Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Feeling better today. Fever has stayed at a low 37.2
Chest still hurts when taking deep breaths but less than yesterday. The irresistable urge to cough uncontrollably when taking a deep breath seems to have gone away entirely. The dull nagging pain in my back, like someone pushed a rod from my back into my lung and it got stuck, is slightly worse today but still remains more of an annoyance than a real pain. So improvement across the board aside from that last part.

Glad to hear you're getting better.
Hoping for your full recovery soon.
Feeling better today. Fever has stayed at a low 37.2
Chest still hurts when taking deep breaths but less than yesterday. The irresistable urge to cough uncontrollably when taking a deep breath seems to have gone away entirely. The dull nagging pain in my back, like someone pushed a rod from my back into my lung and it got stuck, is slightly worse today but still remains more of an annoyance than a real pain. So improvement across the board aside from that last part.

Heal up my boy. Real one in Belgium. This for you :pimp:

I was thinking what would happen if an employee at a grocery store got infected
They would have to shut it down
I don’t see any of them wearing masks
I see some wearing gloves
Nope. Already happened at a target in wither North Carolina or Kentucky. They shut it down for a night and disinfect.
I posted this and was told it was a woman recovering from lung cancer or something like that. I dont know though. ..

I think It's real. There more info and updates on her. aswell as an interview. Either way, thanks for putting it out. I been trying to quit just on the strength of this video alone. Real eye opener.

Doctors originally told her she had a chest infection originally and prescribed her ibuprofen. There's more in the article.

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You'd think they'd have some testing centers up for us essential folks who have to go to work Monday. I'm not worried about myself really, I'm more worried about going to work every day and one or more of us being positive and spreading it.
That makes no sense unless you're going to get tested everyday. Protect yourself and act proactively as if youre asymptomatic and let those who are ill get tested. My position is considered essential as well and its all I can do. If I felt any type of symptoms I'd quarantine at home and recover before I rush to get tested.
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People carrying virus with no symptoms is a big part of how the virus spreads. Ideally it'd be nice if there enough testing capacity to test many ppl as possible, symptoms or not.

I agree fully. Everyone should be able to get tested so they don't put others at risk but we've all read the reports of how far behind USA is in terms of testing. So if we as citizens know the at risk groups and don't fall into them and don't have symptoms, it's our duty to ensure the ones who need the test most are getting it. Just like parents who are buying 500 rolls of toilet paper so little Timmy can wipe his *** for the next 3 months not concerned about the old man that lives alone who can't find toilet paper anywhere.

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