Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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In a bit of better news, new worldwide cases for Friday were at 29.5k. I was expecting 40k. The new Mark is just 1,700 more than the day prior. Most new cases are going to NY, like a third of all new cases.

Charts are still leaning exponential growth as a whole

someone mentioned Kirkland WA numbers. They have almost plateaued.

and where are all the NY deaths? I hate to look at deaths St the ultimate end game measurement, but it’s still early

stay in 10 more days. We got this.
Dude talking about a notice for an imminent shutdown is onto something.
Just got my "pass". Supposed to have it at all times apparently.
I'm blowing my whole return on a chain & watch setup.

Everyone stay self-quarantined if you have elders staying with you. I work in healthcare and this **** is about to hit the fan.
According to a study, viable on the following surfaces for the following periods of time:

Droplets in the air (such as after a sneeze) for 2-3 hours
Copper surfaces (considered harsh for many micro-organisms) for 4 hours
Cardboard for 24 hours
Plastic and stainless steel for 2-3 days
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Prior to covid, it was one mask per use. You use it in a room, take it off and throw it away when leaving the room. Now I think CDC is saying it’s okay to reuse, but ultimately it’s due to the supply shortage.
so then in this case, people are not really getting fitted each time they use a mask. They are being worn incorrectly even by the professions.
I was thinking what would happen if an employee at a grocery store got infected
They would have to shut it down
I don’t see any of them wearing masks
I see some wearing gloves
Again, not to rain on anyone’s parade and I didn’t want to go into the Lions Den of the official thread. But maybe, just maaayybeee since we don’t know how long this will last and what the economy, let alone job market, will look like moving forward that it might be wise to stash that check for either a rainy day or on things that are deemed “essential” or “life sustaining”?

I did some back of the napkin math and if you make $75K (I believe that’s maximum the threshold for a single filer), you would have gotten six paychecks (~25% of your salary) or roughly $15,425 after federal income taxes. On top of that you’d have any applicable state and local taxes as well as insurance, social security and Medicare. Once you get your net pay, you got rent/mortgage, utilities, food, transportation, etc. Again it’s dependent upon the grand scheme of your situation but it might be worth holding on to for a lot of folks. That item will still be there when this is all over.
so then in this case, people are not really getting fitted each time they use a mask. They are being worn incorrectly even by the professions.
Nah you don't need to get fitted every time you use a mask if you have reasonable belief your size hasn't changed since last fitting.
Again, not to rain on anyone’s parade and I didn’t want to go into the Lions Den of the official thread. But maybe, just maaayybeee since we don’t know how long this last and what the economy, let alone job market, will look like moving forward that it might be wise to stash that check for either a rainy day or on things are deemed “essential” or “life sustaining”?

I did some back of the napkin math and if you make $75K (I believe that’s maximum the threshold for a single filer), you would have gotten Six paychecks (~25% of your salary) or roughly $15,425 after federal income taxes. On top of that you’d have any applicable state and local taxes as well as insurance, social security and Medicare. Once you get your net pay, you got rent/mortgage, utilities, food, transportation, etc. Again it’s dependent upon the grand scheme of your situation but it might be worth holding on to for a lot of folks. That item will still be there when this is all over.

didn't read, copping a m3.
According to a study, viable on the following surfaces for the following periods of time:

Droplets in the air (such as after a sneeze) for 2-3 hours
Copper surfaces (considered harsh for many micro-organisms) for 4 hours
Cardboard for 24 hours
Plastic and stainless steel for 2-3 days

this has to be man made
i cant see this coming from animals
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