Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Been doing deliveries, its booming out here. Folks just staying in ordering food and getting fat.

They tip better in deliveries too compared to regular rides.

Damn near all of em just msg me to leave the food by the door. Super efficient esp with no traffic and parking enforcement and gas being 73cents a litre.
are you wearing a n95 mask and wearing gloves doing deliveries?

I’ll have to see how my condition develops overnight but taking into account my current symptoms and past experiences with all kinds of respiratory illnesses, I suspect I have to pneumonia. I can’t really come up with anything else that I can link back to previous experiences. It’s certainly not bronchitis.

Some aspects are practically identical to what I felt in all two of my previous pneumonia cases. One of my current symptoms (the dull internal ache that radiates to my mid-upper back and kind of feels like there's something inbetween your ribs/lung that isn't supposed to be there) also immediately reminded me of how I felt during my previous 2 pneumonia cases. Both cases had that exact same distinct dull pain I'm feeling now.
The one major difference is that in the past 2 cases, my temperature dropped to the low 35 degree Celsius range, whereas now I’m hovering at a fever temperature of around 37.5 (fluctuated between 37.3 and 37.7 today)

I’m going to bed in a few minutes, hopefully off to a better morning than today.

pull through bro this going to be a ruff time for many people around the world
china pulled a fast one on us all
damn cough is persistent hasn’t properly gone away in over two weeks now. Been drinking honey tea everyday and staying indoors. Maybe all the talking during video conference meetings isn’t helping but no choice about that . Any tips?
Sends me a prescription!!!!

PM me ....

On another note, I think that's why hospitals are going to an appointment routine and they are setting up drive thru test sites ...

All these are measures to reduce the spread which it will help immensely.
Not in Florida they arent. they got us mad unprepared down here taking care of paients without N95 masks just regular surgical masks! They over her saying these people are just rule out covid patients so its not needed. Brah what happens when they confirmed covid and i just took care of them without the proper equipment then what??? :stoneface:
i got crickets on that question from superiors.
sleep, hydrate, eat clean. That's all I do when I feel sick and I'm usually good after a couple days. That's just for the common cold though. I honestly can't remember the last time I've had the flu. I get a flu shot every year and I've been good. knock on wood.

damn cough is persistent hasn’t properly gone away in over two weeks now. Been drinking honey tea everyday and staying indoors. Maybe all the talking during video conference meetings isn’t helping but no choice about that . Any tips?
Starting to see more people wearing masks/gloves here in nyc but nowhere near enough.

I don’t leave the house without n95. It was obvious nyc would become ground zero.

Already stocked up on hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin at home just in case earlier this week.

Hydroxychloroquine already backordered or on low supply at pharmacy wholesalers here.
damn cough is persistent hasn’t properly gone away in over two weeks now. Been drinking honey tea everyday and staying indoors. Maybe all the talking during video conference meetings isn’t helping but no choice about that . Any tips?
Keep taking home remedies. Cough syrup if you have. As long as you don’t have a really high fever and can breathe you’re good.
Not in Florida they arent. they got us mad unprepared down here taking care of paients without N95 masks just regular surgical masks! They over her saying these people are just rule out covid patients so its not needed. Brah what happens when they confirmed covid and i just took care of them without the proper equipment then what??? :stoneface:
i got crickets on that question from superiors.
Man, FL is wild ... they saw what was going on in the US and said F it, we cant hurt our economy, **** the people though .....
So has the overall consensus changed on the effectiveness/reasons to wear N95 masks?

The idea that it was only effective to prevent and had no use otherwise seemed to be heavily pushed
So has the overall consensus changed on the effectiveness/reasons to wear N95 masks?

The idea that it was only effective to prevent and had no use otherwise seemed to be heavily pushed
I really dont know how people buying N95 masks out the blue. We have to be fitted for them in the hospital on day one so we know our correct size.They use a special spray and everything to make sure the fit is perfect. So i guarantee dudes is walking around with 100$ mask on that aint doing S***
In literally hours, the FED unleashed $2 TRILLION to Bailout and Backstop these Hedge Funds....
Now, $200Billi for the serfs people...keep waiting:smh:

Before Fed Acted, Leverage Burned Hedge Funds in Treasury Market

March 19, 2020, 12:19 PM EDT Updated on March 19, 2020, 5:47 PM EDT
  • Basis traders were borrowing as much as 50 times their wagers
  • ExodusPoint, LMR Partners among the losers in popular trade

When coronavirus panic kicked off unprecedented turmoil in Treasuries last week, hedge fund leverage was lurking.
The firms use borrowed money from the repurchase market for the popular basis trade, which exploits price differences between cash Treasuries and futures. Though individual firms’ borrowing is a closely guarded metric, people familiar with the transactions said some of them levered up as much as 50 times their own wagers. Leveraged funds’ exposure to the basis strategy could be as much as $650 billion, JPMorgan Chase & Co. strategists said.

Investors seeking safety rushed into Treasury futures on March 12, and hedge funds got hammered. A difficulty in completing trades ensued, and was a contributing factor to the Federal Reserve’s decision to pledge $5 trillion to keep markets running smoothly.

High leverage amplifies profits and losses and can be responsible for forced liquidations -- and market fluctuations. This week, a sell-off in Treasury futures tied to margin calls pushed outstanding contracts to their lowest level since 2018. Many firms also get funding from money markets, whose problems have prompted the Fed to provide emergency funding.

Treasury yield moves stoke chaos and pain

Hedge funds’ excessive leverage has contributed in the past to congestion in the typically smooth Treasury market, according to a December report from the Bank of International Settlements, and bank traders have blamed hedge funds in the basis trade for continued issues in repo markets, especially after lending rates spiked in September to 10% from about 2%.
Treasuries Downdraft
“Too big to fail is back, and this time it’s not the banks, it’s levered financial institutions,” said Mark Yusko, the chief executive officer of Morgan Creek Capital. Yusko said he supported the Fed’s stepping in, but added that hedge fund firms have gotten too big by borrowing too much. “It’s a bailout,” Yusko said of the Fed’s actions.
Smaller firms got caught in the Treasuries downdraft.
ExodusPoint Capital Management lost 4% this month through March 13, on pace for its worst month ever, according to people familiar with the situation. It was unclear how much the basis trade contributed to the loss.
An LMR Partners’ fund fell 12.5% in the first two weeks of this month and spurred the firm to raise new capital.
Capula Investment Management’s Global Relative Value Fund dropped 5.2%, people said, and Field Street Capital Management’s fixed-income relative-value flagship fund, in which the basis trade is substantial, sank 14.5% and had to reduce the size of its positions.
The firms declined to comment.
If the declines appear meager compared with losses in stocks and oil, to name two assets with historic plunges, consider that for years, the basis trade earned such steady gains that traders mocked it as lazy.
Perfect Paradise
“We’ve had 10 years of a perfect paradise and so people have been picking up pennies thinking there’s no risk in holding strategies like the basis trade,” said Kathryn Kaminski, chief research strategist and portfolio manager at AlphaSimplex Group. “A lot of the strategies, like the basis, that hedge funds tend to use don’t work when markets aren’t stable. You’ll see more of these types of blowouts.”
Treasury Futures Domino That Helped Drive Fed’s $5 Trillion Repo
Other firms fared better, according to people familiar with their operations. The market unwind had a relatively small impact on multi-strategy funds Citadel and Millennium Management, the people said, though Millennium is closing several “trading pods” after weathering a 2.7% slump this month through March 12. Millennium was down 1.9% for the year. The firms declined to comment.
Multi-strategy funds sold their positions after they sustained small losses last week, according to a person familiar with the market who was speaking generally and not specifically about particular hedge funds. That led to steeper deficits for firms more focused on the basis trade, the person said.
JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Barclays Plc and BNP Paribas SA are among the world’s top repurchase lenders, according to regulatory data. The banks declined to comment.
BlueCrest Shrinks From Relative-Value Trades Amid Losses, Exits
Raymond Wang of BlueCrest Capital Management was dismissed March 9 after he couldn’t find a buyer for the investment firm’s losing positions in the basis trade. They were paper losses, according to a person familiar with the situation, because the futures contract hadn’t reached the expiration date before which Wang might have sold the position and made money. If BlueCrest were able to hang on to the future contract it’s possible the firm could’ve come out ahead on the trade, the person said. The firm declined to comment.
The next expiration date for some Treasury futures is March 31.
— With assistance by Nishant Kumar, and Stephen Spratt
(Adds Millennium’s year-to-date performance in 14th paragraph. An earlier version of the story erroneously said Mark Yusko invested in Citadel.)
I really dont know how people buying N95 masks out the blue. We have to be fitted for them in the hospital on day one so we know our correct size.They use a special spray and everything to make sure the fit is perfect. So i guarantee dudes is walking around with 100$ mask on that aint doing S***
At my hospital we go through a 15 minute fitting where they hook you up to a machine and test normal, deep, breathing, when I'm talking, when I'm not, different positions looking up, down, left, right etc.. After the first run, I tried on a different size.. went through the test again and it was the right fit..
damn cough is persistent hasn’t properly gone away in over two weeks now. Been drinking honey tea everyday and staying indoors. Maybe all the talking during video conference meetings isn’t helping but no choice about that . Any tips?

i had this going on a little over a month ago, felt like I was drinking hot honey tea every day for weeks. It’s finally better.
I really dont know how people buying N95 masks out the blue. We have to be fitted for them in the hospital on day one so we know our correct size.They use a special spray and everything to make sure the fit is perfect. So i guarantee dudes is walking around with 100$ mask on that aint doing S***
One of the post office workers here in the Bay was wearing one. It wasn’t sealed over her face and she kept pulling it office to talk.
Starting to see more people wearing masks/gloves here in nyc but nowhere near enough.

I don’t leave the house without n95. It was obvious nyc would become ground zero.

Already stocked up on hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin at home just in case earlier this week.

Hydroxychloroquine already backordered or on low supply at pharmacy wholesalers here.
How did you get a prescription? Request it for pre existing conditions?

maybe its all bs. But I’ve been lucky with the homeopathic flu pills. Boiron makes a couple (throat calm and their oscillococcinum) . I’ll also do elderberry syrup. I’ll mix in some NyQuil or DayQuil. Sleep, water, and time. A cayenne/oregano/salt warm water gargle helped with a sore throat. Keep your mouth hydrated they say. Cough drops. Suck on something at all times lol.
At my hospital we go through a 15 minute fitting where they hook you up to a machine and test normal, deep, breathing, when I'm talking, when I'm not, different positions looking up, down, left, right etc.. After the first run, I tried on a different size.. went through the test again and it was the right fit..
At my hospital we go through a 15 minute fitting where they hook you up to a machine and test normal, deep, breathing, when I'm talking, when I'm not, different positions looking up, down, left, right etc.. After the first run, I tried on a different size.. went through the test again and it was the right fit..
so do you have to get fitted each time you need one, or do they size a bunch for your specifically at once and you have your own stash?
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