Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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Bill gates has been taunting that a universal vaccine to eradicate influenza is possible and that he’s put millions into it.

Banks were considered essential unless something has changed. Grocery stores are essential. I don’t think there’s a way around it. You should press them about providing you with masks if you’re interacting with the public.

They told us on Monday we’d be receiving gloves and when I asked yesterday I was told “you can use your own” oh okay, well the ya re kind of impossible to get currently lol

I don't know if this is real or even recent for the pandemic. However if it is, the stor deserves just as much if not more blame.
All of our leaders have failed us. Our whole country is in shambles. Even at our hospital I voiced my opinion adamantly. They waited and waited and have been trying to squeeze every last dollar out of the health care workers.
I told my manager 2 weeks ago we should stop all elective cases. We don’t need people coming in for exams and procedures that aren’t emergent. Instead, they were more worried about the money they will potentially lose than the workers that are busting their asses everyday literally risking their life and the people around them.
I straight up told my boss it’s easy for you to sit in the office isolated while we are out here dealing with these patients face to face. The reason why the hospitals are all short on masks and supplies because the hospitals were still running like normal. Everyone is wasting supplies doing procedures that could easily wait till this is all over.

I am usually a really chill easy going person at work and she saw how pissed I was on Thursday that she gave me the day off Friday.
I’m here getting called in to work in the middle of the night and also working extra hours because we have so many idiots that still decided to travel so now they are all on quarantine. I work for a very prestigious hospital here. although I am happy at my workplace, the way our leaders have handled this situation and put us in jeopardy has forced me to look for a new hospital to work for after we get through this pandemic.

They’ll learn once lawsuits start popping up from employees or their families....once nurses, doctors, RTs, or just about anyone that was told “it’s ok you can treat that patient with a surgical mask on” falls ill or God forbid die because of this and these admins and institutions start getting hit with suits and lawyers get involved, they will understand how poorly they handled their staff....

This might be harsh as hell, but this is what I think, when I see a picture like this.


I'm kicking myself... I went for a walk today and most streets are not empty, but significantly depopulated. People are keeping distance, but a few are not. This is unnerving, that there are still people out there, who can't cough in their ******* sleves and are just la-di-da-ing through this whole ordeal.


And I understand banks are an essential business ,
But the traditional Branch already has staff, in my honest opinion it doesn’t make sense to throw 4 more people in there and add to the risk of us spreading the virus or having it be spread to us.
there are many types of n95 masks.

when you get fitted they try different types of masks.

ultimately they find the best fit for your face.

so if they tell you 1860s is best for you, you only grab 1860s to wear.

think of it like a shirt, they tell you Hanes Small is for you so you grab Hanes Small.

To piggyback these masks also have a wired type upper frame you can mold to your nose in order to create a seal.
And I understand banks are an essential business ,
But the traditional Branch already has staff, in my honest opinion it doesn’t make sense to throw 4 more people in there and add to the risk of us spreading the virus or having it be spread to us.

Heartless bank...sounds like WellsFargo??:smh:
He should use this video to run for a high position. I’d vote for him.

This is what we hoped our politicians are. Really just fighting for the people.

I'm in senior management in a multi billion dollar firm. One thing I learned, focus on the problem, not the person.

That woman should have 0 ego coming in there if she was spearheading whatever it is they are doing.

Trump praised an anti-malaria drug as treatment for the novel coronavirus. Now, Nigeria has two reported cases of chloroquine poisoning
Damn all the undesirable black pepper spam soldout in my local market
People getting desperate
Stay safe
I want to say this is probably wrong

Can COVID-19 be killed with hot air from a sauna or a hand-held hairdryer?
The same video falsely claims that applying warm air to one’s sinuses will help combat the coronavirus. The narrator asserts that going into a sauna for 20 minutes can kill more than 90% of most upper respiratory viruses.

Armstrong called the advice incorrect and dangerous, as people should be self-isolating and not going into a tight spaces in public areas.

“They have no data to support that," she said about the video’s claims. “We have not done randomized, controlled trials of sauna use, but there’s not a reasonable scientist who would suggest that.”

The doctor added, “If they’re sweating in a sauna, they’re leaving stuff for other people."

When asked whether people should blow warm air from a hand-held hair dryer onto their sinuses to combat the disease, as the video also suggests, Armstrong said, “No.”

“Most of the body is the same temperature, and there’s no evidence to suggest it’s preferentially attacking the sinuses," she said.

2 things here.

The adding of citrus peels I believe shouldn't be overlooked.

They arent saying it doesn't work. They are saying there is no clinical proof so it would not be recommended. Also given that a sauna will make you sweat and it is a public facility, they are strong advising against it. This guys remedy solves the public facility issue.
Heartless bank...sounds like WellsFargo??:smh:
It is not, It isn’t a national bank. I don’t want to say who it is but I’ll just say when I started for them, it truly felt like the company cared about it’s people and the culture was the best I had seen in a company, now I can’t help but feel extremely disappointed with how they’ve handled the whole thing.

If anything the “one week on one week off” makes more sense so someone would have a whole 7 days to start to show symptoms and over the weekend nobody would be in the branch, but nah they want to alternate us every 2-3 days.
For some of the political pros in here, what are the chances of a total shutdown in the real near future?

min really hoping some essential retailers would also take a few weeks off, as I work for a company that is staying open through this whole thing.

i go through three county lines just to get to work, and it’s just getting wayyyyy to hectic out there. The days are getting longer, working extra days. Just thinking of this thing spreading is insane.

Trump praised an anti-malaria drug as treatment for the novel coronavirus. Now, Nigeria has two reported cases of chloroquine poisoning
Self medicating.
I could kill my self with a lot of drugs too if I took enough of it...
This might be harsh as hell, but this is what I think, when I see a picture like this.


I'm kicking myself... I went for a walk today and most streets are not empty, but significantly depopulated. People are keeping distance, but a few are not. This is unnerving, that there are still people out there, who can't cough in their ****ing sleves and are just la-di-da-ing through this whole ordeal.

If by some miracle it didn’t spread to people who have been taking precautions, I’d be 100% cool with these idiots getting the virus and dying off. World needs fewer morons anyway. Every single dumb @&$ in the spring break videos, people playing sports outside, having beach picnics...all of them

It’s not stupidity alone; it’s the complete disregard for other human beings. Humans are supposed to be cooperative and helpful towards each other, but these clowns are doing the opposite. If you roll with the “I’m fine, who cares about anyone else” mentality in life, what is the point of being alive or staying in a society? Leeches
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