect loved ones staying with me. Take walks, take pictures, go running.

Starbucks should be an essential industry.
Yes you do have to be fitted for a N-95 mask but it’s not some difficult concept where it takes some expansive test to figure out if it’s a good fit

you just need a tight seal. If you can get your hands on multiple sizes you will be able to tell which one fits you the best
At my hospital we go through a 15 minute fitting where they hook you up to a machine and test normal, deep, breathing, when I'm talking, when I'm not, different positions looking up, down, left, right etc.. After the first run, I tried on a different size.. went through the test again and it was the right fit..
Which ones are they giving you? The 3M brand?

Paramus is an extremely wealthy area. They got McLaren dealerships out there and soccer mom's rushing to get tested. People need to let the elderly and people with underlying conditions get tested first.

A lot of y'all think the fear being pumped from the media is good bc it makes people take it seriously but it also makes totally healthy citizens with no symptoms rush to get tested resulting in facilities like this one being shut down and preventing someone who's at risk being able to get a test.
Paramus is an extremely wealthy area. They got McLaren dealerships out there and soccer mom's rushing to get tested. People need to let the elderly and people with underlying conditions get tested first.

A lot of y'all think the fear being pumped from the media is good bc it makes people take it seriously but it also makes totally healthy citizens with no symptoms rush to get tested resulting in facilities like this one being shut down and preventing someone who's at risk being able to get a test.
Are you sure this site is freely testing anyone? The sites in NY are by appointment.
Paramus is an extremely wealthy area. They got McLaren dealerships out there and soccer mom's rushing to get tested. People need to let the elderly and people with underlying conditions get tested first.

A lot of y'all think the fear being pumped from the media is good bc it makes people take it seriously but it also makes totally healthy citizens with no symptoms rush to get tested resulting in facilities like this one being shut down and preventing someone who's at risk being able to get a test.
People carrying virus with no symptoms is a big part of how the virus spreads. Ideally it'd be nice if there enough testing capacity to test many ppl as possible, symptoms or not.

3,254 new cases in New York State, including 1,803 new cases in New York City
New York State cases now over 10,000
6,211 cases in NYC

1,603 hospitalized for coronavirus in New York State (15% of cases)

NY Governor Cuomo: "You have to expect at the end of the day, 40% to 80% of the population is going to be infected. So the only question is how fast is the rate...and can you slow that rate so your hospital system can deal with it."

Feeling better today. Fever has stayed at a low 37.2
Chest still hurts when taking deep breaths but less than yesterday. The irresistable urge to cough uncontrollably when taking a deep breath seems to have gone away entirely. The dull nagging pain in my back, like someone pushed a rod from my back into my lung and it got stuck, is slightly worse today but still remains more of an annoyance than a real pain. So improvement across the board aside from that last part.
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