Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Japan's coronavirus infections cross 1,000: NHK

Honestly I think it's gotten serious to the point that I'm ready for the jokes and stuff to stop. This is possibly the worst thing we'll see in our lifetime, claiming people by the minute. Not really a laughing matter. Like someone said earlier, it's going to take a celeb to pass for people to take it serious. Either that or someone's close relative.

All the people losing their jobs is insane too. I'm working from home but I wonder if my complex will make accommodations for anyone whose job is affected.
i dont want this to be a condemnation on the younger people but literally their lives have been a breeze. gotta forgive them for being unable to grasp the devastating complexity of the situation. until someone of the kardashians or insert famous rapper get hooked to a respirator, its memes on top of memes because thats the natural response to anything. something happens , post about it and wait for reactions.

so good news im hearing is that a cocktail of medication is working to subside the heavy symptoms?

like i said before, i think we are about 1 or 2 weeks away from really breaking thru and hurting the curve. i am hoping that the production warehouses are able to rally up and supply the medical field with proper PPE. I also heard of 3-d prunting being used to create some supplies.

this current lockdown is all about not overtaxing the healthcare system. something people just do not under stand . it saddens and angers me to see people taking it so lightly, while people on the frontlines in hopsitals and healthcare are under enormous amounts of stress dealing with unprecedented circumstances.

i really dont know how to feel about all these people "working from home" are out with their kids strolling through local parks sipping coffee cups laughing and what not. treating this like a 3 month vacation getting paid while medical workers are risking their lives .

the economy needs to be amended. proper pay needs to happen.
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cant really skim thru the thread - just moving too fast

any updates on testing kits? last I heard the method was a nasal swab. then someone was testing was antibodies of covid. then a new test from a company that gives results in hours? any concrete updates?
cant really skim thru the thread - just moving too fast

any updates on testing kits? last I heard the method was a nasal swab. then someone was testing was antibodies of covid. then a new test from a company that gives results in hours? any concrete updates?

All diagnostics Co's have ramped up production and have begun shipping. CDC, FDA gave expedited approvals for the new quick testing kits. A few Co's have the 10-20min testing kits expedited as well...3mos out.
You'd think they'd have some testing centers up for us essential folks who have to go to work Monday. I'm not worried about myself really, I'm more worried about going to work every day and one or more of us being positive and spreading it.
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